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The Genesis Project - Printable Version

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The Genesis Project - eyran - 10-17-2009

[---Execute datadisk read D://
[---Decrypting files...

[---ERROR data not recognized.
[---Decrypting files, attempt 2 DELTA pass...
[---ERROR data not recognized.
[---Decrypting files, attempt 3 OMNI pass...
[---Read successful, copying to local drive as GENESIS/.
[---Dir GENESIS/: Culture, Expment, GMullen, Introduct, NNetLink, Ship, Theories, ###RSTD###
[---Open GENESIS/Introduct.
[---File: Introduct, Date: X.X.814 AS

Greetings persistent reader,

I am Dr. Evan Torbald. You are no doubt interested to read what I have to say if you have made it this far in obtaining my records and successfully decoding them. Do not worry, your efforts have not been in vain. Through this medium, I have recorded all known information on the Genesis Project, a massive colonial undertaking unknown to most of the Sirius sector.
Additional information regarding this subject and updates to these records will be provided as they become available via encrypted Neural Net stream. Refer to the NNetLink directory for information on updates. Do not attempt to trace it, you'll not find me where it leads.


First is an overview to ensure that you and I are on the same page, and reading the same holo-book. Keep in mind that regardless of everything presented here, this may just as well be an elaborate work of fiction crafted by a masterful writer of the 600's. While myself and many others find validity in the evidence, only you can decide for yourself whether to believe such an atrocious event really took place.

The Genesis Project began as a simple idea by a prominent Zoner of the mid Seventh century, Garric Mullenfield. Information about the man himself is not too hard to dig up, having been a financial contributor for many of the Zoner Movement's advancements during that century, such as the refitting of what is now known as Freeport 6. Additional information on this man can be found in the GMullen directory.

Garric Mullenfield saw that some of the same reasons his people had abandoned life in the civilized Houses, were creeping up amongst the Zoner bases spread about the Sirius sector. Selfishness. Greed. Violence. Tyranny. He felt that by mankind continuing to embrace these concepts as a part of daily life, it would spell their inevitable doom. He longed for a new start, an altering of the Human psyche in a sterile environment. Though it was too late for him and his people, perhaps their children, and their children's children could foster a new age of human perception. You will find more information on this in the Culture directory.

Using his own wealth and political weight, he began amassing the resources needed to construct a colony ship. From the start it was to be a covert operation, and as far as we know not even Garric's family was in on it. We are still unsure how anything as large as the ship that was built for the project, made it to space without alerting the general public. There are news articles dated between 655 AS to 659 AS that mention an enormous Zoner Juggernaut-class ship being constructed for the purposes of colonization in the Sirius sector. Whether this is the same ship is a matter of heavy speculation, as that ship was accounted for to be the Zoner Flotilla.
Articles do tout the construction to have taken far longer than most ships of it's class. This point, as well as the inherent secrecy and lack of photographic record of the construction, suggest to some as well as myself that there were in fact two ships built, with the Flotilla serving as a diversion. Additional evidence supporting this theory can be found in the Ship and Theories directory.

The ship was only one aspect of this project. There was still the task of obtaining human subjects for the purposes of experimentation and live practive of the project itself. Garric was said to have close connections with Cryer Pharm as well as a few other independent research firms, some whom may not have had qualms about working with people (Eh heh heh, sorry I had to slip that'n in there.)
Human beings were subjected to unsafe, unproven and unthinkable procedures to twist their minds into the vision that Garric held for the Man of the future. It is unkown exactly as to where these experiments took place, perhaps on the ship or a private research facility on the edge worlds. Further details on the experiments as well as modern scientific data supporting this can be found in the Expment and Theories directory.


I do hope that your interest has been piqued if it was not already. Many years of research and investigation have been spent, my own personal time as well as the time of my assistants and associates who are also intrigued by this mythical project. Do enjoy the reading material. May it guide you to the truth.

