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Ships you have flown in Discovery - Printable Version

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Ships you have flown in Discovery - looqas - 10-06-2009

EDIT: Biggest ships flown in Discovery RP server. I wish I could edit the poll.

Just out of curiosity. This has nothing to do with RP, just numbers. Myself I've been missing out anything bigger than cruiser. And that only couple of times on a shared account. I just find hard for those caps to be put into good use.

The biggest tradeship I've flown is my current BWT. Thinking of getting one of those 5k people are raging about.

And I've flown repair ship and mining ship. Never a lifter though. And I've never flown a liner either.

I smooched the numbers off the wiki so I beg forgiveness for the bad categorization, especially the war ships. I just lumped them there because of the hull of some cruisers are bigger than dessies and vice versa.

Updated to "Biggest ships you have flown."

Ships you have flown in Discovery - 11of10 - 10-06-2009

Well, I used to fly a Zoner destroyer/corvo named Firewater, a Red.Giant, bretonian train, Cumulus, Liberty supertransport, and a few mining ships with funky names which I cannot remember. However, I would like to claim here that I don't really count that Firewater as worth it, since I've really deleted it rather quick, as I've gotten somewhat dissapointed in Zoner's role play. (Not the players, just the story)

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Barrier - 10-06-2009

1 I've only flown fighters and I'm proud of it :P

1 As for freighters, I've flown a Humpback before I stopped powertrading altogether.

2 Never flown any of the "special" ships, but I might try flying some in the future.

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Jinx - 10-06-2009

biggest ship i used: super sized ship ( juggernaut size )
biggest transport: various 5k transports ( not anymore due to the bad tradesystem for zoners )
used a special ship: currently a mining ship

Ships you have flown in Discovery - akka1000 - 10-06-2009

cattlebruiser, 5k and repair ships
<3 my repair ships

Ships you have flown in Discovery - mwerte - 10-06-2009

I've flown a shared Battleship (Just ask the Harvesters:P) but gunboats and cruisers are really more my cup of tea.
I have only ever used a 5k for trading once I got established.
I tried mining once, but it made my head hurt so I gave it up.

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Marcus Lindberg - 10-06-2009


Medium trade ship.

No special ships

its only because of money constraints, otherwise I would've had a battleship by now I guess.

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Jansen - 10-06-2009

Battlecruiser: BHG one and LABC

Zoner Whale (a non powertrading one) and a ptrain for power cardi smuggling

Mining ship and a Lifter

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Dashiell - 10-06-2009

1 biggest ship: light bs (Mako)

2 biggest trade ship I`ve flown is the shettie. traded it in for an A-train. shettie was poo.

3 "weird" ships: Repairship, camera ship (does that count?), bumblebee turned Soda Shop

Ships you have flown in Discovery - Denelo - 10-06-2009

I've actually flown at least one of every time of ship except a massive "special" ship and a 5k transport. Biggest battleship I've flown was an old shared Kusarian Battleship that the old Katana defense wing had before it got turned into a bomber wing. That thing was awesome. Other large ships I've flown have been a Spyglass (current), a Liberty Carrier (former, now shared), two Outcast Dreadnought (formerly one of mine, and now a different one that's shared), an Osiris (not really mine or shared per say, but semi-shared), and an LABC.

Of trade ships, the biggest I've had is my current Shire. In the past I had a Large Train, which I switched to a Firefly when the Advanced Train came out and everyone else was using those. Then as pirates were eating everyone else up, I just cruised on. :laugh:

Edit: Take that back, my Pilgrim is "technically" bigger than the Shire.

Special ships: All of them currently. AIL has a shared Lifter, I have a DSE repair ship, and I have an AIL miner.