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Ore: Prices and Locations - Printable Version

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Ore: Prices and Locations - Elsdragon - 10-30-2009

Mkay, Here, Ill List Ore Mine Locations and Sell Locations that I have found to make the most profit. PLease, Contribute, all contributions will be melded with the main Post, and credited.
Quote:Beryllium Ore
Tau-23 (BMM Field)
Sell: The Ring (New Berlin) 10'000
By Thunar

Provided by:Mith
Mine: non vannila field in Colorado
Sell: Planet Houston (8000)
Quote:Uncut Diamonds, small sector of Omega-11.

Sell on Narita in Kusari for 12,499 credits/unit.
by dancing lady

Mine: Kansas, Omi delta. The FIeld that Has Dabadoru, and the Purple cloud In Kansas.

Sell: Freeport 11(2000) Planet Leeds(3530), GLasgow outpost(3850)

Mine: Tau 37
Sell: PLanet New berlin(14,653), Holman Outpost( 6,638)

All Prices are aproxamate, But Are generally within 100$ of the actuall price.

Ore: Prices and Locations - Kazinsal - 10-30-2009

SHHHHHH!! You're giving away Powermining Inc. trade secrets!


Ore: Prices and Locations - Boss - 10-30-2009

YOU FOOL! Now they know Powermining Inc EXISTS!

Kaz, I'ma slap you with bacon.

Ore: Prices and Locations - Elsdragon - 10-30-2009

Trade secrets? No, this is the generall Intellectual Property of all!

Ore: Prices and Locations - Boss - 10-30-2009

We may have to execute this corporate spy, Kaz. He knows too much.

Ore: Prices and Locations - Elsdragon - 10-30-2009

Seriously, COntibute or GTFO, this is not Flood.

Ore: Prices and Locations - Boss - 10-30-2009


Mines in Dublin


Mines in Pennsylvania


Mines in virtually any place, sells good on Pittsburgh

I only know mining places for most things, not sell points.

Ore: Prices and Locations - mith - 10-30-2009

Certainly, my good man - I've been hoping that someone else started a thread like this so that I wouldn't have to take the flack for it!

Copper Ore
Mine: No idea, but there's a Vanilla field in Colorado
Sell: Planet Houston, Texas (8,000/unit)

Ore: Prices and Locations - Mounteblanc - 10-30-2009

Platenum: It sells on Narita for 16,000. Or, at least it did before the update. I haven't checked.

Ore: Prices and Locations - darthbeck - 10-30-2009

Diamonds in dresden. Sell nice in NT.

I'd write more, but im power mining.