<div align="right]-Evan Torbald
Doctor of Sirrian History

The Genesis Project - eyran - 10-17-2009

[---Dir GENESIS/: Culture, Expment, GMullen, Introduct, NNetLink, Ship, Theories, ###RSTD###
[---Open GENESIS/NNetLink.
[---Neural Net link Established via Proxy.
[---Broadcasting for updates...


TIME: 10.26.817 A.S.
GENESIS/GMullen/Supplement 01 - 10.26.817

The Genesis Project - eyran - 10-20-2009

[---Dir GENESIS/: Culture, Expment, GMullen, Introduct, NNetLink, Ship, Theories, ###RSTD###
[---Open GENESIS/GMullen.
[---File: The Man Himself, Date: X.X.814 A.S.

Garric Mullenfield.

History tells us that the man was born to a Corsair father and an Outcast mother in the year 616 A.S. Bred amidst great conflct, he was brought up by parents who cared him, and an extended family who loathed him on each side. Wishing to protect their son, they subscribed to a life of exile with the Zoners. They both were formally banished from their homelands because of their apparent betrayal. it is also recorded that Garric had two younger siblings, a sister named Tera, and a brother named Lorric.

Garric grew up as a traveler, a downtrodden gypsy of the stars. Personal logs recorded by the man speak of a life of hunger and hardship as his parents adjusted, as detailed in this transcripted voice log by Garric:

Quote:Today we entered a highly radiated system in search of... well anything that could make some credits really. Even Zoners understand the value of their food and water to others, and would rather prefer to see credits than to let you live another day on a bottle of water, or a loaf of synthbread. Father stopped a local miner ship to ask for a donation, but it must've ended badly. The blaster fire of the encounter woke me and Tera up, though lazy Lorric snored on through it. Mother was quick to convince us that it was nothing and to go back to sleep. I think they're ashamed of where they came from, but unable to turn away from what they were raised to do.

Sometime around the age of 20 or so, Garric left his parents to strike his own way in the world. He remained in contact with them, scavenging what bit of wealth he could and ensuring that their basic needs were met. A well documented event in Garric's life was recorded in 638 A.S., when the young and energetic man made the astounding discovery of a Polymer field on the edges of Tau-29. Though the area has since been depleted nowadays, the location of this mother lode was worth enough to the local Zoner and IMG settlements to secure the financial future of himself and his close family.
Using this to his advantage, the ambitious man worked himself into a position of authority over Zoner mining operations throughout Tau-29 and the neighboring systems. Using his personal knowledge of scavenging, he applied it to modern mining and harvesting methods. Garric spearheaded an economic regrowth for his people when Kishiro Technologies approached the Zoners regarding the sale and trade of polymer, and integral material for the manufacture of Kishiro optical chips. In only four years, Garric was put into a position of councilship at Freeport 6. This served as a platfrom to launch his own optimistic plans, which also had the adverse effect of drawing criticism from the community as being overzealous and a hopeless visionary.

The rest of Garric's recorded lifetime was filled with the day to day nuances of making decisions for the running of Freeport 6. On 10.01.689 A.S., Garric Mullenfield passed away at the age of 73 to natural causes. During his last years of life, Garric kept a series of logs that are to this day held by the Zoner council of Freeport 6 for their historical value. These logs are thought to hold key information regarding his lifetime accomplishments, including crucial information on the Genesis Project.

The Freeport 6 Zoner council is incredibly hesitant to relinquish these logs to outsiders, especially those associated with a Sirrian House. We are still in the process of diplomatic discussions with them for a holo-copy of the logs.
One might say that the devil is in the details, and even today we are scouring what information is available to us for new clues to what exactly this man's mind looked like. This file has been setup with a Neural Net link to feed new information as it becomes available. Due to the secrecy of our research, this information is subject to considerable time delay.

[---Neural Net link dump...
[---Link established, downloading. . . . .
[---Supplement 01 10.26.817 A.S. downloaded.
[---Injecting supplemental data.

