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El Cid Campeador - Printable Version

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El Cid Campeador - Pinko - 10-25-2009


Sebastian Martinez blows his opponent away with a good hit from his shield and jumps on him, his sword ready to plunge into his enemy's flesh, and it cuts through his adversary's chest as if it was made of butter. The dying man coughing up blood, his eyes locking with the gladiator that ended his life.

''El Cid! El Cid! El Cid!'', chants the people as he pulls the blade out of the corpse. He then faces the crowd and lets out a manly warcry, his body covered with flesh blood and dust. As he catches his breath, he gets rid of his protection, until he is semi-naked to feel the somewhat cold air of Crete flow against him. The more he fought as a gladiator, the more he felt renowed and appreciated. The Gladiators of the Sirius Era are far different than the ones from the Roman era- instead of being slaves, they rather are one of the most respected class of the Corsair nation. They represented the strenght of the nation for the civilians, and many of them were also ace pilots and even capital ship captains.

''People of Crete! This is only an exemple of what will happen to the treacherous Outcasts, what will remain of the Red Hessians after I fight them all... they will learn what does the word ''Pain'' and ''Suffer'' mean... because I am... EL CID CAMPEADOR!''

The people of Crete needed the heroes they could identify themselves to; the Elders were somewhat distant to the population, and many heroes were on the frontlines. The Gladiators had the same background than any Corsair civilian, most of them were poor and had not one to look up at until they themselves became Gladiators. Gladiators not only fight for Fame and Wealth, but many of them share their wealth with the people, and feed the hungry population as best as they can. El Cid was one of those gladiators, but there was something special about him. His charisma was well known all around Crete, and he had the support of a large part of the population when he asked to become the Captain of his own Osiris class vessel so he could fight on the frontilnes against Crete's worse enemies. He has been given his own Osiris class vessel to command in Mid-817, and since them assembled a crew of brave Corsairs. This, my friends, is the tale of the Corsair who fought for all of his compatriots, for all of the population. This, is the Story of Sebastian Martinez, El Cid Campeador, ''The Conquering Champion'' of Crete.