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Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Printable Version

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Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Red_Bull - 10-18-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Vagrant Raiders
Comm ID: Falling.Sun

Greetings Raiders,

I was wondering if you were looking for any assistance? Contact me using this highly secured channel if so. Don't worry, I had some buddies in Ageira make sure of that.

***Message End***

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - atlantis2112 - 10-18-2009

Incoming Transmission...
...Decryption in Progress...
Sender: Petrucci, John
Target: Falling.Sun

Interesting. Who the hell are you, and why do you think you could be of any use to use in the least bit?

End of Transmission.

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Red_Bull - 10-18-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Vagrant Raiders
Comm ID: Falling.Sun

Ah, sorry Mr.Petrucci allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chesty Puller, I work for Universal Shipping. It's a true pain working for those money hungry mongrels who care very little of their employees. Which is why I decided to contact your group, I admire you and your hard working men. In all honesty I want to help make your lives easier, by either transporting things (they may be illegal or not) and helping by diverting shipments of goods. I know I'll have to earn your trust but if your willing to give me a chance I'll pull some strings and you men will be never short of just about anything. Feel free to let me know if your interested still or not.

***Message End***

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - atlantis2112 - 10-18-2009

Incoming Transmission...
...Decryption in Progress...
Sender: Petrucci, John
Target: Falling.Sun

Admirable. And why would you want to help me and my men? I should think that you'd be quite angry at us for all of the credits we have no doubt taken from you.

End of Transmission.

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Red_Bull - 10-18-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Vagrant Raiders
Comm ID: Falling.Sun

Well, Mr.Petrucci I can look past the credits I may have lost. I'm a working man, from the day I was born to the day I die. I live to work, I work to live. Anyways I have done some researching of your group and they are a very honorable bunch. I admire you and your men because your a group that is hard working. I can't say the same about a lot of people, and I figured I might as well contribute to an honest group. One of great prestige like yourselves. Were all just trying to get by in this galaxy and what I've seen and heard about the Raider's has been quite promising to me.If your wondering about what I pilot, it would be an Advanced Train which can haul five thousand units of just about anything. So it would be very useful I feel to you men. I'll be awaiting a response Mr.Petrucci.

***Message End***

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - atlantis2112 - 10-18-2009

Incoming Transmission...
...Decryption in Progress...
Sender: Petrucci, John
Target: Falling.Sun

Very interesting. I will be frank.

I do not know you. Therefore, I do not trust you.

However.. this arrangement could benefit us both. As a test of your competence ... bring 2,500 tonnes of Niobium to Magellan. We will know when you arrive.

If you pass this test, this agreement could hold great benefit to both of us.

If you fail this test.. well.

End of Transmission.

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Red_Bull - 10-18-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Vagrant Raiders
Comm ID: Falling.Sun

I'll get right on it Mr.Petrucci.

***Message End***

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - Red_Bull - 10-27-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Vagrant Raiders
Comm ID: Falling.Sun

Greetings once more Mr.Petrucci, I have to apologize for the unexpected delay in the shipment. A few things came up but that isn't important at all. For this delay I got double what you asked, I believe Mr.LaBrie has it tucked away. I hope to hear from you soon Mr.Petrucci.

**Message end**

Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - atlantis2112 - 10-27-2009

Incoming Transmission...

'Ello chummy!

Petrucci isn't here to take your call. Its LaBrie again. Miss me?

Thank you for the contribution. Money should be floating its way through the net right now.

I don't have any requests for additional supplies as of yet. I sent Rudess up into the Omicrons to bring him a message to park it on a base, so I can communicate with him. Stay tuned, I'll have him contact you when he finds out.




Highly encrypted message to the Vagrant Raiders - atlantis2112 - 10-31-2009

Incoming Transmission...
...Decryption in Progress...
Sender: Petrucci, John
Target: Falling.Sun

Well done. You have proved your worth to us, I am very impressed.

Your next task will be even more profitable for you, should the task be finished. 3,500 units of Superconductors. No more, no less.

LaBrie will take care of the transfer.

Petrucci out.

End of Transmission.