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OC transports - Atreides2 - 10-14-2009

Ok this is a question i am intrigued .. Is it in RP for an outcast to fly 5000 ships ? Like the Daumann adv train or the heavy tanker ( 4800 ) .

I always thought that in RP the pirates groups are restrain at pirate train , 4300 cause it is Pirate made , not corporation .

And when i ask them they said that the OC ID do not say anything about cargo hold so ....

So anyone care to explain to me if i am wrong and they are right or if i am right and they are wrong ...


OC transports - CzeReptile - 10-14-2009

Advanced trains maybe? I will never stop wondering about Zoner Borderworlds transport with guard ID flying slaves to malta

OC transports - Zukeenee - 10-14-2009

Well, if the ID doesn't give any restriction on cargo capacity, then I suppose technically you could fly something like an Adv. Train, but you probably shouldn't.

Stick to something that the Outcasts are more likely to be able to get their hands on. Pirate Train, Border Worlds Transport... hell, if it were me, I'd go for a Dromedary.

OC transports - Atreides2 - 10-14-2009

that is exactly what i was thinking , i see way too many OC with adv train or with any ship that is 5000 .....and is weird , how they get their hands on those ships when there is nowhere near their bases . I thought that pirates can use only pirate transport

OC transports - CzeReptile - 10-14-2009

You can meet fair amount of them in Slave liners, Pirate transports. But tons of them fly advanced trains, zoner whales, hell I have seen liberty Mastodon carryin slaves.

OC transports - obnoxious1 - 10-14-2009

The way I interpreted the rules, As long as it is a neutral entity usage ship & you follow the limits set forth with the ID, you may use the ship. Of course, adding good role play as to how the ship was acquired may also help in matters. Such as BLS having a couple adv trains in it's smuggling fleet that are role played as having been purchased from a Junker in trade for use of some of BLS's secret routes.
How ever, if it is a group specific ship, yeah I would say special RP request would need to be done to use it.

OC transports - Exsiled_one - 10-14-2009

adv train is neutral and can be used I guess. Pirate trains rock for them and slave liners too. But hey, they're a big nation, they can aquire them

OC transports - Thexare - 10-14-2009

' Wrote:that is exactly what i was thinking , i see way too many OC with adv train or with any ship that is 5000 .....and is weird , how they get their hands on those ships when there is nowhere near their bases .
Ship sale locations don't matter. In-RP, the Advanced Train would logically be available in more than just one place, for an obvious example.

But go with a Border Worlds Transport. It's cooler. And pirates are usually easier on them, too.

OC transports - DeathsOverture - 10-14-2009

' Wrote:Ship sale locations don't matter. In-RP, the Advanced Train would logically be available in more than just one place, for an obvious example.

But go with a Border Worlds Transport. It's cooler. And pirates are usually easier on them, too.

Not to mention it's cheaper.

The Consortium has an Outcast ID/IFF heavy tanker called the "Sakhalin," which we use to steal goods and haul HFuel, Plutonium and... well we call them "augmentees..."

OC transports - Benjamin - 10-14-2009

I don't have an issue with them having 5k capacity ships allowed, but there isn't really a suitable 5k ship for them in existence right now.