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Black Shadow - Printable Version

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Black Shadow - CzeReptile - 10-09-2009

.:Incoming transmission:.

Subject : Why I decided to do something that crazy? Oh well, read on!
Recipients : Sirius - wide

My name is Tedd Severin. My friends, back in my home on Minato, used to call me "Black Shadow", maybe for the way I used to dress, or maybe because I always liked to sneak up on people, both in person and in ships. As I mentioned, I grew up on a Minato harbor, rather big space station near planet Borneo, in Tau-44 system, which means I am, or maybe I was a proud member of Colonial nation. Recently, I have decided to take rather drastical step in my life, about it now I will talk.
It has been long time since I first flew a ship in the space. Unfortunately, I have been stuck with the Atlas class transport vessel, spending my years hauling huge loads of niobium from Taus to Manhattan, and back with different commodities. Here ?n there, from all those credits we?ve been getting for the minerals, sometimes I took few for myself. Well, few is not the right word, actually it was quite alot. I had this plan in mind, and it required alot of credits. I don?t know if my superiors knew about it, nor do I care now.
On one trip, I put the plan into motion. I?ve brought another pilot with me, one I could trust. The routine on these trade voyages is awfully boring. No action, no excitement. Occasional attacks of pirates in light fighters are no real fun, since Atlases armor can easily take alot of pounding, and such smalls cannot hurt it. This day was meant to be different. Once we landed on Manhattan, I step out of the ship with intention not to enter it again. Trusting the ship and the cargo to my friend co-pilot, telling him to fly back and forget about me. He did and I only watched him in the ship leaving...for good.
Next, I went to nearest local station of Liberty Navy, with a clear intention of joining. However, seeing all the needed paperwork, the needed knowledge, time periods and many more stuff, my decision became rather unstable. I left my home to join Liberty forces, some security ones, to battle the smugglers. Reason why I did not do it within my homeland is simple. Even us with Colonial navy could not stop the traficking of it all, and current military roster is full there, and any combat vessels are not for sale, only for military use.
In Liberty however, even while not member of Liberty Navy, one can obtain military vessel, under some circumstances. I left the planet Manhattan in civilian transport ship, and headed for Norfolk shipyard. Seeing this a more navy-like base, I contacted one of the officers there. He told me, that all the paperwork is not really needed, however I cannot fly a flag of the Liberty Navy, but can instead serve Liberty as irregular pilot in combat craft. Something that sounded really good to me. I agreed. With all the saved up credits, I have decided to buy a Gunboat class ship in the Shipyards, equip it and hoooraah for action!
Also, I gave it my own nickname, the Black Shadow, and decided to fulfil in Liberty what I always wanted to do in Taus. Make the smugglers and similar scum suffer...and I hope I will.