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Ship's shield and hull disappearing - Printable Version

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Ship's shield and hull disappearing - etiainen - 10-30-2009

Good evening!

I've been experiencing this strange thing since the new update took place.

* I was flying through a nebula in Cambridge, suddenly my shield fails (from 100* to 0%), without anyone in sight, no volatile gases, etc. This is repeated a few times

* I was flying around Leeds, when suddenly the shield thing starts happening again, but this time, even my hull was going down. And it wasn't slowly decreasing like when I'm exposed to radiation. It went down chunk by chunk (15% each "disappearance"). I barely made it to an allied base alove, while having to use up up all my nanobots to keep my ship in one piece.

Do we have some invisible space monkeys? Or is this a very unpleasant bug?

Pilot: Nauticus
Ship: Praetorian
Please ask if you need more information.
Thanks in advance!

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - Zukeenee - 10-30-2009

Invisible space monkeys? That would be awesome!

But that's really... weird. Let me ask you this: Were you experiencing any lag here? And where were you in Leeds?

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - Cannon - 10-30-2009

' Wrote:Invisible space monkeys? That would be awesome!

But that's really... weird. Let me ask you this: Were you experiencing any lag here? And where were you in Leeds?

Sounds like you got hit by invisible capship weapons. Unfortunately in some places, weapons fire from NPCs can hit you even though you can't see the cap because they are too far away.

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - etiainen - 10-30-2009

Thanks for your quick replies:)

* No significant lag was experienced.

* The 1st shield failure was in Cambridge, roughly somewhere at F3-G4.

* The shield + hull failures were mainly at Planet Leeds. When I moved further away (in either of the 3 "trade lane" directions), the hull and shield stopped disappearing. But when I tried to move around the planet from the front side, I was experiencing shield and hull loss.
Strange enough, no hull hits, shield fractures (flashes) or explosions were visible. I haven't even seen any firepower flying around me.

Aah! it's going to cause me a invisible-capship-phobia:D

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - Bobthemanofsteel - 10-30-2009

You've clearly got Mynocks on your bow.

You just can't see them 'cos they're sneaky.

The invisible capships can 'cos they have Mynock radars.

They're trying to help you by shoostin' them off for ya!

But their guns are too big. D:

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - etiainen - 10-30-2009

' Wrote:You've clearly got Mynocks on your bow.

You just can't see them 'cos they're sneaky.

The invisible capships can 'cos they have Mynock radars.

They're trying to help you by shoostin' them off for ya!

But their guns are too big. D:


Ehm...actually, that would've been applicable if the capships' faction had been allied to me... But in my situation, they can take out both the Mynocks and me in 1 blow:D

EDIT: No really, I don't know much about these invi-caps, but their presence somehow ruins the whole point of raiding planets. There are enough NPCs around already. So why also these silent snipers?

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - TheMillers - 10-30-2009

' Wrote:Thanks for your quick replies:)

* No significant lag was experienced.

* The 1st shield failure was in Cambridge, roughly somewhere at F3-G4.

* The shield + hull failures were mainly at Planet Leeds. When I moved further away (in either of the 3 "trade lane" directions), the hull and shield stopped disappearing. But when I tried to move around the planet from the front side, I was experiencing shield and hull loss.
Strange enough, no hull hits, shield fractures (flashes) or explosions were visible. I haven't even seen any firepower flying around me.

Aah! it's going to cause me a invisible-capship-phobia:D

It is a known gamemechanics bug, increased by the buffing of range on capship vessels. NPC BS's for example, has a range of over 3 K. Player visual range for NPC's are 2.4 K. If you are beyond that range, but within the NPC BS range, they will still fire upon you, but since you can't see them, and therefore can't see their shots being fired either, you experience the shield and subsequent hull deterioation from their invisible shots.

The only way around that, would be to to nerf cap ship weapons to a range less than 2.4K. You probably won't find support for that wish amongst capship owning players though.

Just be happy that player controlled capships are visible beyond 2.4 K;)

Ship's shield and hull disappearing - etiainen - 10-31-2009

' Wrote:It is a known gamemechanics bug, increased by the buffing of range on capship vessels. NPC BS's for example, has a range of over 3 K. Player visual range for NPC's are 2.4 K. If you are beyond that range, but within the NPC BS range, they will still fire upon you, but since you can't see them, and therefore can't see their shots being fired either, you experience the shield and subsequent hull deterioation from their invisible shots.

The only way around that, would be to to nerf cap ship weapons to a range less than 2.4K. You probably won't find support for that wish amongst capship owning players though.

Just be happy that player controlled capships are visible beyond 2.4 K;)

Thanks for the explanation...

Maybe a stupid question, but would increasing NPC visibility range be possible? So we could see ships from a further distance?