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MW2 PC Gamers Unite - ivr56 - 10-18-2009

Yesterday was horrid day for PC Gaming.
One of the most anticipated PC FPS of the year. Or IS.
IWs Community Manager announced their will be NO dedicated server support. None.
Instead their is matchmaking and private match. Not even a serverlist to browse. Matchmaking chooses for you. Freedom of Choice that came with PC Gaming is gone.
P2P is the way they are looking at as well as Steam required to run.

Petition stands at 21,000 Signatures at the moment. I signed yesterday when it was at 867. It rose by 15,000+ in a matter of 10-15 hours.
News Spreads Fast and This News Pissed off the Entire Call of Duty PC Community.

Show Your Support Sign Today!

Quote:It's hard, very hard, for me to write objectively right now, but here is a summary of what we heard on BASH 123. If you missed it...we will have it on demand in a few minutes.

The raw version of BASH 123 can be found here temporarily.

Fourzerotwo was on our BASH webcast this morning and he had a few surprises for the PC community.

Here are the snippets:

We're doing a lot on the backend to make the game accessible for everyone.
There is no delay for the PC version of MW2
There's prestige mode
Jason West at the MP event, said that he was dead on, on the matchmaking servers. We've been building a system on the backend called IW.NET.
You are completely reliant on IW.NET. There are no server lists. There are no dedicated servers.
You have private matches where you can customize the game
You cannot put MW2 on a dedicated server.
This is the first time we've ever done something like this and the team has huge plans for what IW.NET develops into.
Customizing your have quite a few options in a private match
You're getting same game (as in Console), plus matchmaking and private match.
Server admin point-of view, NO DEDICATED SERVERS

I've summarized some of my own thoughts from the cast here:


* IW partnering through Steam is what you will see in the future. Matchmaking is not through Steam, but IW.NET is run in conjunction with Steam.
* GSP's will no longer be renting out servers.
* No PunkBuster. VAC will be used as an anti cheat.
* Retail distribution: Pre-orders will get a disk. Or you could order from Steam.
* DLC may now need to be paid for - not confirmed.
* Piracy was only a small reason for going to IW.NET - not the whole reason.


* No more clan servers. Private matches, replace clan servers.
* Listen servers will connect to each other.
* IW.NET/Steam will replace the community server admin

Competitive Gaming

* Competitive gaming has changed forever.
* It might be possible in the future for IW engineers to load a "competitive" setting on IW.NET, but it is far from a guarantee. It might also never happen.


* Modding the game is now very much in question. Fourzerotwo had no info on modding. However, it appears that there will be no mods or maps for MW2.
* Modding in SpecOps? Unknown.

Today our game has changed for ever.

I'll leave this post with Josh Peckler's comments from

The server community is what's made us. It's what defined us.

IW.NET is getting the PC community to turn into consoles. You're trying to re-write our history.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - albert001 - 10-18-2009

Allready signed. I don't know how could they come up with this sh*t.

EDIT: I just feel I said not enough, try playing Left 4 Dead with its matchmaking. You seek a game for 30-50 minutes just to find a terrible group of players. Imagine that in CoD game. That would be an ULTRA EPIC FAIL.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - Boss - 10-18-2009

This makes me D:

Also, petition's at 24,000 or so now.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - AJBeast - 10-18-2009

Signed. Why the hell change a formula that has served PC gaming well for over a decade? Were they hit in the head with a brick or something? Geez...

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - ivr56 - 10-18-2009

Steam also seems to be required.
Meaning downloading patches though Steam. Say Patch day or your on a capped connection. (
You must download the patch to play at all. So if a patch is say 2.5GB or something and your capped at 2GB a month. You cant play a game you paid 60 bucks for because Steam wants you to download and update. And it will cost you in bandwidth fees for going over the limit.

I you were at Americas Army 3 release day. It took 30minutes-1 hours to just to start the download the rest of the game. Steam Servers were overworked.
That may happen with MW2 unless bigger servers are brought in.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - albert001 - 10-18-2009

' Wrote:I you were at Americas Army 3 release day. It took 30minutes-1 hours to just to start the download the rest of the game. Steam Servers were overworked.

Have you ever tried to buy a Team Fortress 2 in shop and then download all the patches after a year the game was on?

I generally have nothing against Steam. Just the matchmaking drives me mad.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - Treewyrm - 10-18-2009

No dedicated servers, no LAN support, no modding support... where the hell it is all going to?

I was going to pre-order it next week, guess not anymore. PCs aren't consoles, period.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - ivr56 - 10-18-2009

Petition is now at 28817 Signatures.
Its rising and rising fast.

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - EverBlue - 10-22-2009

Petition hit 100,000k+

Infinity Ward replies:

This article sums it up better.

Also, f**k GameInformer, really.
"PC Fanboys dedicated server woes"?
"Predictably, nerds across world took to the Internet with a wailing and a gnashing of teeth" What?

MW2 PC Gamers Unite - FooFighter - 10-22-2009

Gonna get me a torrented copy to play through SP, and that's it. I ain't paying anyone over 50 Euro to let them consolify my PC, thanks.