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The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-22-2009

//Feedback Thread

//To understand what is happening you must read Chapter One: The Concealed Foes.

The events of the first chapter have now led to this new chapter to be written. The story of the new Thane of Sirius is far from over, that I guarentee. Perhaps reading some more would put your mind at ease? A rhyme, how amusing.

Several weeks have passed, and Newton has been hard at work. Macdeath grows weary and Survivor remains unaware. What a fool. At least fifty times he could of found out but did not, because he was very easily influenced. He could of been mistaken for a human, and Macdeath did not want to share a body with him for much longer.

All Survivor cared about now was partying and having sex with any girls he could find. Jeffery's physical appearance gave him the upper hand against competition. Macdeath actually woke up next to two women once. He was unimaginably annoyed, but managed to hold in his temper and the women left. The first time I heard this I laughed my head off.

Newton was close to the frequency required. Salazar had been most helpful, infacting handing over some of the Daam K'Vosh research. Translating it was a difficult process, requiring some more equipment to be "borrowed" from local scientists. But Newton was now close, he was sure of it. The frequency required was enormously complex, and precision was nessicary. If not, either nothing could happen or the frequency could destroy the entities.

Macdeath was impatient. He had very little time with the body, but he had already designed what he wanted and Salazar's engineers were constructing it. Three days until the first was completed, then it was a matter of weeks to build hundreds more. He now recieved no time with the body, as he donated his time to Newton to find the frequency. He gave an estimation of five days before he could risk using it on Jeffery's body.

All the pieces were falling into place, and soon each entities plans could begin. Survivors plan is obvious, party and have sex until he gets bored. Newton, he wants to study all he can. But Macdeath has convinced him he can do the most by creating new technology for his use. And Macdeath's plan? Destroy the human race off course, but that is easier said than done. His plan would take a while to perfect, and he would need Newton and the others.

The others were hidden out there, amongst the domain once belonging to the Daam K'Vosh. He knew where one of them was. And he was ready to collect it.

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-23-2009

Doctor Nicholas Kerensky sighed heavily as he stared out the window. It was another beautiful day on Planet Los Angeles. As he watched a Navy Defender glide overhead, Kerensky realised how bored he was. Xenoarchaeology had its down sides sometimes. He had studied all of the Daam K'Vosh artifacts that had been shipped there, and unfortunately his skills could not determine what most of them were for.
He had sent a message to the Cambridge Museum of History several weeks before, and he hoped they had sent someone to assist him. He was devastated to hear about the Museum Massacre, he feared all those who could help him were now dead. He was searching for other archaeologists but so far hadn't found any worth their experience to transport them to the planet.

He was there alone, it was a small complex and not many worked there anyway. Ten archaeologists - including Kerensky - and two security guards. He wasn't sure if he was actually alone, those guards were so quiet. They slept most of the time, preparing themselves for the thrilling night-life Los Angeles had. He decided to check if they were there, and lifted himself from his chair.

It was dark around the complex, and he saw the curtains had been shut. He opened the ones drapped infront of the door and gasped. It was a miracle, the man he needed for his research was standing right there. It looked like he was about to tap the glass when Kerensky had pulled down the curtains, and now he stood in the cold.

'Can you let me in?' he shouted through the glass. Kerensky quickly unlocked the door and allowed the man in.

'I'm so glad you came, I heard you were the best in the Cambridge Museum of History. I was horrified to hear about the massacre.'

'Fortunately I wasn't there at the time, so I can continue my research into the Daam K'Vosh artifacts.'

'I'm sure you want to see them. This way please.' He pointed towards a door at the far side of the room and led his guest there. Kerensky opened the door, and turned on the lights. There infront of them both was the largest artifact he had with him.

Kerensky saw the man - who he knew well as Jeffery Allen - eyes light up. And a grin cross his face.

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-24-2009

Macdeath stepped into the room and quickly examined each artifact. They were exactly what he needed, it was like a gift from the gods. Newton would be pleased.

'Quite a collection here Doctor.' Macdeath said, making sure to keep up the act of the polite and curious Jeffery Allen. He had recieved the message on his flexipad a few days ago, automatically being transferred from the museum mainframe. He had rushed to Planet Los Angeles to examine the artifacts.

'Yes, but we - by we I mean all who work here - don't have the expertise to discover these artifacts true functions.'

'Well then, fortunate I got your message then.' Macdeath quickly moved over to the table, and gently placed his hand on the largest of the artifacts. He saw nothing in the artifact, and his grin was quickly replaced by a frown.

'That one sustained some damage, if you turn it around.' The artifact had been positioned on a spinning disk, and as Kerensky rotated the disk Macdeath gasped. A large hole had been ripped into the artifact, and it was obvious what he searched for was no longer there.

'During shipment here, one of the archaeologists working here dropped the side of the artifact he was carrying. But before then we noticed the artifact glowed. What does that mean to you?' Macdeath was not listening, instead raging inside for getting his hopes up. There was now much less of a chance he could find the entity that was contained within the artifact.

