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Ilya's Bio/Story - Printable Version

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Ilya's Bio/Story - Barrier - 10-12-2009

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Ilya hurried to his home.
To him, it was the most important day in his life. Even more important than the day when he got hold of a Liberty Police blaster, and along with his friend, hunted some mutated rats inside an abandoned sewer.
Far more important than the day when he snicked out to see an execution of a dangerous Liberty Rogue.
Today was going to be his first time flying a spaceship.
As Ilya neared his house, he saw two LSF cars floating beside it. That made him slightly alarmed, and he slowed down to a "casual" walk. In his head, Ilya flipped through the many possibilities of what might have happened. "What if there are burglars in there? What if its a hostage situation. Is my dad okay? I don't want to lose him just like..."
Ilya told himself to stop thinking right this instant. Mother was in a better place. There is no use of trying to bring back those who are lost. Somehow those thoughts did not seem comforting to him, and the chill on his spine didn't go away.
Ilya knocked on the front door. At first, there was no answer, so he knocked again. The he heard some shuffling noises inside the house, and then loud footsteps. A man of about 35, wearing standard LSF uniform, opened the door. At first his face made signs of surprise, but then his expression changed and he looked away. Another man emerged from the living room.
"Hey Derek, who is that? I never knew the guys from the morgue were so..." As the man saw Ilya, he abruptly stopped walking and shut his mouth in mid-sentence.
Ilya looked at them both, dumbfounded. "There is no way. All of this is just a dream, yes, of course, just a dream!" Moments later, when he didn't find himself in his bed, covered by warm blankets, he understood. He knew that it was going to hurt later on, but for now, before these men, Ilya tried to shut out the pain. He could not be seen crying.
Aloud, he said, "I want to see."
The man called Derek started babbling, "You must understand son, its not a pretty sight. It would be better if you just..."
"I want to see."
"As you wish." Derek sighed and slowly pointed towards the living room.
The other man cleared the way, and Ilya entered the living room. Dad was sitting in his regular spot, the giant armchair, the same one that Ilya liked to sleep in sometimes. Except, something was wrong with him. His head was missing. As Ilya realised that, his eyes involuntary started searching for the "missing piece".
"There, beside the desk. Round, black hair, the pierced ear..." Suddenly, unable to control himself, Ilya found himself staring at his lunch. Then his eyes moved toward the desk, and he vomited again.
The other man rushed into the living room with a paper bag and offered it to Ilya. He was a bit late, and the puddle on the floor became slightly larger.
Ilya grabbed the paper bag and spit in it. Then he asked for water. When Derek brought it to him, the vomiting seemed to stop. Ilya rinsed his mouth and spit into the bag once again. Then he handed it to the other man, collapsed onto the floor, and wept.

Ilya's Bio/Story - Barrier - 10-12-2009

Ilya sat on the sofa in his living room, dumbly staring into nothing. He waited for Derek and the other man, who explained that they had to leave to finish up some business. They also said that while they were gone, there were going to be men patrolling the area to keep him safe. Ilya didn't really care when they would be back, or if he was safe or not. The only thing he cared about at this instant is that his father was gone. Forever. Ilya wanted to weep again at the thought of him, but no tears came. Instead, he kept staring into nothing, as if it held the answer to some unspoken question.

Ilya was awakened by someone pounding on the door. After a disorientating moment, Ilya remembered everything again, and almost vomited on the sofa. Instead, he stood up and went to open the door.
A man of about 50 stood outside. He had a peculiar look about him, as if doing something illegal.
"Come wiz me if you me if you want to live."
Ilya slammed the door in his face.
Louder knocking followed. And a muffled voice, "We do not have much time. Zey will be back any minute now!"
Ilya decided to hear what the man had so say. He opened the door again.
The man just quickly said, "If you want to know more about your fazer's death, you must follow me!"
Somehow, Ilya decided that the man could be trusted. Or maybe he just didn't care what would happen to him. He ran inside the house, into his bedroom, grabbed the Liberty Police blaster hidden inside his mattress, and ran back outside.
"Into ze carr. We might be able to... Verdammt! Zey are already here!"
Ilya saw a car pull up into their driveway. Then the man pulled him inside his own car. It smelled of cigarettes and leather. With a stomp on the gas, they were flying away. Ilya looked back and saw that the other car flew after them.
"Where the hell are we going?!" Ilya wanted to ask more than that, but it seemed that it would be a bad time for questions.
"To ze starport. My craft iz zere, ready to fly."
The car shook violently. Ilya looked back, and saw that the man on the passenger seat had a blaster pointed in their direction.
As the chase went on, Ilya saw the towering building that marked the starport. He glanced around for ships, and spotted an idle Eagle. They seemed to be heading towards it.
"Az I stop, get ready to run. And prepare your blaster."
The man braked right beside the Eagle and hit a button on the remote in his hand. A platform started extending from the Eagle.
Ilya leaped out of the car and headed for the ship, the man right behind him. As Ilya ran inside, the man shot past him towards the seat and barked, "Stay in ze cargo hold! We will talk later!"
Ilya did as he was told. He opened the closest door to him, labeled "Cargo Hold", and went inside. Inside, there were many canisters lying around. Ilya spotted a bench with a safety belt, probably for cargo boxes, and got himself strapped in. As soon as he did, he felt ten times heavier than he actually was. The last thing he remembered was the man's voice over the loudspeaker, "We have escaped! You are safe, for now."

