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Holiday - Sonja - 10-12-2009

This story is meant to go some way to explaining the absence of my character, Commodore Christina Robinson, from regular duties.


Holiday; a word that Christina wasnt really familiar with. So much of her time had been devoted to work recently, more so by her willingness to do it personally, that her life was beginning to revolve around it. The lunch break that every soldier was entitled she skipped, preferring to buy herself a meal beforehand which could be eaten cold whilst on patrol. She had more than a few pens around her person, some stowed in her flight suit whilst others found their way to various segments of her other clothes.

On the outside, everything looked normal. She got the job done quickly and inspired others most others, to do the same. Christina also took the liberty of commandeering most of the paperwork that came through the doors to high command. Getting the bureaucracy out of the way for Fleet Admiral Hale and Admiral MacTavish allowed them to concentrate on the military side of the Navy. She didnt do this in an effort to earn a promotion; shed already achieved the position that she wanted anyway.

It wasnt all good, however. Christina found the jobs she did enjoyable, but they were wearing on her nerves. Lately, shed become more aggressive and less patient even with minimal displays of incompetence. David let her do what she wished to a great extent, but even he had to step in recently to stop her from murdering those under her for their stupidity (or, what came out of their mouth). It was encounters like that which drove her to persist in some of the habits that she had garnered from her relationship with the late Sarah Willows.

Holiday - Sonja - 10-12-2009

Speaking of Sarah, her suicide had caused untold amounts of paperwork to be dumped on to Christinas desk. Perhaps as a final up yours, or just coincidence. Who knew? Christina certainly couldnt ask those who were dead, despite her retinue of organisational abilities.

The return of Christopher Phelps had been a relief, however. Even though he only re-entered as, what, an ensign? He was definitely an asset to the Navy, and one of the few people whom Christina could have a relaxed conversation with. In fact, just the other day, she had giggled at something that he said. Phelps immediately pointed it out, and from then on, Christina had guarded herself carefully. For those that worked under her, such an action would have definitely been alien to them. Good job they were patrolling alone together, she thought.

Since the incident with the Interspace Neuralnet Department, Christina had an all-expenses-paid holiday for two waiting to be used. Part of the reason she hadnt used it was because she was eternally busy, the other part was, who would she take? She wasnt in any relationships, and who would want to go with their superior officer? She didnt really consider either of those when ordering Phelps to come along with her. That didnt really go well, as the note of absence in front of her given by the receptionist of the hotel on Curacao showed.

Usually at this point, Christina wouldve been overtaken by her anger. But who did she have to shout at here? Just civilians, mostly rich ones, who didnt understand the first thing about what it was like to run a military force. Their incessant talk of corruption and their rights would just be more infuriating, possibly leading to a confrontation between a jaw and a boot.

She would have to try to enjoy this holiday on her own. How hard could it be?

Holiday - Sonja - 10-12-2009

There was, of course, an ulterior motive for her ordering Phelps to come with her, and it wasnt the usual one. At the age of 36, she was too old to have a crush on someone. Besides, Phelps already had a 4 year old daughter. Instead, she wanted to ask him privately for some advice to deal with some of her problems. Christina figured after reading his file that, due to his past and that of his family, he was the person to ask about it.

Christopher Phelps father was apparently in past times, an employee for Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Long story short, he was denied a request for a small portion of Cardamine for medicinal uses and the family promptly fell apart. At least, that was her understanding of what the Phelps family had gone through. Aralie Phelps, Chris brother, was also a well known member of the Hellfire Legion, an organisation which fancied themselves as liberators of Liberty. Ironic then that they were simply disillusioned pilots of the Liberty Navy with a penchant for killing their superior officers.

Christina had realised that she needed help since her problems had exacerbated themselves. She had found herself actually carrying Cardamine on her person, whilst talking words against its use at the few public speeches she was invited to attend. The hypocrisy couldnt be helped, and up until now, it had helped her to fulfil her duties. It kept her awake and attentive towards the end of her shift, even after multiple engagements and hours of administrative duties.

Taking her keys from the receptionist in the hotel, she absent-mindedly walked over to the elevator with the porter in tow whilst deep in her own thoughts.

Holiday - Sonja - 10-12-2009

It started off as a recreational thing, almost forced on her by Sarah. It was fun too, and at the time, it provided for quite a few unforgettable experiences. After they split, it died down as she didnt have a reason to be taking it any more, but it came back soon enough. Not because of the mind yearning for more, but the body becoming absolutely exhausted after even a few days of work. Why was that? She was in shape, wasnt she? Yes, she was, but when you consistently work the long shift, do some more work before going to bed and wake up early the next day, it takes its toll very quickly.

Most analysts would have told her that she should have taken some leave earlier, to reassess her position, her workload and to plan a bit whilst attempting to relax. That wasnt something that she felt she could do. Those same analysts wouldnt understand the sheer volume of duties that had to be done, especially in a system where she was the one doing most of the acumen related tasks as well as her own share of practical tasks. Cutting down on either of those wasnt an option either, as it would likely cause something somewhere to happen where soldiers died needlessly.

But here she was, in the elevator to the fourteenth floor, taking that break.

It was probably a good thing that Phelps had pried that small consignment of Liquid Cardamine out of her hands and into the hands of the research staff at Willard. As a result, she had nothing illegal in her suitcases or on her person, and was in a sense, free. That said, the crash was still yet to come, so shed get that soon. Probably in the morning. Christina wasnt looking forward to it.