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StarCraft II Announced! - Igiss - 05-19-2007

Wait that lasted for 9 years is over!
Quote:Blizzard Entertainment today unveiled StarCraft II, the sequel to its award-winning real-time strategy game StarCraft, at the 2007 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational event in Seoul, South Korea. The announcement took place inside the Olympic Gymnastics Arena, in front of thousands of attendees, who received a presentation that included a StarCraft II cinematic trailer and a gameplay demonstration by the development team.
This is a quote from the official Blizzard press release. Full text is available from here.

Today the official StarCraft II website was launched:, where you can find all the info available to date. Not much, but movies and screenies are fascinating.

[Image: starcraft2lj2.jpg]

[Image: starcraft2lj4.jpg]

[Image: starcraft2lj6.jpg]

StarCraft II Announced! - seanstakes - 05-19-2007

WOAH!, i am so getting that game.............

StarCraft II Announced! - Panzer - 05-19-2007

At long last!

Seen that sneak peek in the Warcraft III ending scene, but this is completely new.

I'm getting this game whatever it takes. Hell, I might even buy it.

And the interface... (tears)

StarCraft II Announced! - RonG777 - 05-19-2007

How Cool Is That !!!! ....One of my all time favorite games!! .. The only other thing that would be better than this would be a Freelancer II.... (wishful thinking).. but I will surely pick this game up as soon as it hits the stores.....:yahoo:

StarCraft II Announced! - DBoy1612 - 05-19-2007

Brilliant! Took them long enough. Though I still have to beat the first one:P

StarCraft II Announced! - Korrd - 05-19-2007

It was about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!

*Runs to see the site*

EDIT: Hmm. What I feared has happened. They made it into warcraft in space.:(The game must be less caricature-like and more sharp.

The backgrounds are also too distractive. Units are easy to miss due to the surroundings, they blend because they look similar to it.

And for a reason, i think that the choke point filled with siege tanks and bunkers is not going to work any more. At least against Protoss.
in fact, i think that the game is made in a way that common strategies won't work anymore. Hence, forcing the player to develop new ones. Which is good, as I feared that the game could be just a starcraft with a new campaign and new graphics. Let's hope they don't ruin this game making it a harcore-korean-fan game only.

StarCraft II Announced! - TankTarget - 05-20-2007

PRAISE GOD!!!! Wow...this made my year. Starcraft two, now if they could only put a Galactic Conquest sort of thing into it (Warning I have not read the article)

StarCraft II Announced! - Eppy - 05-20-2007

Oh my dear lord, at long last. C&C III AND Starcraft II. THERE IS A GOD! I agree, the backgrounds are a little distracting, and I must say, I HATE that they haven't upsized the warships (That battlecruiser looks even more pathetic than before) But praise Deity X all the same.

StarCraft II Announced! - PARAKEET - 05-21-2007

OMFG :shok:

Damn, just when I get C & C 3, SC2 makes C & C 3 look like a hamburger compared to a steak.

finally enough people stopped playing WoW to make Blizzard make SC2. It must of been my friend who recently stopped playing after reaching level 60 I better tell him thanks.

I like this year first Total Annihilation 2 then C & C 3 and now SC2. :yahoo:

StarCraft II Announced! - BestFlyerHere - 05-21-2007

Looks pretty good. I never played the first one, so I never subscribed to the evil bugs taking over the human race. I'll play it at your house Tank, and see if it's any good.:)