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Reduce bribe prices! - Printable Version

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Reduce bribe prices! - stardust47 - 09-30-2009

Look, bribe prices (for setting up characters) are too expensive. Please nerf them down so that people can afford them. We want to roleplay, not set up characters!

Reduce bribe prices! - Ash - 09-30-2009

Uhm no, everyone would be friendly with everyone otherwise.

Their fine as they are.

Reduce bribe prices! - Gabrielle - 09-30-2009

Bribe prices fluctuate depending on the amount of reputation needed, do a mission or kill some npc's for cheaper bribes.

Reduce bribe prices! - AJBeast - 09-30-2009

Most I have seen is one million, and it ain't that much , really. 1m is small change. And besides, we don't want every newbie and their mother taking a bribe right away without absorbing the factions RP first.

So , no, bad idea.

Reduce bribe prices! - Zukeenee - 09-30-2009

Mmm, I don't know. Hacking someone's reputation to make people think they like you? I'd expect that to cost you quite a bit of money. Besides, you have to pay a price for taking the easy way out, when you could just do missions. So I think bribe prices should stay as they are.

Reduce bribe prices! - Ash - 09-30-2009

Whats up with gabrielle's avvie?

Sorry to sidetrack but it's probably the most real life avvie i've ever seen on this forum.

Reduce bribe prices! - swift - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:Whats up with gabrielle's avvie?

Sorry to sidetrack but it's probably the most real life avvie i've ever seen on this forum.
Fake as every internet av, I'd s'pose.

Reduce bribe prices! - Riley Mackenzie - 09-30-2009

The bribe system is fine the way it is, & there is absolutely nothing preventing you from RP'ing the 'set up' of the character. use the set up time to develop the personality of your character

Reduce bribe prices! - teschy - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:Fake as every internet av, I'd s'pose.

It's Boxxy, you fracken n00b. Some 4chan hoax. L3rn ur internet memes.

On the matter, lowering the bribe prices isn't a bad idea, and for those saying 'you're gonna make yourself friendly to everyone', well, that doesn't really apply, because rep-hacks lower other reputations too. So yeah, you can cut down these in half. I mean, the /droprep is like 200k, why should these be more expensive ?

Reduce bribe prices! - Colonel.Tigh - 09-30-2009

Fly around and take every bribe you find, and you will end up beeing at least neutral with about everything, including Guards (xept for navys), done that wasnt that expensive, only Nomads, Wilde, Coalition, Admins and Lolwuts are hostile, after it.

so no need to pull the bribes down, usually one can set up an (non guard) char within 1 or 2 houres.