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Various bugs - Printable Version

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Various bugs - nxp1111 - 10-24-2009

i have been expairnceing problems with the gamw were i am going some were and i would randomely jump to like warp 50 sometimes into suns and stuff you may want to get it fixed

there is a bug slash weird thing were you buy 20 platinum at trontio station and and then get some to kill you and then you tractor your loot to get like 150 platinum?
learned this by accendent when resiver crossfire from escort and filled up my hold instead of just have it half full

problem with lane hackers in pennyslavina droping 10 20 pilots?
there only suposed to drop 1

in the last few days i have been having the leap frog bug at constance intervals
some times its convient i even got away from a priate one time he started to tax me and i clicked cruse and ended up off the map? i beleve i went like warp 70 then

while thes bugs are cool that are not helpful defantly the leap frog bug

update 1.3

the leap frog bug is now permant it wont go away and i have tryed to reinstall freelancer 2 and no go
i even treyed a differnt computer and no go
so its not me

i am putting this up soon before i get banned for cheating

1.4 rember to put this up

no problem now the bug has gone away you still might want to look intto it

1.5 it acame back and i didn't get banned but did get santaned for it?
i dhould have put this up long ago

well its going up now

Various bugs - nxp1111 - 10-24-2009

' Wrote:i have been expairnceing problems with the gamw were i am going some were and i would randomely jump to like warp 50 sometimes into suns and stuff you may want to get it fixed

there is a bug slash weird thing were you buy 20 platinum at trontio station and and then get some to kill you and then you tractor your loot to get like 150 platinum?
learned this by accendent when resiver crossfire from escort and filled up my hold instead of just have it half full
problem with lane hackers in pennyslavina droping 10 20 pilots?
there only suposed to drop 1
in the last few days i have been having the leap frog bug at constance intervals
some times its convient i even got away from a priate one time he started to tax me and i clicked cruse and ended up off the map? i beleve i went like warp 70 then
while thes bugs are cool that are not helpful defantly the leap frog bug
update 1.3
the leap frog bug is now permant it wont go away and i have tryed to reinstall freelancer 2 and no go
i even treyed a differnt computer and no go
so its not me

i am putting this up soon before i get banned for cheating
1.4 rember to put this up

no problem now the bug has gone away you still might want to look intto it
1.5 it acame back and i didn't get banned but did get santaned for it?
i dhould have put this up long ago
well its going up now

1.5 no sign of the leaf frog bug witch is good i will try to get video of it to show you

mollys in dublin droping more cargo then there ship allows

and small randome bug were in Erie i keep filling up my hold and launch to find nothing there?
dodn't happen much but is anoying when hapens

cruse disrupter taking out my shield? it happened but i did not get a chance to find the sourse of the culprit before i flew into the sun