Supplement 01:
Regarding the last name Mullenfield.
The name is clearly not of Corsair or Outcast descent, as these two groups commonly have hispanic family names. It is believed that the name was chosen by the parents of Garric upon their exile from home and into Zoner society. Researching this last name and tracing it back is a daunting task. We have thus far uncovered over 3 million different people with this last name registered in House space, not counting possible traces in undocumented space. Tracking down a genealogical line back to Garric Mullenfield has proven to be a pointless endeavor for the time expense of doing so, and this segment of research has since been discontinued unless convincing evidence is discovered.

[---End of file.

The Genesis Project - eyran - 10-20-2009

[---Dir GENESIS/: Culture, Expment, GMullen, Introduct, NNetLink, Ship, Theories, ###RSTD###
[---Open GENESIS/Expment.
[---File: General Evidence, Date: X.X.814 A.S.

We have procured a series of reports and personnel logs by an independent scientific research firm that existed in the seventh century. The firm went by the name of "Aptech Genetics". Within these reports, a slew of incriminating evidence supporting the existence of the Genesis project has been uncovered. Aptech Genetics has otherwise been an invisible entity in history, with no notable scientific or medical advances attributed to it.

In this file I will present these reports that detail the project, and allow you to make your own conclusions of the information.

Quote:DATE: 6.2.650 A.S.

This could be paydirt for us.

Our firm has secured a deal with a client to perform some heavy work involving human genetics. CEO Hanz and chairman Reilly were quite ecstatic about the matter, and the client seems to be fully intent on the success of our job. A sum of funding has already been forwarded to the company account and we've all been promised a fat bonus by the end of the year if we can make substantial progress.
Something about this has been nagging at me though. The client seems to favor secrecy above everything. Even the board wont give us their name, or perhaps even they do not know. Without a face, money does the talking well enough.

The job itself has to do with pinpointing key genes that affect human perception, emotion and instinct. We already have a general idea of these, however up to now there has not been any funding backing an ambitious study. What the client will do with this information, I have no idea and personally do not care. I could really use that raise by the end of the year...
<div align="right]-Dr. Victor Clemens
Quote:DATE: 6.24.650 A.S.

Using varying samples of DNA collected by a controlled group of people that exhibit different behavioral and emotional tendencies, we are now in the process of comparing genetic differences. The computers have been working non-stop to calculate and generate abstractions in this data, and so far everyone is looking hopeful about it.
A few samples have come up as a CORRUPT status and are being re-analyzed manually by Dr. Warren and Dr. Daltona. It's probably just some form of debris like dust or a foreign chemical composition within the blood samples. For all we know, the samples are from a cardi-head.
The client has been hounding the board since day one, pressing for results and in turn causing Hanz to practically breathe down our necks. I find it a stressful work environment, but anything that I need to do for my children, I will bear with a smile.
<div align="right]-Dr. Victor Clemens
Quote:DATE: 7.1.650 A.S.

Four weeks of study have finally proven fruitful! Last night we were able to pin down the series of genes which affect the development of the sympathetic nervous system, and more specifically the adrenal glands. The gene is currently being labeled G-344. With sufficient understanding of this genetic sequence, one could program an inherent overproduction of adrenaline into a human, or perhaps an adrenaline deficiency to produce a person that is naturally docile.
This breakthrough has been reported to the client, and supposedly the firm is to receive a second infusion of research funding based on our success.
I spoke with Dr. Daltona regarding the status of locating so-called 'instinct genes' and the general consensus is that no such data percievably exists in DNA. Nevertheless, with more funding can come more advanced equipment and incentive to get a definitive answer on that matter.
<div align="right]-Dr. Victor Clemens

This series of logs by Dr. Clemens ends abruptly for a while. To preserve the chronological order of the evidence, I will next present research data collected by the Aptech staff.

Quote:DATE: 3.12.652 A.S.

I: expired
II: expired
III: danger
IV: danger
V: improving
VI: terminated
VII: terminated
VIII: terminated
IX: terminated
X: healthy


Resequences: G-12, G-13, G-25, G-344, G-345
No change in vital systems in Subject. Adrenal production is normal. As of today, it has been five months since subject was birthed.
Abnormalities as a result of re-sequencing stand at two. Multiple pigments in subject's eyes, inadequately developed kidneys.
Data suggests subject will expire within the next month. Artificial replacement of failed systems will not be administered, to simulate non-assisted existence of such a subject in a realtime environment. Subject no longer produces desirable data for research and will be permitted to expire.


