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Kicked for cheating - Printable Version

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Kicked for cheating - Bsebastian01 - 10-17-2009

I was at buffalo, NY. I just sold my Cardamine, and bought blood diamonds, I undocked and was insta kicked for cheating, I tried again, but just logging in I was DCed. What is goin gon here, ALL I have is Disco activated, and Cheating is for losers.


I also noticed the server was full 200/200, maybe an admin kicked me so he could log in or something? I had a bit of a rep, now ESS can be called cheaters!

Kicked for cheating - Bsebastian01 - 10-17-2009

It is probably no problem anyways, I am now able to leave buffalo.

I bet it was probably something that confused the server or something

Kicked for cheating - reavengitair - 10-17-2009

It happens all the time. I think its due to lag and buying/selling commodities before it registers your credit amount (or something like that O.o)