Ilya's Bio/Story - Barrier - 10-13-2009

The first thing Ilya saw was the man's face. He chuckled and said in a weak voice, "That was my first time flying. I guess it didn't go so well."
"Zat doesn't really matter, does it? (Ilya nodded) What matterz is zat you are safe right now. I would think you have some questionz forr me."
"Yeah, you got that right. Who the heck are you? Why are you helping me? Do you know anything about my... father's... death?"
"I understand zat it iz hard to accept zat your fazer is dead. I too lost a relative once. (The man stared ahead for a moment) But zat should not concern you. I am Diedrich Von Claussen. You can call me Herr Von Claussen if you like. Now, az forr why I am helping you, zat is a longer story."
"Wait, wait, wait! You mean you are the Herr Von Claussen?! The hero of the nomad war?!"
"Ze same. Now pleaze, do listen to my story first, and zen ask ze rest of yourr questionz. You see, after Trent and ze Order opened ze hypergate, we did not win, we simply pushed ze nomadz back. After ze battle at ze hypergate, I decided to return to Rheinland and help to rebuild its former glory. Becauze of my experience, I waz given a really difficult task - accounting for safety of Rheinland spiez in Liberty. Your fazer waz one of my contacts. Az you can see, I did not warn him early enough. Ze bright side iz that I got you out of ze fray."
"What does that mean? What would the Liberty Security Force do?"
"Zey would probably queztion you about your fazer's activitiez until you could not talk anymore. Zen, zey would have thrown you inside a fozter family or out onto ze streetz."
"I guess I should thank you then. If there's anything I can do..."
"And you can! I can provide you wiz enough creditz so zat you can start a new life az a freelancer. I take it you went through some combat training?"
"I have flown many virtual simulators and was very good at it." Ilya proudly raised his chin. His teachers said that he was outstanding.
"Perfekt! You will find zat real life flying izn't very far from ze simulatorz. I will give you one million creditz and drop you off at New Berlin."
"One million credits? Alright, but when do I have to pay you back?"
"Nonsense! You will keep ze money to do wiz az you pleaze. I do trust your good judgment. Moreover, I do have my own sourcez of income."
Suddenly, there was a sound in the pilot's cabin. Von Claussen smiled and walked inside.
"Ahh, it seemz zat we have reached New Berlin."
A face appeared on the control panel.
"This is Planet New Berlin. Herr Von Claussen, we have received your transmission. You are welcome to dock. I hope that your flight was without delays. Your Wraith is awaiting you inside the equipment shop."
"Go get strapped in, Ilya. We are going to land soon."

Ilya stood stretching and gawking around on the landing pad. Von Claussen approached him with something in his hands.
"Ilya, your new life beginz right now. I have business to attend to. Here iz one million creditz. (Von Claussen handed the card in his hand to Ilya) And this iz your neural net log. (He handed a thin book to Ilya) I would suggest buying a Falcon from ze ship dealer here, and outfitting it wiz some Stealzblade MkI'z from ze equipment dealer. If someone askz about zose weaponz, just hint at my name, and zey will not ask more questionz. I wish you ze best of luck. You might hear from me again."
Von Claussen smiled and patted Ilya on the back. Then he turned and started walking towards his Wraith.
Ilya stared into space long after the Wraith was gone, and finally started walking towards the ship dealer.