Resequences: G-12, G-13, G-25, G-126, G-344, G-345
No change in vital systems in Subject. Adrenal production is slightly above average at +17%.
Abnormalities as a result of re-sequencing stand at three. Multiple pigments in subject's eyes, inadequately developed kidneys, overactive production of saliva.
Subject continues to require draining of saliva to prevent suffucation. Removal of saliva glands and artificial kidney replacements scheduled for next week to test longterm effects of resequence G-126 in the subject. Estimated 19 months until conclusive data is collected.


Resequences: G-12, G-13, G-25, G-225, G-344b, G-345
Subject showing increased appetite and neural response. Adrenal production is beyond normal range at +522%.
Abnormalities as a result of re-sequencing stand at three. Multiple pigments in subject's eyes, inadequately developed kidneys (since self-corrected), fasciculation of subjects limbs coinciding with Response Experiment.
Cognitive functions registered on brain scans suggesting improved nmemonic capabilities. Kidneys continue to process correctly, no treatment has been administered for initial poor development of kidneys. Subject continues to produce usable data regarding control of adrenal glands. Adrenaline production maxes out over five times the normal human limit when presented stimulii in Response Experiment, particularly reactions to different colors.


Resequences: G-12, G-13, G-25, G-225, G-226, G-227b, G-344b, G-345c
No change in vital systems in Subject. Adrenal production is well below normal range at -90%.
Abnormalities as a result of re-sequencing stand at one. Multiple pigments in subject's eyes.
Subject is showing inherent docile nature connected with deficiency of adrenaline. Body appears to compensate with increased consumption of body fat. Additional weight since birthing has been depleted and subject has been administered additional nutritional support within limits of reproducable realtime environment.
Physical development is also facilitated. As of four months since birth, subject appears an age of two years. Cognitive development is keeping pace as well. Subject has successfully completed the Vocal Experiment for the last seven days.

Quote:DATE: 4.1.652 A.S.

The board is promoting me to Chief Researcher over the Genesis project. In ten months we have managed to track the key genes to altering the human perception by the fabrication of inherent emotions, and reproduce the results in human subjects. Using a control variant of G-344 and G-344b, we have successfully created G-344c which promises to finetune the results the client is looking for.
G-344c is planned to be used with Subject XII as soon as a suitable surrogate has been obtained. Dr. Clemens is convinced that the 6-9 incident was a result of an unfit surrogate, and the board agrees that Surrogate D, whom perished after the birth of Subject IX, may have provided unfavorable conditions.
Our findings on the facilitation of aging in subjects X and XI have been submitted to the client and are found to be a positive side effect to our research. G-227b is the sequence responsible for the enhanced growth of these subjects and is being analyzed for additional potential and control.
<div align="right]-Dr. Hannah Daltona

Additional reports to come. Due to the sensitivity of data, it will be provided in increments based on hidden criteria. Check NNetLink for updates.

[---Neural Net link dump...

[---ERROR No data received.
[---End of file.

The Genesis Project - eyran - 10-28-2009

[---Dir GENESIS/: Culture, Expment, GMullen, Introduct, NNetLink, Ship, Theories, ###RSTD###
[---Open GENESIS/Ship.
[---File: Design and construction, Date: X.X.814 A.S.

The Genesis.

The vessel used to carry out this diabolical plan is a matter of great debate amongst researchers following this case. Many experts find it simply impossible for a ship of colonial magnitude to have been constructed without public knowledge of it. To those skeptics, I will submit key information that can prove not only the existence of the ship, but also details of it's inner workings and unique technology.

The Goal.