'Never have I seen such a fair and foul day. Fair, because I believed I had finally found another. Foul, because I find my hopes have been crushed; for the moment anyway.
'Avaunt, and quit my sight, let the earth hide thee.' With professional efficiency he pulled his assault rifle out of his coat and fired a single bullet into Kerensky's head. His head exploded and his body collapsed in a heap on the floor. Macdeath quickly tapped the earpiece he wore on his right ear.

'Move in and secure the area.'

'Yes Sir, we are moving in now.' Salazar had been more than happy to loan him some men, along with some projectile and energy weapons. Macdeath didn't particularly like "Sir", but said nothing. Soon he knew all sentient beings that survived would be calling him "Master".

He saw the front door open and his team move in. Now that he knew there was security he returned his attention to the artifacts. The largest of them was now worthless, nothing more than an empty shell. The others however were brilliant finds. The writing on each was close to completely worn away, but he could still read it.

He had found the Daam K'Vosh tools used to monitor their experiment, and he hoped that somewhere he would find what he needed to help Newton. One of the soldiers walked into the room and without delay gave Macdeath a bag. He opened the bag and started carefully packing the artifacts away. His ship - an Armoured Transport with adapted engines - was waiting a few kilometres away. Another soldier walked into the room, his uniform covered with small, red dots.

'We found two guards sleeping in the security booth. They've bee....' He instantly noticed his mistake and corrected himself. 'They have been dealt with, and we are awaiting your orders.' Macdeath hated the short forms of words. All of them - we're, they're, we've, etc - were banned to be spoken in his presence. Macdeath had noticed the mistake but said nothing.

'Download the files on all ten archaeologists and their known locations. It is possible that who I search for is concealed in one of their minds.' The idea had come to Macdeath a few moments before. It was possible that the entity he seeked was still alive and occupying one of the archaeologists.

'Yes Sir, I shall see that it is done personally.' Macdeath was becoming accustomed to being around his "team". They were useful, and he now saw how important man power was in what he needed. A thousand men would be able to defeat him, if armed accordingly with both weapons and information. But if he had an army, he would be unstoppable.... He realised he had stopped packing artifacts into his bag because he had finished. He zipped the bag closed and tapped his earpiece again.

'I am leaving, I will meet you all at the ship.' He recieved several replies, but each was said at the same time. Macdeath wondered how he had managed to file down his workmen, now they acted as if they were nothing but machines performing their purpose.

He pushed the front door open and stepped out into the summer afternoon, and watched a distant transport land before heading back to the ship. Newton would be pleased.

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-24-2009

Survivor was quiet now, he accepted all of Macdeath's requests for more time. Time he was giving to Newton of course. But Macdeath knew a thing or two about technology - not as advanced technology as Newton, but still a few thousands years ahead of the human race - and in his spare time - time he wasn't fantasising about an empire under his reign - he designed his own things. Newton was so busy with the transmitter and upgrades for their ship - which had been dubbed the Dunsinane - Macdeath knew if he wanted to complete his creation in time he would have to do it on his own.

But even a fool such as Survivor couldn't be tricked into a false sense of security for long, or Salazar for that matter. Macdeath was lucky to find Salazar, and fortunate that he wanted allies. He even constructed his ship down to the last detail of Newton's specifications. But it was down-graded, for most of what Newton had specified didn't exist. At least, didn't exist to the human race.

A shame that he would have to be silenced. He had resources, and had fear, but Macdeath could not afford competition in that field. Scaring the human population would be useful, and if others were doing the same he couldn't have that. That was why he had contacted the terrorists of the galaxy, calling them forth for a meeting. He knew that he needed help, and that help could come from those who accepted his offer.

The research into the final solution had not even been started. They couldn't afford to start it yet, if Salazar got his hands on it he would most likely shoot him in the head. But Macdeath knew it was the solution he dreamed of, and when the race was destroyed the creators would return with rewards for his loyalty.

The Thane of Sirius was about to recieve a new weapon.

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-24-2009

'Brilliant, brilliant!' Newton exclaimed with glee. The artifacts from the complex on Los Angeles were exactly what he needed. The Daam K'Vosh needed a way to manipulate the entities, to force them in and out of cages and other living things. They used frequencies, and Newton believed he had found it.

'So, these gonna help?' the soldier inquired, oblivious to the fact that Newton had just given an informal response. But Newton ignored this, too excited to point it out.

'Yes, yes, definately. My work is now irrelevant, for what I was finding is here! And too a far greater degree of accuracy than my work, this should work for sure!'

'So, what's the frequency?'

'Oh, to round it up and convert it to standard form I'd say 5.4 x 10^6. There are tens of numbers after the decimal place, but that's just rounding it up. Do you want to know the actual frequency?' The soldier was confused, and his face showed it. 'I take it you don't by the look on your face.'

