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Any other trade-abstainers? - Printable Version

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Any other trade-abstainers? - Corsair - 10-12-2009

I've reined my trader in until OSC routes get a buff. I live very frugally, and rely only on a 1.5-2m buffer from my pirate every week or so to keep my ships repaired.

So, just wondering if anyone else isn't powertrading for a battleship?

Any other trade-abstainers? - TheMillers - 10-12-2009

Never traded, never will. All my chars are BHG|, and selfsustained economically by bounty claims and mission pay.
Heck, as I can make 8+ million cr on a single mission, who needs to trade ?

Any other trade-abstainers? - Tenacity - 10-12-2009

well I'm not powertrading for a battleship, but I do like to have 200~ million in the bank in case I need it for anything. Right now I'm floating at around 50m, after buying a slave liner.

Any other trade-abstainers? - AJBeast - 10-12-2009

Tradin' is my life! I got like 300m on stock right now though...

Any other trade-abstainers? - Tomtomrawr - 10-12-2009

At the moment I am slowing building up enough for a BS, but I'm not saying I'm actually going to buy one. I just want the large amount of money for emergencies. I got 360 million so far, but had that before I started (started today actually).

Any other trade-abstainers? - globalplayer-svk - 10-12-2009

I trade just for fun.
My runs are hour long.

Any other trade-abstainers? - schlurbi - 10-12-2009

Normal trading in my Planetformer. Don't know what I will do with the money. Probably for the 500 Million if Planetform ever is about to go official.

Any other trade-abstainers? - Barrier - 10-12-2009

I despise powertrading. It removes the sense that one "worked" for a ship, because inRP, the cash one gets from another account (powertrader) is the cash one gets from a "good friend". I like to earn my own living.
Although that approach doesn't let me access expensive ships... But I'm fine with that. :)

Any other trade-abstainers? - Zeb Harley - 10-12-2009

I do trading for the roleplay. The money is spend trying out different ships and setups on trading-vessels. I am not interested in big warships.

I recently put hard credits on my traders to motivate pirates a little and to motivate myself to survive. The pirate who can take one of my fleeing traders down is worth this bonus.

Any other trade-abstainers? - kikatsu - 10-12-2009

I don't trade much any more these days
mostly just escort work with occasional piracy
While I would love to get a big ship, they just cost too much