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Receipt of Purchase - Printable Version

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Receipt of Purchase - Denelo - 09-27-2009

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Comm ID

Executive Commander Mori Tadao of the Hellfire Legion

Target ID

High Overlord John Petrucci of the Vagrant Raiders

Good day.

This is the confirmation and receipt of a transaction between the Hellfire Legion and the Vagrant Raiders for the betterment of both groups and the advancement of their causes.

The Hellfire Legion hereby agrees to transfer the ownership of the remains of the Sarissa-class battleship once know as the Cassus Belli to the Vagrant Raiders for any use they see fit. The Hellfire Legion also agrees to provide mooring for the remains of this battleship under the terms of the Mutual Supply and Protection Pact, Article Three, and reserves the right to deny this battleship mooring in favor of the ships belonging to the Hellfire Legion under Article Three, Page 8, Paragraph IV of the aforementioned Mutual Supply and Protection Pact.

In return, the Vagrant Raiders agree to transfer directly to the Hellfire Legion the sum of three hundred million (300,000,000) standard Sirius Credits, under no terms and conditions for their use.

The transfer of ownership will take place immediately at the time that the proof of payment from the Vagrant Raiders to the Hellfire Legion is made.

So agree the undersigned.

Mori Tadao

Executive Commander of the Hellfire Legion

John Petrucci

High Overlord of the Vagrant Raiders

Transmission complete.
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Receipt of Purchase - atlantis2112 - 09-27-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Sender: Petrucci, John
Target: Commander Mori of the Hellfire Legion

This is a confirming message. Credits have been deposited in the desired account.

[Image: Transferpaymnet.jpg]

The new crew of the vessel is being trained in proper proceedures by my assistant, James LaBrie. They are not quite yet prepared, so with your permission, we request that the Hull be allowed to continue to hold its position in its current location.

Thanks in advance,


End of Transmission.

Receipt of Purchase - Denelo - 09-27-2009

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Opening transmission...
... Transmission open.

Comm ID

Executive Commander Mori Tadao of the Hellfire Legion

Target ID

High Overlord John Petrucci of the Vagrant Raiders

Payment has been received. The wreck is now yours.

Of course, as I mentioned before, it can stay at Fort Leniex for a time. It will need too anyways, with the repairs you're going to have to do on it.

Thank you.

Transmission complete.
Closing transmission...
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... Complete.
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