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Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Tomtomrawr - 10-27-2009

Alright, my story with Macdeath is coming close to the point where I can make a Special RP Request for what the character needs. But I have a problem. I don't know what ship would make sense for the character to have. My signiture shows an Outcast Destroyer, but I don't feel that is powerful enough to match how powerful the ship is supposed to be.

If it were possible, I would just ask for Macdeath to have his own unique ship. But I am against unique ships that are only used by one person. I wouldn't want someone spending hours and hours designing a brilliant and powerful warship that's only going to be used by one person. If a warship was made for a different purpose and turned down, then those designs could be used. With the designers permission. But I would only want that if the ship is going to go to waste unless it is used.

So, what capital ship would you - by you I mean the community - suggest this character would use? It would have to be powerful (but not indestructable), as in the story it was designed by Newton. Newton was one of the entities created by the Daam K'Vosh for scientific purposes, and the entity is one of the most intelligent ones. The most intelligent so far. The ship is supposed to be built using technology designed by him from what he knows and from what artifacts he was supplied with.

So, something powerful. But something that could make some sort of sense to someone who has never heard of me. Flying around in a Liberty Dreadnaught or Legate would make no sense to someone who is hearing of my role-play for the first time.

So, here I am asking you - the community - what ship do you believe would be suitable?

About the poll:

Just vote in each part. I split it between Cruisers and Battleships because I do not know which class would be best yet, but it would probably be a Battleship. I do not want much PVP, it's mainly for role-play. But for role-play it would have to be a large ship to represent a powerful ship.

Just vote and post what you voted and any specific ships you can think of. The poll could of been better, but I decided against listing every single capital ship.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - reavengitair - 10-27-2009



I suggest an option to your poll: Don't use caps.

Serious note: Don't even think about going outcast >.>

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Seth Karlo - 10-27-2009

Don't think about going Outcast?

*Whistles innocently in the corner*

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-27-2009

Go for what your RP would dictate, if it is a comandeered pirate ship, then use a pirate ship, if it is a salvaged house ship, then use a house ship, if it is one that your charachter built to his own designs, request a special model be made.

Thats how i would see a problem such as this, rather than asking people who probably havent fully read your story.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Silmathien - 10-27-2009

Is this for serious? Im laughing...cause a Terrorist can't choose a ship on his own will..sounds somehow funny to me, since this Macdeath have such an awsomeness Name found for himself. Pardon, was this too sarcastic?

Quote:Newton was one of the entities created by the Daam K'Vosh for scientific purposes, and the entity is one of the most intelligent ones. The most intelligent so far. The ship is supposed to be built using technology designed by him from what he knows and from what artifacts he was supplied with.

Maybe you ask God and he will find the right vessel for ya. Well ok, i'd suggest you may ask the Keepers. They sure know some good Ship since they know something about the ancient Race known as Daam K'Vosh.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Curt Remmert - 10-27-2009

My suggestion:

The biggest ship in Sirius with no guns. That way, we will force you to RP and no one will drone on about you PvPing more than RP.

On a more serious note:
No idea. I suggest a fighter like equanimitee. If you HAVE to have a cap, then get anything that is not Outcast and not in Liberty. Besides that, I can't be bothered to read a story of fanfiction. Get a cap that no-one see's often and fit's in with your RP. If no caps fit, then.....oh well, fighters, bombers and gunboats it is.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Serpentis - 10-27-2009


No, but I think you should stick with the OC dessie.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - jxie93 - 10-27-2009

Definitely not any Liberty pirate, including those ones with about 50% of Disco's population. (Lolsair, Lolcast, Lolorder).

Go for a Kusari or Bretonia pirate faction.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Seth Karlo - 10-27-2009

I think it was a bit pointless putting "special one just for you" in the poll, as Igiss has already said there will be no new unique ships.

Aaaaanyway. I stand by what I said. I think a battlecruiser would be good for you.

Ship suggestions for Macdeath - Tomtomrawr - 10-27-2009

What would people say about an Argus battlecruiser?

It packs a punch, has a decent amount of armour, and very rarely seen in most parts of Sirius. They're even rare sights where they're sold and mainly used. Its description even gives the idea it was designed to survive by itself, which is what the character will be doing. The character may even be leaving the Sirius Sector several times, and the description says the ship was actually designed for that.

Unfortunately the problem with having my own ship designed is that it would be unfair for me to have special treatment. If a ship was designed for a faction and turned down, with its designs ready for use, then it would be alright. A lot of people voted for a special ship just for me, but I don't know if I would be allowed one at the moment.

The problem with having an OC Dessie is the fact it's too obvious. It is used by god knows how many people, and is easily recognised. When you see one in the distance, you think "Outcast Dessie" without hesitation. With an Argus, there could be some confusion. "What the hell is that?" The Argus is a rare sight as I said before, and I believe that for the moment it would be the best choice.