Discovery Gaming Community
Hi All! :-) - Printable Version

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Hi All! :-) - elthommy - 10-05-2009

Hi All :-)

I just joined this server few days ago and I am really happy to see this game having a second life thanks to this wonderfull mod :)

Hope to meet you soon in space!!

Take care

Hi All! :-) - stardust47 - 10-05-2009

Welcome to Discovery. Don't lolwut, use // if you aren't roleplaying and generally, don't go here.

Hi All! :-) - johnpeter - 10-05-2009

Heya, have fun on our little planet!

Hi All! :-) - Barrier - 10-05-2009

Greetings :)
Also, if you have trouble with the sheer "space" of Discovery, check out the W.I.K.I.

Hi All! :-) - reavengitair - 10-06-2009

Greetings, and welcome to Discovery.

I suggest you join an official faction to socialize a little and meet some awesome people and learn some great RP!

Kusari is also looking for members...

Hi All! :-) - elthommy - 10-06-2009

Thanks to all of you for your message.
I already started exploring a bit around Liberty and the WIKI (mainly for the ships prices ;-) )
I will give a try to TeamSpeak server one of this day althought I am not sure my accent and english level will allow me to stay a long time xD

I will take your advice and join an official faction soon, I am starting to feel alone doing my missions on space.

Hi All! :-) - Dejavu - 10-06-2009

Welcome to Discovery!

If you ever need any help contact any Angel or an Admin.
TeamSpeak is a great laugh and helps out quite a bit, I'm on it most of the time!

Goodluck with those missions!

Hi All! :-) - Bear - 10-09-2009

Make sure you have fun! that's all that matters here. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything. See you in space mate.

Hi All! :-) - Weedalot - 10-09-2009

hi there, welcome to discovery.. feel free to contact me if you need any help.. through skype or forum PM's

Hi All! :-) - Fleur Dupont - 10-09-2009

Hi there:)have a good time with us:)
