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the Independence of Freeport 11 - Printable Version

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the Independence of Freeport 11 - Jinx - 10-17-2009

from: the Persephone
Elizabeth Tate
to: OSI, TAZ, ZTC, the Order HC, Corsairs representatives at Yaren depot and station Command of Dabadoru Battlestation

"Having recently left the CoZ, i have contacted the Freeport 11 Station Command and suggested to have the station detached from the influence and political struggle of the CoZ, too.

in respect of the recent developements that zoners were involved in - and the relationship to the Freeports neighbours - i consider this step not only possible, but also absolutely necessary. - Freeport 11 relies on a good relationship to all its neighbours in order to survive in this part of the sector.

So this communique is meant to reach the ears and eyes of those neighbours in charge to discuss the independence of Freeport 11.

Freeport 11 is not meant to turn its back to the CoZ - but it is meant to mind its own business much more, make its own politics on a local level - with its neighbours .... about things that really affect omicron-delta. Freeport 11 cannot be put into danger by contracts made thousands of lightyears away or business that hardly concerns the affairs of Delta.

Originally, Freeports were only organized on a local level. - that means that Freeports made their own politics - usually based on their own needs and requirements. - the neural network made it possible to string those freeports together much more than ever before - increased speed of communication, increased organization, increased dependencies, but also greater benefits - in numbers is strength.

but lately - it is more and more aparent that sometimes the global politics made can also be detrimental for the stations - especially when the local situations are so vastly different. - Freeport 11 needs to stay on the corsairs good side, as well the guild and the order. - for that, we offer a spot of peace in the middle of omicron-delta, a war-torn system. - we offer a port used to talk - and a trading hub for daring traders.

the Council of Zoners has provided a lot to the station in the past, - but it feels like it is time to move on. So this is about getting back to the roots of why we Zoners established the station here in the outer reaches. - getting back to being a neutral power - beneficial for EVERY side enough to live and support living of the neighbours.

however - such ambitious plans cannot take any form without the public acknowledgement of its neighbours - so that is why i am now contacting the Order, the guild, the corsairs and the three major Zoner groups to discuss the independence of Freeport 11.
while i myself believe in the beneficial nature of such a process, the station command is of course a lot more pragmatic and will weigh up the good versus the bad effects.

i m expecting replies on that matter in due time. - it is a serious matter we discuss here - and things must not be rushed. - if there are questions about the status and expected political stance of FP11 or how its supposed to be in the future, i will try to answer everything as detailed as possible. Also if you have further questions about the political reasons for that decision or about the personal reasons.

i am seeking the official consent of all or at least the majority of the addressed factions to proceed with it and forward it to the station command.

sincerely, Elizabeth Tate - the Persephone"

the Independence of Freeport 11 - SigCorps - 10-17-2009

**Incoming Transmission**

To: the Persephone
Elizabeth Tate

From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries

Message reads:

While this is a big step for Freeport 11, I have to concur with your assessment. Of all Zoner installations Freeport 11 is one most contested and must remain completely neutral to all parties. OSI will support you in this endeavor. We will also offer our assistance in what ever capacity we can. We do have a branch office there and will continue to bring in supplies for this station.

Samuel Nichols

**End of Transmission**

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-17-2009

---Incoming Transmission---

---Max DeVirgo, Guildmaster---

---BHG|Core-Athena, Omega 15---

Since the Guild has been quite cooperative with the Council, the TAZ, the ZCT, and every other flavor of Zoner (even though we know you're tacitly allied with our enemies) - I see no reason why this sudden bid for independence would have any effect upon our relationship with the daily operations of Freeport 11.

This would presume, of course, that you would still have no issues with our ships that have sustained combat damage against our enemies docking there for emergency repairs before proceeding to our own station, or that you would suddenly not have a change of heart and decide to start worshipping Nomads due to being infested. If we found proof of that, we obviously would destroy your base. (And we'd probably have to stand in line behind the Order to do that.)

Naturally, I would expect to still see the same kinds of ale, lagers, and beers being served in the bar upon the Freeport as well. If you started selling that sissy stuff, we obviously would destroy your base. (Okay, I perhaps am slightly kidding about that last - but the guild won't pay for damages from bar fights in that event.)

So basically unless George has some objection to this - which Lord knows he may - I see no reason why business as usual can't continue to exist.

---End transmission---

the Independence of Freeport 11 - DAnvilFan - 10-17-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Whom it May Concern
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74

Dear Ms.Tate,

If FP11 "detaches" itself from the Council of Zoners, who will govern it?

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Birdtalon - 10-17-2009

[Image: Lee_intro.png]
-=Incoming Transmission=-
**Communications ID: Captain Lee.Brandon - Order Primary Fleet**
..:[Location - Battleship Wyvern]:..