Ilya's Bio/Story - Barrier - 10-27-2009

Ilya was sitting in the bar of Battleship Schwerin, sipping his drink. He was thinking of his how his life since the moment Diedrich Von Claussen saved him from the LSF. It was anything but easy for him in those days. Ilya sighed and chuckled, remembering the looks on his CEO's faces when they saw a 17 year old approaching them in the bar. Many of them didn't think he was up to it. But Ilya proved them all wrong. Although at 19, Ilya decided to change "the setting" and also spend the credits he earned on a new ship. After looking into a limited ship database located in New Berlin, Ilya decided that he would like to pilot a Griffin the most, out of all that he found there. Having many connections, he soon was informed by one of his sources that one can probably find a Griffin on Freeport 2, in the Bering system. Although Ilya didn't know how to get to it, he soon got the information he needed from asking around some more. After getting the Griffin, Ilya thought about the places where he could get better cash. He decided to access the database of Battleships, Planets, and Stations out on the edge of Rheinland, where help was most likely rewarded with a higher salary. Almost immediately he set his sights on Battleship Schwerin, or a "hunk of junk", as it was called by its inhabitants, stationed in the Omega-15 system. After asking around New Berlin and finding out that no one really knew where exactly one can find the Omega-15 jumphole , Ilya decided to visit the system that it was known to be located in - Dresden. He was quickly pointed toward the jumphole by what looked to be a advertiser of some sorts. After jumping into Omega-15 and landing on Scwerin, Ilya's life really started. There were many CEOs eager to give him a job, but Ilya usually got jobs from his soon-to-be regular CEOs, Olga and Sven, both from the Rheinland Military. Five years of Ilya's life whooshed by quickly, and during that time he found out that the Omega-15 system also housed a base owned by the Bounty Hunters Guild, that apparently watched over a jump hole that lead to a whole system owned by the BHG. Curious, Ilya wanted to enter, but was soon warned by a BHG member that he would probably be ripped to shreds by the weapon platforms. Apparently, only Bounty Hunters and only with a permission from someone from the Guild Core could enter Omega-56. As Ilya continued hunting pirates, specifically the Red Hessians and Corsairs, he became a much better pilot. Although after about 5 months he stopped doing bounty contacts against the Corsairs, because they seemed like honorable pilots. They even let Ilya escape once with a sliver of life support left on his ship. After that 'incident' Ilya decided that he will never hunt another Corsair again. In the recent days though, Ilya started getting bored of his life and regularly searched for the jump hole to the Omega-41 system, rumored to be hidden somewhere in Omega-15, but with no success. Finally deciding that exploration was what he wanted to do, Ilya announced that he will no longer be accepting bounties and that he will be accepting any rumors or other information from the members on Schwerin.
Ilya was shaken out of his thoughts by the bartender, who's name he kept frequently forgetting.
"Herr Agent, you look exhauzted. I would suggezt that you go get some sleep. I even brought you zeez pillz. It is said zat zey make you feel very relaxed. Try them and maybe you'll be able to get some rest."
"Thanks but no thanks. I'll get some sleep after I hear something about that Omega-41 jump hole. I know it's here somewhere!!"
They were both interrupted by Sven, a colonel of the Rheinland Military. He sat heavily on the chair beside Ilya and gestured to the bartender to get him a drink.
The bartender frowning slightly, left the pills on the counter and went into a small room. He returned with a can of something that surely had a lot of alcohol in it.
"Guten tag, Herr Sven. You do not look very well. Mind telling uz both what iz wrong?"

"Yeah, Sven, what's up? I never seen you this gloomy since that time you found me drifting in space in that damned life pod."
After a long sip, Sven cleared his throat and started explaining.
"I am back from yet another routine patrol around the system, well, around 'our side' of it. Nothing major, a small skirmish with a few Corsairs, a Red Hessian flying in his escape pod. But then, we ran into what it seems like a raiding party of Red Hessians. We lost a rookie, although he got lucky that I tractored him in just in time. After about five or ten minutes the Hessians started retreating. But that's the weird part, they flew right into the suns. We didn't want to chase what looked to be like a bunch of suiciders as we had spotted a group of Corsair ships not far from us. As we moved to engage them, I looked on my long-range sensors, and right when the dots that represented the Hessian ships reached the suns, they disappeared. I didn't pay much attention to that until the group of Corsairs that we were fighting did exactly the same thing!! Me and my patrol were confused as heck and decided to call it a day and return to Scwerin. All the while back I was thinking about the 'incidents', and I have to say, something fishy is going on around here. I mean, why the hell would they sun-dive?! Are they infested or something? Anyway, I've done enough for today, I'm going back to my room. And if you don't mind, I'll take some of those sleeping pills with me."
As Sven stood up and left, Ilya stood up and stretched, yawning while doing it.
"I'm going to get some sleep as well. Take care."
"Good, Herr Agent, it iz about time you got some rest."
Ilya had no intention of going into his quarters. He made his way towards his Griffin stationed on the landing pad and undocked.