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Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Irra - 10-21-2009

Well, like in description i saw it on TV and got idea. EMP or Electromagnetic pulse, technology used by our shield busters for fighters , bombers like name says for taking down shields.

We could use bomber version Inferno. I guess it should be just like SNAC ( speed, range etc) just MORE shield damage and LESS hull damage.

Back on idea where i got this, watching TV and Solar flare ... sun creates those things and they are some kind of Electromagnetic pulse ... hit earth once i guess at least and causes USA blackout couple of years ago so this thing is powerful, what if we can in FL harness this energy. I mean we have anti-matter technology why wouldn't we have this. ( Not 100% sure about this hitting earth but anyway it can happen anytime if it didn't already)

So name could be like Electromagnetic pulse cannon , Electromagnetic flare , Electromagnetic pulse flare or something like that. Still not sure, its to be decided should it be generic and used by everyone.

Well stats that should be in ratio with SNAC,

Name Hull Shield
Supernova Antimatter Cannon 132000 66000
Electromagnetic Flare Cannon 2000 132000

Refire, Range, Speed, Energy, Price same as SNAC.

Thats just my guess, this should be worked better, i think there were discussions about this, just couldn't find it, anyway Hull damage should be lower, to be waste of energy if you want to shoot hull with it ( even light fighter hull) , but shield damage better then Snac with little more efficiency that should make ppl use it.

Just one more idea.

For capital ships, maybe with this "technology" make their Pulse cannons that exists now little efficient so that wouldn't effect overall balance , shields of big caps will go down faster but i guess it wont be unbalanced, someone use Solaris , some use Cerberus some will use new pulse cannons for capitals its just different strategy and setup.

This new "technology" should be limited only for capitals and bombers, smaller crafts don't have enough energy to fire these ( just like SNAC )

Quote:Post #5
But this is not all i have new idea.

Supernova or any other new heavy torpedo to have ammo.

It would still be energy based but still they would use some kind of extra energy boost packs something or something like overheat after shooting 70 ( or less) times that could be RPed and it would help capitals a bit and surely bombers wouldn't waste many of them on escort fighters and smaller ships. This would limit bombers to some level where they have to carefully pick their targets.

Repair ships could carry this ammo or simply make new class of ships , something for ammo carrier that can have 140 max ammo but very little bots/bats, this would give discovery something that others servers dont have ( as far as i know)

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Corsair - 10-21-2009

Been proposed before, and it was smitten because it would make capital ships virtually powerless against bomber pairs, One with SNAC, one with this EMP-SNAC.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - atlantis2112 - 10-21-2009

Or a dual nova bomber and an EMP SNAC.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Irra - 10-21-2009

I think that wouldn't be much problem, any capital with half anti-cap and half anti-fighter ( or all ) can easy survive this without scratch.

or just make re-fire time longer so it would take time for single bomber to make enough shield damage.

Edit: Two bombers with anything can pretty much take out every capital ship, and we all know shield is easy to take down. This will take it down "little easier" ... maybe lower shield damage to around 100k ? ...

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Irra - 11-24-2009

Some sort of bump for this, already discussed in several topics.

But this is not all i have new idea.

Supernova or any other new heavy torpedo to have ammo.

It would still be energy based but still they would use some kind of extra energy boost packs something or something like overheat after shooting 70 ( or less) times that could be RPed and it would help capitals a bit and surely bombers wouldn't waste many of them on escort fighters and smaller ships. This would limit bombers to some level where they have to carefully pick their targets.

Repair ships could carry this ammo or simply make new class of ships , something for ammo carrier that can have 140 max ammo but very little bots/bats, this would give discovery something that others servers dont have ( as far as i know)

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Lunaphase - 11-24-2009

SNAC ammo? please do. I get sick of having endless gobs of plasma hurled at me.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 11-24-2009

No, Caps cannot. Our Solaris is so horrible, its not even funny. I doubt ammo limits can be changed, its quite universal...

Bombers do not need any more weapons. Caps do.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - DarthCloakedGuy - 11-24-2009

' Wrote:Supernova or any other new heavy torpedo to have ammo.
Please no. If Supernovas were to start using ammo, I'd stop using bombers altogether.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - CzeReptile - 11-25-2009

' Wrote:I think that wouldn't be much problem, any capital with half anti-cap and half anti-fighter ( or all ) can easy survive this without scratch.

You fighting NPC bombers? Really, two bombers can take down ANY capital no matter what your load is. We had 3 bombers against full solaris dread, guess who won. Its VERY easy already for the bombers, capitals cannot do anything to them.

Solar Flare / Limited heavy torpedo ammo - Irra - 11-25-2009

I don't see ammo as problem, it will only short some battles for bombers and they will have to pick capital target instead of small ones if they want to save ammo, it should be very cheap like 200 credits or little more, but just to have ammo