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AW controlling Omicron Theta - majkp - 04-26-2007

Hope this thread doesn't end in flames...

I have to comment this:
' Wrote:AW owns Omicron-74, but we are the major Zoner faction, and control Theta.

I think this statement is a very controversial one and should be discussed.

I have nothing agains AW controlling their home system (Omicron-74), but controlling Omicron Theta after they move to O-74 is a different thing. AW is neither a house police, nor military. And it has been written several times that the connection between AW and Zoners is very vague. Therefore it shouldn't be compared with RM in Rheinland, SF in Bretonia, SA in Liberty or KNF in Kusari when it comes to controlling house systems.

Dab, please, don't consider this as a flame attempt, but you can't just take advantages and ignore uneasy consequences. I mean AW is not a typical independent zoner faction, actually you guys are far from that so you shouldn't say things like that or you should change your faction policy.

One thing I must admit - my view can be a bit biased, because I was recently (in my sso character) kicked from Omicron Theta, which I have nothing against. But AW ships were following me to Omicron Alpha and kept trying to kick me out of there too, which I obviously argued about...:-)

Are there different opinions on AW controlling Omicron Theta after they move to their new home system Omicron-74?

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Panzer - 04-26-2007


Well, Omicron Theta is a crossroads, right between Corsair and Outcast homes. Conflict over it is inevitable.

Only zoner bases are in there, but loads of corsair NPCs are flying around.

For strategic reasons, I understand, that Omicron-74 is AW's home and Theta is the only way into it. A buffer zone. If anything shows up in there, then there's a risk, that it'll go to '74.

What I don't get however, is why would Theta as a whole be treated as a "freesystem". I do read rumors and one of them said, that outcasts on Corfu were making bets on how long a wounded BH would live (after a fight in space). No fighting between enemies on the station, but as soon as their ships undock, fierce fight breaks out.

Somehow, NPC BH and corsairs do fight in the direct vicinity of the FP9. (:nono:naughty naughty, breaking the no-fighting rule:nono:)

Personally, I'm in favour of such an option: Instill your laws in the places you own. And according to rules, the systems availibe for wning are either empty, clan-owned or guard. Theta is a vanilla system. If BSG wanted to "control" systems on the same basis as AW, then the Kusari-Bretonia war would end quick, Battlestars from Holman outpost would vaporize every Kusari or Bretonian battleship in sight. Cali base would most likely cease to exist, Newcastle wouldn't see any Mollys or Bretonians ever again, same for Dublin, Omega 7 with its Hessians and Corsairs...

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Ripper - 04-26-2007

Theat is a Popular tread route,somebody got to protect the treaders,piracy has increased,and it cant be anybody else.As we are a zoner faction,we will control
theat after moving to 74.

And you were kicked out of theta because sso,and AW are Hostile.

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-26-2007

Oh yeah, cake and eat it too situation. One or the other boys, not both. The GoR now have Omicron 85 as a
home system, so our influence over Alpha has vastly diminished. BUT, in the defence of that, our roleplay is
to be pure Outcasts, and nothing else. We are and act as, an Outcast NPC faction.
This means that unfriedly incursion into any Outcast space will be met with a bit of force, but we don't claim to
control it. 'Zoners' as you claim you are, though don't act like sometimes, will have to follow the rest of us in
this respect.
Come on guys, are we back on the WA empire building thang again. You remember what happened after the
last two attempts to control a large bit of Sirius ... You may claim to have won the wars, but it did cost you
all your territory. Lets not go there again please.


AW controlling Omicron Theta - Panzer - 04-26-2007

Meh, wish I could see that...


Imo, let's act as our NPCs. (not that mindless of course:P)

If zoner NPCs see BH and corsairs beating the (...) out of eachother just outside Corfu, do they interfere? Last time I saw zoners fighting was in Unknown around the Omi deta hole. Against nomads

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Dab - 04-26-2007

' Wrote:And you were kicked out of theta because sso,and AW are Hostile.

And thats the reason we also went and got you out of Alpha (where you simply left the server...).

One, it was next to Theta, and we are friendly with the Outcasts and GoR. We gave you the oppertunity to leave Theta without being hunted and killed, but we also stated (system chat) that our rnemies weren't allowed to attack those friendly with us. If sso| were neutral, that would be different, but you were hostile.

And face it Majkp/Templar, if AW wasn't protecting the mass of traders going into Theta on the Cam-Theta route, every trader would die 50% of the time on there..

BTW, we are at war.. sso|, FEAR, CCX vs AW. And we keep the SF, SA, and SCRA (We don't like "S"s.;)) under a wary eye because SCRA is very war-happy with everyone, SA has shot HF even after cease fires were begun, and SF has gone to war with us 5 times.. We started 1.

EDIT: Hood posted ahead of me. Hood, we are not empire building. And in a sense, GoR IS allowed a bit of control of Omicron Alpha. Your RP allows you to do so, as Outcasts. When GoR fights someone in Alpha, your fighting in the defence of Outcasts (whom you are as well) and in defence of Alpha. Please read quotes/thread containing those quotes, from the other thread (should have kept the posts in the same thread, not split them up).

EDIT 2: And Templar did too... Temp, need I go find Korrd's quote stating PC factions cannot be restricted to NPC faction's area of influence and/or exact actions.

BTW Hood, a week ago you complained about getting attacked by SCRA in Theta, now your complaining that we DO protect traders in that system?

Also, I need to rewrite our 'laws' due to this, as I haven't since this rule was created. The same laws of Theta apply to Omicron-74 now, but the new ones for Theta won't be as.. 'controlling' would probably be the best word here. It will simply be a no-hostilities law, and maybe one or two other things, if I think of them.

Though technically we are at war and our influence matters.. That influence contains Theta, O-74, Alpha, (I think we will just let the GoR handle that place though;)) Tau-37, and funny enough, all 3 major Sigma systems..

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Ripper - 04-26-2007

We protect Zoner NPC's,if we see any player killing them,he gets killed.
We only roleplay.And why zoners are not fighting in theta?They are neutral to most factions,and abaut the non engament bettwen factions: its only on bases.Zoners have nothing to do when Corsairs fight against Bounty Hunters near Corfu.Somebody got to maintain the peace in theta.

Theta or 74, or both,its not my thing ti decide its dabs,im just keeping the choises up to 3.

AW controlling Omicron Theta - voyager - 04-26-2007

Speaking as a trader, I personally like aw,s presence in Theta. They have saved my a** a few times from excessive pirateing from multible pirate factions waiting for me at the o-41 jh. I say keep up the good work AW.:yahoo:

AW controlling Omicron Theta - majkp - 04-26-2007

Guys, I don't question the role of AWs protecting traders and Zoner NPC's, cleaning Theta of pirates, etc. I never did.

I question their claim to control Omicron Theta after they move to their new home system. They are not neutral, they ally with other factions, they are hostile and war against other factions, the fight pirates, they fight bounty hunters. They simply don't act like a pure zoner faction. This is a fact.

And therefore I think they can't control a vanilla 'zoner' system which is not their home system, like the other 'pure' factions can (like RM,SF,SA,KNF).

And by controlling a system I mean declaring their own rules in that system and supervising them.

So please let's go back to the topic.

AW controlling Omicron Theta - Panzer - 04-26-2007

And returning to it, Agreed with Majk