Dear Elizabeth Tate,

I have read your transmission, and I will pass it on to the high command as soon as possible.

You should recieve a reply soon.

Yours sincerely

Cpt. Lee Brandon - Order primary fleet

-=Transmission End=-

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Athenian - 10-17-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: George Graves--
-Location: The Guildhall-

In order to demonstrate our complete support of the continued neutrality of the Freeport, I'm prepared to station several of our ships at your disposal to maintain the NFZ. Several squads of ground troops are en route to Delta as we speak to reinforce the resident Zoner guard, should that prove necessary.



-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Birdtalon - 10-17-2009

[Image: Lee_intro.png]
-=Incoming Transmission=-
**Communications ID: Captain Lee.Brandon - Order Primary Fleet**
..:[Location - Battleship Wyvern]:..

If that is indeed to be the case, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind a few Order vessels stationed there also?

To me, that would seem like an underhanded attempt to gain control of Delta for the BHG.
Something, I doubt we would appreciate.


Cpt. Brandon

-=Transmission End=-

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Jinx - 10-17-2009

from: the Persephone
to: OSI, TAZ, ZTC, the Order HC, Corsairs representatives at Yaren depot and station Command of Dabadoru Battlestation

"There has been the question about who will govern the station when the CoZ is not directly affiliated with it anymore. - For decades, the Station was goverened only locally - making its own politics - or in serious cases - receiving advice and guidence from omicron-74 - which understands the problems of such a system like delta much better.

only recently in terms of history - it was under the mantle of the CoZ - which - as i said ... was a beneficial symbiosis for the most part.

as i have said - there is wish to turn the back on the council completely - but a wish to disassociate itself from some of the recent political decisions that draws it into trouble.

at that point - i shall again say that common zoner laws will persist!

freeport 11 was the first station to install a NFZ - and it was the CoZ that adapted this concept.. a concept born on a station build in the center of multiple warfaring factions.

these laws WILL be upheld - according to the needs of the system. - delta needs a neutral trading hub that also acts as a more peaceful place. - what i wish not to see on freeport 11 is favourism, harrassment - and murder of course.
so the NFZ will remain - but equal for every faction and enforced against every violator regardless of their affiliation - but only down to their violation.

Freeport 11 will not be thrown into the raging sea without a steersman. - the station command is capable of making local political decisions - and i am sure that it gets the support from omicron-74, too - in case of higher political decisions. - it will also always be in direct contact to the three major zoner factions - so it will never be alone or make decisions on its own"

E. Tate"

the Independence of Freeport 11 - Doc Holliday - 10-17-2009

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Miss Elizabeth Tate

Of all the Freeports we have, I do agree, Freeport 11 is the most used and would well be the first one in trouble from recent decisions in regards to Freeport law. It is true that rival factions all use the base but it is also one of a few safe havens for all. As to who would govern it, that's not my call nor do I want to make it.
I will say this, Miss Tate, TAZ will support this decision as well as we do maintain a field office there. If you wish, I can station a TAZ ship there for support. Just tell me what support level you would like sent out.

Mr. Divirgo, you can rest assure that the quality of the beer, liquors and such will not suffer, not so long as I breathe. There is no substitute for good liquor when one is in such hostile area.

Mr. Robinson, this is no coup as you say. I'm not so sure you know what independence really is or "own good" is as you, Sir, keep slaves as crew on your ship....unless you freed them of late.


the Independence of Freeport 11 - Gentle - 10-17-2009

From Sparta
To FP11 resdents and interested parties.

The rumour wagon tells me the Hunters are trying to setup a warfleet to assist in 'enforcing' the NFZ. While I accept that the hunters need a reason to escape the wretched stench of betrayal and fear that pervades their skin and hair at dabodoru. I do not accept that the NFZ should be inforced by ANY of their fleet. I mean no one wants them stinking out an otherwise deligtfull station. Perhaps these hunters are trying to influence the neutrality. Perhaps also OPG should send its entire capital fleet to drain your resources to protect your FP. No I dont think so because that is not in the spirit of neutrality at all.

OPG hereby declares that we WILL honour the NFZ zone providing no other 3rd party is involved in enforcing that policy.

OPG welcomes this move by zoners who have a vested interest in maintaining their faculties and health by accepting their wisdom as an generous offer of maintaining friendship. Should FP11 require the assistance of any OPG to deal with matters of policy and defence of their stations we will have a few ships posted to Yaren base to assist should you require our help.

The council of zoners has much to learn and could start off by understanding the sense raised by the lady who appears to pull the strings on FP 11.......Elizabeth tate. Does anyone know if she is married? HHmmmm I wonder if she would make a good wench.....

Sparta out.