Even the great sleeper ships that brought humanity to Sirius had only fared through space for a handful of years before finding their respective homes. These ships were not built with longterm space travel in mind, and by longterm I am speaking of decades and centuries. Eventually a ship must refuel, it's hull and internal systems must be taken care of, and the restocking of consumable resources for the survival of the crew are necessary.
For the Genesis Project to be possible, it would take a complete rethinking of the modern space travel model. Rather than relying upon established bases and shipyards, such a vessel would need the means to refuel and repair on the fly. With the goal of crossing vast reaches of unexplored space, the ship would need to be built with the expectation that it might never again see the dock of a human station again upon departure from the sector.

The Answer.

These are all lucrative goals to accomplish, however the reality is that even in the year 814 A.S., no such a ship can be accounted for in known space. A single Libertonian freighter may be constructed of alloy from Bretonia, it's navigation system using processors from Kusari and fueled by Rheinland ALG MOX. Resources are spread out across our home sector, sometimes inconveniently beyond political lines or negotiable terrain. The mothership of the Genesis Project would need to encompass such a diversity all in one.
The answer to this problem is supposedly provided by another independent technological research firm of the Seventh century by the name, "Welfirma Inc." with the creation of their crowning achievement. The EDEN Reclaimor.

Information has been uncovered from news bits, articles and even advertisements by Welfirma Inc. themselves, promoting this revolutionary technology to ship builders, plying for their attention to see who would be the highest bidder. Propaganda and press releases regarding the EDEN Reclaimor detail the following: an autonomous resource collecting refinery, capable of categorizing and utilizing basic elements such as particles and gas, and processing them for use in manufacturing, agricultural and consumer applications.
Whether the concept worked, in theory the firm had stumbled upon the technological stem cell for industrial development. What we do know is that this technology never made it to present day, and any specific designs for creating such a device have been lost to time or never existed in the first place.

The Design.

Now set this bit of information aside for a moment but keep it in mind. Last year a colleague and I began talks with another acquaintence connected with the Zoner shipbuilding industry. For his own safety, his gender shall be all that is revealed of their identity. Suffice it to say that he has intimate knowledge of the shipbuilding operations out in Zoner Guard space. With that access, he is also permitted knowledge of past internal records regarding ships commissioned by the Zoners. Purchase orders, licensure, material logs, progress reports, blueprints, etc.
In return for making it all worth his time, we were able to extract a file of great interest from the Ship Database of the Livadia shipyard in Omicron-74. This file, dubbed "Flotilla - Construction" was found upon seeking out ships commissioned between 650 and 660 AS, that were remotely close to the class of vessel needed to pull off the Genesis Project. Within it are purchase orders and receipts for contruction materials brought in to complete the Zoner Flotilla that was publicised between 655 to 659 AS. Our acquaintence took an interest in studying the materials ordered for the job and came to a startling conclusion. The logs report an excess of materials that would actually be needed. Almost exactly twice as much.

The file was forwarded to us, and we have been scouring it for data. Comparing logs a well as the time from beginning to completion, we have concluded without a doubt that two juggernaut ships were feasibly built between 655 and 659 AS at Livadia Shipyard.
It also happened that by chance, that a hidden schematic diagram was uncovered by yours truly, within the technical plans for the Flotilla. There appeared to have been an effort in erasing visible proof of the construction of another ship within the records, however a sloppy job had been done of it. Within the auxillary backups of the graphical plans, remained the following image:

[Image: TheGenesis-Sidediagramsmall.jpg]
Click for larger view.

It was from this image that our fervor for tracking down the truth of this project was renewed. A slew of additional data regarding the ship was provided in this single image. The EDEN Reclaimor. Estimations of crew size and various technical layouts. Average speeds and travel times estimations before refuel could be calculated. It was now known that the ship was a modification of the modern "Jinkusu" Class juggernaut.
A purpose was also mentioned, as well as a timeframe of operation and the realization that even the shipwrights had no idea where the ship would be put to service. Most important was an incriminating name. The Genesis.

Additional ship data will be streamed to this file via Neural Net Link on tme delay for security reasons.

[---Neural Net link dump...

[---ERROR No data received.
[---End of file.