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Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Printable Version

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Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - atlantis2112 - 10-18-2009

I just thought of this question. what is the point of putting jumpgates way out on their own? Wouldn't it make more sense to have all ships and stations all nice and tight together for economic purposes?

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - monsterlancer - 10-18-2009

Maybe wormholes are not that stable. Might lose a station. Same with a Jumpgate.

You could also say that the forces that allow the making of Wormholes and Jumpgates only converge in selected areas.

Placing a station too close would not give the personel enough time to man the defenses if needed.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Barrier - 10-18-2009

The first word that comes to mind is traffic. Yes, traffic in space.
The second word that comes to mind is resources. Stations are beside the "good stuff".
Third word that comes to mind is relations. Competitors don't want to be too close to each other. That also applies to Enemies, like Red Hessians and Corsairs.

Hope that makes it clear.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Colonel.Tigh - 10-18-2009

Take a good look at Texas, then you will know why noone will want a jumpgate next to their station.

Dallas incident ring a bell?

...Living on a Police borderstation is living in fear:P

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Guest - 10-18-2009

I believe the reason comes close to:
"Digital Anvil thought it would be prettier if they were in a pretend-order of sorts."

Basically, it looks better this way. All that's left is you people who'll try and rationalize it somehow. Truth is, there's no real RP reason for it.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - yurineova - 10-18-2009

Well, with Trade Lanes, means that you can put a station almost anywhere and easily reach it.

As for stand alone jumpgates, kinda akward but it could also mean that a tradelane will be there in the near future.

As to positioning of Jumpgate, yea, response time is understandable AND also I image you cant just throw a jumpgate anywhere, it has to be built in certain stable locations (to prevent collisions of planets, stars, etc)

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-18-2009

I was thinking along the same lines as Crucial for my first response - traffic as well.

If you have not done so, I recommend that you read the Honor Harrington series - they do a GREAT job of talking about stable wormholes (effectively jump gates / jump holes) and what happens with lots of people traversing them.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Bear - 10-18-2009

The reason why they are so far out is so that pirates can pirate you without the need to go near a station. Second reason is so that it takes longer trade.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Zeb Harley - 10-19-2009

The reasons are the objects in a starsystem.

You cannot jump through the gravity wells of suns so you have to go around them with a slower speed.

You also cannot initiate a jump close to objects with a big mass, that is the reason why the jumpgates are at a far distance to objects with a big mass like planets.

Since they connect different systems with a straight line, it also has to be made sure there is nothing interfering with this straight line. This explains why the jumpgates are exactly where they are: every other position would send you into the gravety-well of a yet unknown system's sun.

This may not be the official point of view of the Ageira-administration, but every transport-pilot of the company knows a thing or two about space-travels. After all this IS the reason why Ageira does not recommend using jumpholes! You never know if they don't send you right into the middle of a sun.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - yurineova - 10-19-2009

' Wrote:The reasons are the objects in a starsystem.

You cannot jump through the gravity wells of suns so you have to go around them with a slower speed.

You also cannot initiate a jump close to objects with a big mass, that is the reason why the jumpgates are at a far distance to objects with a big mass like planets.

Since they connect different systems with a straight line, it also has to be made sure there is nothing interfering with this straight line. This explains why the jumpgates are exactly where they are: every other position would send you into the gravety-well of a yet unknown system's sun.

This may not be the official point of view of the Ageira-administration, but every transport-pilot of the company knows a thing or two about space-travels. After all this IS the reason why Ageira does not recommend using jumpholes! You never know if they don't send you right into the middle of a sun.
longer more thorough explaination of what I said earlier =P