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Eta needs better balance - Printable Version

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Eta needs better balance - obnoxious1 - 10-15-2009

Eta is a mess.

It is a war zone between the Outcast & the Corsairs, yet is heavily unbalanced & for both sides.
Lets start with the NPC's first. Seems the Corsair Titan NPC's greatly outnumber the Outcast Sabre NPC's no matter where you are in the system. Both are set up adequately enough, but you find more Titans flying about then you do Sabres. Is there not a way to equal them out as far as even numbers?
Next would be the Osiris. They are a nice addition to Eta, makes it more of a challenge for an Outcast player. But common sense would say, that if Sairs have battleships in an Outcast territory , the Outcast would also have battleships in same system to counter them. Any reason a few OC Battleship NPC's couldn't be added to Eta as well? Would greatly even things up as far as balance & give some nice missions for the Sairs off the base they have in Eta. Besides.. admit it, it would be fun to watch a NPC Osiris group run into a NPC OC Battleship group & see em duke it out. Would also be more in tune with the theme that Eta is a battleground. As it stands currently, For a Corsair raid party to head to Alpha, they have no opposition other than the few Sabre's in Eta & a couple BHG's in Theta. For the Outcast to raid Gamma, they have to deal with Titans & Osiris in Eta, Titans & BHG's in Theta.
Then there is the bases, which Outcast have a majority of in Eta, Sairs have but 1. Again, mismatched.

Here is what I propose to fix the Eta unbalance;

Add more Sabre's & add Falcata's & A group of OC Battleships
Add Corsair Bombers, Make the Osiris groups have 1 more ship than the OC battleship group * as an OC BS stock can decimate a stock Osiris)
Add Outcast Sabre's to Theta
Spread them out more as far as running zones.
Add a Corsair base to Theta (large one)
Add a Outcast outpost in Theta ( small one like Cali)
Remove the OC base in the minefield in Eta
Add more weapons platforms to the jump hole in eta going to Alpha
Add more weapons platforms to the jump hole in Theta going to Gamma
Add a wrecked ship debris field near the minefield in Eta
Add weapon platforms on the top, bottom & edges of the minefield for both sides
add more weapons to all bases in the battle zones.

Some of these I am sure are over doing it, but would make it more realistic & better role play for a true war zone in Eta

Also suggest adding missions on the Corsair base in Eta that would encounter OC Battleships

anyway, that is my 2 cents...

Eta needs better balance - Patrician - 10-15-2009

I like it. It would be nice to see some cap NPC's going at each other. When I fly into Leeds and see the Brets and Kusari ships fighting it really brings home that its a warzone in a stronger way than just seeing fighter patrols skirmishing.

Eta needs better balance - VenomHX - 10-16-2009

Excellent and Kudos for you. I too have thought Eta could be made more interesting and maybe a little more balanced.

Eta needs better balance - Bear - 10-16-2009

Really like this idea. Would certainly help.

Eta needs better balance - Reaven - 10-16-2009

There should be more OC forces in Eta, I agree there but there is one problem with rest of your suggestions. OC base in Theta? How did OCs manage to slip by Corsair base and battleships in Eta to construct base in Theta? No need for Theta base, only make OC npcs more powerful and that would be it. I would also suggest putting BH BS as base somewhere hidden in Eta. That's the best place to get some heads for the bounties.

Eta needs better balance - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

People Theta is 5 seconds from gamma. No way Oc will make a base there. That's the correction I have to hit here.

Eta needs better balance - Dab - 10-16-2009

As Reaven and Ivan both said, an OC Base in Theta would make no sense. Furthermore, a Corsair base in Theta would also make no sense. They have Gamma one jump away, and then they have a base in Eta, one jump away in the direction of Alpha, then another base in Omega-5. The base in Theta wouldn't ever get used.

And if that wasn't enough, check the news reports in Theta. Corsairs already tried making a station there and the Zoners gave them a flat-out no. Zoners are intent on keeping Theta. Plus I think it'd seriously destroy what little roleplay is left for Theta if we added a base for anyone there.

I agree with the OC BS patrols being added, but disagree with the base changes and the bomber additions. Bombers would seriously complicate things, especially trying to move capships around. And the bases are unequal because Corsairs are making a push into Eta. Outcasts were there first and able to set up more infrastructure before the Corsairs arrived. Then the Corsairs had to get supply ships past the OC to build a single base.. Making more would be extremely difficult. And then Corsairs would have to devote ships to defend those stations.. And there is no easily-defensable spot for those stations either. The Corsair base is in a Nebula, the OC bases behind a minefield, those all make sense. But the rest of the system is empty, so adding a base there would be inviting the other side to destroy it, especially during construction.

Eta needs better balance - obnoxious1 - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:There should be more OC forces in Eta, I agree there but there is one problem with rest of your suggestions. OC base in Theta? How did OCs manage to slip by Corsair base and battleships in Eta to construct base in Theta? No need for Theta base, only make OC npcs more powerful and that would be it. I would also suggest putting BH BS as base somewhere hidden in Eta. That's the best place to get some heads for the bounties.

I kinda like that idea far more than an OC base in Theta. After thinking about it, yeah, it was a pretty dumb idea. But adding a couple Outcast NPC "scouting" patrols in Theta would still make sense. Just limit them to a 15k perimeter around the jump hole & in groups no bigger than 3.

As for what Dab mentioned..
Quote:Bombers would seriously complicate things, especially trying to move cap ships around.
That's the exact point. It's a battlefield, It should be hard to move cap ships about. & for both sides.
Would hinder attacks on each groups home systems from capitol fleets & keep the war in Eta as it should be.

Eta needs better balance - Chico - 10-17-2009

I don't think Outcasts in Theta is a go-er frankly.
With regard to the patrols in Eta however, either Outcast battleships and corsair bombers (as well as the Osiris') or just Outcast destroyers and bombers.
Up-grade the Outcast base's guns in Eta (only the base). Then sit back and see how that pans out.
Big sweeping changes won't pin-point the inequalities there.