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MErc doubt - Blaze - 10-21-2009

I have a doubt about a rule
[1:44:13 PM] Blaze: The rule in which a MErc provides security to pirates
[1:44:32 PM] Blaze: Can I engage the Transports
[1:44:42 PM |Blaze: If my Employer asks me to do?
[1:44:55 PM] Blaze: And IF he pays me for every kill?

MErc doubt - Wuselkobold - 10-21-2009

No. You can only fire at people who fire on your employer while he is pirating. If the trader doesn't shoot, you don't shoot too. Period.
Only other possibility is if there is a forum posted bounty on that trader.

MErc doubt - Exsiled_one - 10-21-2009

well you can always post a bounty in game, as long as it turns up in forums soon.

so if your employer places a bounty in game on a ship, aka tells you "blow up that trader, and you'll get 2million if you let me haul off the cargo" and you agree, blowing him up, then your employer should go in the nearest base, dock, alt tab and post a bounty on the forum, where merc has to post a proof of everything then.

MErc doubt - Blaze - 10-21-2009

Hmm okay thanks for the help man

MErc doubt - Exsiled_one - 10-21-2009

Just remember, all bounties need to be in rp. You cannot really go with your "xy" ship, tagged by two mercs and go "shoot this! shoot that! blast this!"

It's not the way bounties work.
How to make it more realistic and ingame example? hm.

Here's the idea. You're an artifact smuggler, and you've just sold your goods. You have a merc hired for escort, and you're flying empty towards a base where you will buy something legal and continue on your way. But whats that!? On the way, you see some Red hessian smuggler carrying blood diamonds towards Rochester as well.

You aren't really fond of mercs, so you decide to tell your merc to force him to drop his cargo. That can end in him dropping the cargo, or him blowing up. Or ofcourse him escaping. In first two scenarios, you pick up the diamonds, and continue on your merry way back to Rochester and earn the profit that you share with your merc then.

Bad example would be that you decide to blow up Mike[T] because his other char Red Hessian "Mikah Lukas" blew up your other character "Alfonz Benevelue" few days ago, and its time for payback.

Keep in mind that posting a bounty on red hessians in the forums will have its backfiring results, so you and you friend merc could change your ID's to him being a generic pirate, and you being a smuggler.

Just few examples of what to do

MErc doubt - pipsqueak - 10-22-2009

I know the gods of the server will probably not admit it but the role of the merc was defined by me a loooong time ago. :) (some of the things on the Merc ID are straight from a post I worte here in 2007)

(Can any one say Jupiter Guild rules of engagement ?)

My rule of thumb for playing as a merc is as follows. Hope it help you with your rp.

1. We do not burn bridges. Meaning we will not attack any one on our own accord. You need to have a reason to attack some one. Fight for some one, if they die, your job is done.

2. Try not to attack house ships openly in their own turf. (very bad form and a ban hammer from the houses). If you do. lots of warning, apologize, and let them know that you will stop engaging if they leave or if your employer dies.

3. Do NOT directly pirate. There are only a couple of ways you can assist the pirates (rememberyou are treading on thin ice by helping them anyway and any slip up could cause the sanction hammer to come down).

This is how I help em.
a. a transport that can help them pirate by just being there. (traders tend to pay if they knnow that if they blow up their cargo will be cashed by pirates).

b. Recon. Keep an eye on incoming forces and traders. pirates catch a lot more if they know it 30 seconds in advance.

c. Pure body guard. Advise the trader and his escorts that you are only protecting your employer and are not interested in the loot. If your employer dies, you will disengage.

Hope my gameplay as a merc helps you define your rp.
PEACE and stay frosty out there.

MErc doubt - Dusty Lens - 10-22-2009

' Wrote:I have a doubt about a rule
[1:44:13 PM] Blaze: The rule in which a MErc provides security to pirates
[1:44:32 PM] Blaze: Can I engage the Transports
[1:44:42 PM |Blaze: If my Employer asks me to do?
[1:44:55 PM] Blaze: And IF he pays me for every kill?


But do remember that bounties need to be posted on the forum.

MErc doubt - TheMillers - 10-22-2009

' Wrote:well you can always post a bounty in game, as long as it turns up in forums soon.

so if your employer places a bounty in game on a ship, aka tells you "blow up that trader, and you'll get 2million if you let me haul off the cargo" and you agree, blowing him up, then your employer should go in the nearest base, dock, alt tab and post a bounty on the forum, where merc has to post a proof of everything then.

NO.. If it isn't posted on the forums at the time the bounty is being executed, it is not valid.
It would open up for PvP abuse :

Lolwut1 : "Oh, look, theres Ivan-Trader. I put a bounty of 2 gazillion credits on him. Go kill him now".
Lolwut2 : "OK.. Ivan-Trader, you have been bountied." followed by SNAC, Nuclear Mine, 3 shots with Bomber Energy cannon, a Nova torpedo, and a disintegrating Ivan-Trader.
And while Ivan-Trader is busy filling out a violation report for a OORP killing, Lolwut1 posts the bounty on the forums after the fact.

Bounties can NOT be posted retroactively. They have to be posted on the forums PRIOR to the killing of the bountied party, or it will be PvP abuse.

MErc doubt - Dusty Lens - 10-22-2009

' Wrote:NO.. If it isn't posted on the forums at the time the bounty is being executed, it is not valid.
It would open up for PvP abuse :

Lolwut1 : "Oh, look, theres Ivan-Trader. I put a bounty of 2 gazillion credits on him. Go kill him now".
Lolwut2 : "OK.. Ivan-Trader, you have been bountied." followed by SNAC, Nuclear Mine, 3 shots with Bomber Energy cannon, a Nova torpedo, and a disintegrating Ivan-Trader.
And while Ivan-Trader is busy filling out a violation report for a OORP killing, Lolwut1 posts the bounty on the forums after the fact.

Bounties can NOT be posted retroactively. They have to be posted on the forums PRIOR to the killing of the bountied party, or it will be PvP abuse.


MErc doubt - DarthCloakedGuy - 10-22-2009

I know blanket-bounties on a faction work, they've been a common practice for some time now. Can blanket bounties on an area or situation work? Such as "X0 million for anyone who fires on my ship today" or "any traders passing through this trade lane at this time" and such?

EDIT: Sorry to hijack this thread... it's a related idea, and this thread seems to have run its course.