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Taxing rates - ChainReaction - 10-16-2009


I'm just wondering how it is that pirates can tax all of your money when you're over lvl 29.

I mean, I'm all for the roleplaying element, but when people tax you for almost all of your belongings I just can't laugh with that.

So I had a mining ship which I wanted to bring back to NY to sell and I brought a nice big haul of diamonds (I had about 45k left of money, I think I had something like 1.4m left so I bought an entire hull full) so I could delete this char and make a fighter or trader hadn't decided yet, but I needed to get rid of that ugly miner.

I went into the Bering system and a pirate player said something about a trading law over there (unioniers wanted to take Hamburg and they were intercepting diamond trades). So me, who just wanted to get to NY to get rid of this ship cause I'm completely tired of mining, meet this guy who tells me to drop everything I have.

Of course I can't laugh with that and eventually he starts shooting and I've no choice but to drop it all( he never even asked for a bribe like most people would).

So lets recap, I had a load of about 1.4m, and my ship is about 1.5m worth..So how is it possible that a player can tax you for everything you have (technicly everything cause I can't pay with a mortage on my ship).

I'm left stranded with a bad rep (I had a bad rep with NY so I just shot stuff in NB so they'd like me again), no money and I'm dead tired of mining.

So summary: How can somebody tax you for all of your money, I mean roleplaying is great, but this just kills ALL of the fun. There should be a limit on how much people can tax you depeding on your level, cause I mean I can see how this works when you meet somebody from like lvl 80 who can afford losing a load or 2. This is really making me think of quiting cause I hate the mining part, but I heared it's a great way to earn starter money with.

Taxing rates - albert001 - 10-16-2009

If you take a risky route you've got to count with such things to happen. RP > Fair is acctual status of this server.

Taxing rates - DeathsOverture - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:If you take a risky route you've got to count with such things to happen. RP > Fair is acctual status of this server.

Wow really? Sorry, but that is really lame.

When I pirate I always pay attention to the level of a person. If it's a freighter I usually just ask them to fill me up on bots/batts and then let them scurry along.

Think of it in terms of RL. It doesn't make sense for a pirate who can take on a heavy tanker to be wasting time with a fishing boat. They might board and search for valuables but they aren't gonna make a ridiculous demand and threaten to destroy the fisherman, who obviously can't afford it.

Okay so maybe that wasn't a good example.

But we were all level 30-something at some point. We've all mined, traded, or missioned for hours to work up to a freighter, then to a transport and so on. Is it fair to set someone back a few hours so you can take 1.4 million from them, an amount that it takes you a few minutes to make on your big fat transport?

Taxing rates - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

I'll never take person's last amount. I'll leave him with at least something. That's why taking cargo is always better.

Taxing rates - ChainReaction - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:If you take a risky route you've got to count with such things to happen. RP > Fair is acctual status of this server.

So what you're saying is that Role playing is more important than having fun...Well excuse me but than this just isnt the right server for me..or anyone.

I think that I'm pretty right by saying that people play games to have fun. Why would any play games if they aren't enjoying themselves.

So if lets say, you lose all of your money, guns, and all that stuff, and you're practicly just a newby again, would you be able to say "hey it's all for the roleplaying *big smile*" and just start over again? I don't think so, you'd be pretty upset too.

And I wasn't taking a risky route, or not that I was aware of, it's a very normal run in vanilla FL and I just did it to get some quick $$, cause I'm sure there are more profitable routes in the game that I don't know of (the modded content that is), or had the right ship for.

Taxing rates - ChainReaction - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:I'll never take person's last amount. I'll leave him with at least something. That's why taking cargo is always better.

Well but what if the last amount and the cargo are the same thing?

If the pirate said something like "Diamond trade is illigal here blah blah, give me [X] amount of money/diamonds" I'd be able to live with that, cause I'd still have something left and I could have found a way to fix the situation.

But taking everything of it when it's the last of your hard earned money..that's just so extreme :s

Taxing rates - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

well it depends. If you go "with your head trough a wall" aka, if you take cardamine from Malta and head forth Manhattan, then you're asking for it man.

If you think you should get away with it, then this server really isn't for you.

I love those that buy the 5k train, and then buy the cargo for rest of their cash. You'll always spot them easily... they have like... 2567 cargo in a 5k train. I take half of that, they start to cry.
Sell that train and get something smaller.

If you get pirated in a rhino and have your last cash stripped down, you're below level 30.

Taxing rates - albert001 - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:Wow really? Sorry, but that is really lame.

When I pirate I always pay attention to the level of a person. If it's a freighter I usually just ask them to fill me up on bots/batts and then let them scurry along.

Some people simply don't care. Sure, when I was low level, I met pirates that simply said "Go along, you're small fish", but I also met people who simply didn't care. AND they roleplayed it.
' Wrote:I'll never take person's last amount. I'll leave him with at least something. That's why taking cargo is always better.

What if they have no money left?
' Wrote:So what you're saying is that Role playing is more important than having fun...Well excuse me but than this just isnt the right server for me..or anyone.

I think that I'm pretty right by saying that people play games to have fun. Why would any play games if they aren't enjoying themselves.

So if lets say, you lose all of your money, guns, and all that stuff, and you're practicly just a newby again, would you be able to say "hey it's all for the roleplaying *big smile*" and just start over again? I don't think so, you'd be pretty upset too.

And I wasn't taking a risky route, or not that I was aware of, it's a very normal run in vanilla FL and I just did it to get some quick $$, cause I'm sure there are more profitable routes in the game that I don't know of (the modded content that is), or had the right ship for.

Role playing is entertaining a lot. You can still meet a lot of reasonable pirates. Give it a try once more.

And for the vanilla, don't forget this is happening in 817 A.S. while vanilla is set in 800 - 801 A.S.
Many things have happened and changed.

Taxing rates - Cris - 10-16-2009

Well I think that looking at others level is like metagaming(and probably some will disagree). I hate when pirates say "7 mil ro ide" and when you ask why so much they say "you are level 70 so you have money"

Now I understand when someone pirates me for 2- 3 mil if I am hauling diamonds, its based in the cargo, but pirating according to level...

Taxing rates - Exsiled_one - 10-16-2009

I'm telling you, i'll take their cargo. If they have no cargo, I'll take some small amount. If they haven't got that, I'll let them go.