'How are you going to use the frequency on the artifact with the transmitter?' He raised a good question. Newton theorised that sending an electrical pulse into the artifact would activate it and cause it to transmit the signal with the specific frequency. It was very weak, so weak it needed a second device to amplify the signal. But they didn't have that, so the transmitter Salazar's engineers had constructed would be fine. Newton explained this to the soldier and he pretended to understand. He then decided it was best to leave before Newton tried to explain more to him.

Newton worked for another few hours before at last exhaustion got the better of him. He drifted into a sleep, and was pulled away from control.

'The transmitter is ready.'

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 10-24-2009

The Dunsinane was positioned 100 kilometres above any traffic in the Leeds system. It was certain they would not be detected by any ships in the system, so it was relatively safe.

The guests had arrived over the course of an hour. Some were well known terrorists, others were those who were still making their names known to the public. But they were all terrorists, and that was the reason Macdeath had invited them. They were gathered in Newton's lab. There were only fifteen, most of them were probably in the service of the infamous terrorists who had come. And there were very few of them.

Macdeath was standing at the door to the lab, preparing himself for the upcoming hours. With a sigh, he opened the door and stepped into the room.

The Personality Dysfunction - Corsair - 10-24-2009

Gregory Neck, the "Border Worlder", was excitedly discussing fond memories with another terrorist. It was interesting to him, to be in the same room as those who shared his insanity. This terrorist in particular was a bioterrorist, and worked against the Gaians by poisoning habitats and poaching endangered species.

"...And then I added Biotoxin A2-O2 into the water supply, and WHAM!" The Bioterrorist exclaimed, "The entire Mon'Gal species living in the river was dead. The Gaians made a huge speech about it, and a colleague of mine took the opportunity to attack one of their 'safe' places for animals." Eventually, his story wound down and the terrorists parted, looking for others to speak with. Others to get ideas from.

The Personality Dysfunction - lw'nafh - 10-24-2009

X walks into the open room, watching all of these so called 'terrorists' chatting away. He leans against the back wall, looking at the body, wondering what its purpose may be, the light reflecting off of his pitch-black armour, his helmet completely covering his face... Thinking to himself.

All of these fools, all of these people who have never... -Done- anything, it sickens me...


If this 'meeting' as it were, wasn't of such importance, I would've killed them all, right here...

He pulls his Type 9 Imperial Plasma-Gun off of his shoulder, holding it like a rifle, resting the stock against his shoulder, pointing it downward waiting for it to power up...

I wonder when someone will try to...

He laughs tyrannically under his breath.

...Speak to me.

Commander, if I may be so bold, they were right to call you... Crazy.

He adjusts his helmet slightly, scratching his elongated, raptor-like snout.

Maybe so ReLIC, maybe so...

The Personality Dysfunction - AJBeast - 10-25-2009

Adam Tarnet stood as well in this little meeting of madmen, observing the transmitter and hacking into the ships of the other terrorists from his PDA. For his plan to work, he would need as much information as he could find. Some of it could even be useful for future projects. Despite the fact that he stood leaning upon one of the walls, as far away from the mob as possible, one of the terrorists took note and approached him. Adam hastily hid his PDA inside his pocket.

"Howdy there!"

The man sounded Libertonian, much like a Xeno even. Adams fingers instinctively moved towards his pistol. But he stopped.

"Bugger off. You reek of Xeno."-and he moved away from the man and towards the mob. He could not afford to ruin his plan. He would have plenty of time to kill him afterwards. Besides, if you kill a terrorist 100k above the lanes, does it make a sound? Not in the media, it doesn't.

Time seemed to be dragging along, this supposed Mcdeath apparently liked to make people wait. Finding another wall to lean on, Adam took off his PDA and resumed his hacking.

The Personality Dysfunction - Seth Karlo - 10-25-2009

Salazar smiled as he watched the small blip on the giant Universal Positioning Table. When they had constructed Macdeath's vessel, he had included a small locator beacon. Just to keep an eye on him.

He wondered why Macdeath was playing along. Salazar had been interested by the strange creature at first, but his interest was waning, along with his patience. He had selected a group of men to go with the creature, along with instructions to try and befriend it, try and learn it's ulterior motive.

They had order's to kill it if it got out of hand.

He looked up at the window of the Immortal Hunter. The collection of ships was visible, thanks to the zoom on the viewscreen. He smiled, thinking about how easy it would be to kill them all.

But no.

He had no quarrel with those pitiable fools. Let them run around shrieking and screaming and killing people. He had a motive. He had a reason for what he did.

Some called him a terrorist. Some called him crazy. He just wanted revenge, and noone would stand in his way.

Macdeath would serve his purpose in Salazar's game. The other's could return to from where they cam unharmed. But if they lingered in Salazar's territory... it could mean bad things.

He lifted a glass of whisky to his lips. Then put it down again... the glass was 2 cm full. He snarled and yelled at the nearest crew member to bring him the bottle. They instantly stopped what they were doing, bowed, and collected a bottle from the storeroom next door.

Salazar could only drink the whisky when there was 3 cm in it.

He smiled, and drank.