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The End of the OPG - Printable Version

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The End of the OPG - Gentle - 10-30-2009

The days of the campaign are numbered. Those of us who care. Do so by too much. Those of us who dont care. Represent us badly or not at all.
Many great days have been had and many faces and friends have passed through the halls of the OPG at cadiz.

Many enemies have died,
Many friends have fallen,
Arguments have raged,
handshakes have conquered,

A lot has come to pass since the OPG came into the server. Full of hope and inspired by its own past and deeds still to come. Many of those deeds now lie done. The time has come to admit our own end is upon us. at 10.30 today it was decided by the overpirates and myself that the OPG will disband with immediate effect. Our thoughts and respect go out to all of the players who have encountered us whether for good or bad.

I am sufficiently full of emotion that I do not wish to say anymore. it is enough that I have invested 7 years of my life in this exploit that i should not need to explain how I feel now that it is finally at an end.

I leave the remaining words for my most trusted comrades and any of you who wish to speak your thoughts.

Gentle. aka Sparta.

The End of the OPG - Rudo - 10-30-2009

You chose its end rather than let it die an ignoble death by the hands of time and dividing interests.

Most should aspire to such a way to go. Kudos.

The End of the OPG - pieguy259 - 10-30-2009

It's been an emotional ride, and the Corsair triumvirate won't look quite as complete.

May you find happiness and satisfaction in the arms of a beautiful walrus.

The End of the OPG - Exsiled_one - 10-30-2009

If we could compare discovery to living a life. I could freely say that OPG has been my life. Not just on discovery, but on Freelancer as whole. Gentle accepted me 6 years ago, and gave me guidance and hope to carry on in this game, by doing what I liked. Pirating.
Some of you might like me, some of you hate me, but I owe good deal of what I am on discovery now to Gentle and OPG.

What to say about OPG actually?
Well, when I decided to play again, I joined back in my game, made [OPG]Ivan and zoomed to omegas. I found Karolis and one more there, saying how OPG is almost gone and non existential. It was time to fix that. We had 29 members and kudos from admins for the fastest rollcall response. That's not something you can say lightly with 29 members. We have built it up, but we cannot restore it's old glory.
The reasons are many.
Mainly we are tired.

It is hard to actually round up the the bunch of newbies, and take them on interaction with people, and not just any interaction, but one where they irritate the trader no matter how good their rp is. Then we opened up the faction feedback. I am really really sad that we did, because it looks now like OPG is an half an year old faction with noob players that have ruined it. There are compliments yeah, but OPG deserves much more.

OPG kinda grows into you. You start to laugh at all the "lol" and you start to enjoy all the fun. Once you get sucked in, and actually advance to a position like Scourge, or Scourge's mate, or hell, more involved Marauder, you can freely say that it grows to you.
But we couldn't keep up with it.
It will sound sad, but it is quite awesome actually. OPG high rank always disagreed.
Gentle was impulsive. Alot. Like.. Really impulsive and hardcore. But his words were always obeyed without any objections.
Asno was a bastard. This guy always argued with me. I sucked at PVP, and I loved pirating. We didn't see eye to eye always but that didn't keep OPG from becoming frikkin awesome.
I like these guys more than anything, in their own way. While I'ld slap Asno twice, I'm sure we'ld smoke couple of cubans after that, since he seems to be educated about them!

I surely wont talk about all my friends here because we're not leaving Disco. We're leaving OPG.
Reason we do not want to keep the OPG active or leave it to someone else is because we feel we made it. You helped, but we made it and we want it to go out with the leader.
OPG was made because pirate kind rounded up all the pirates. With the death of pirate king and his legacy gone, corsair pirates will be scattered again. I don't know what else to say really.

I just hope Benitez and TBH will have the balls to take up the stance now.

We can keep it up for another 5months for sure... But the quality will fall down hard. We don't want that. At all. We want OPG to be remembered as people that provoked emotions in people. good or bad, I dont care, but we made our mark.
Also, dont think omegas are free ride now. Mentira is still there, with the torn OPG flag and crew of mad men inside.

The End of the OPG - SevereTrinity - 10-30-2009

I'll miss us.

The End of the OPG - Andrew_Bonesovich - 10-30-2009

I had always mixed feelings toward OPG, I disliked half of you, and liked the other half. Regardless, Omegas will feel very empty without you now.

I'm not sure what led you to this, but I think you will be missed. Even those who don't like OPG will, since there won't be anyone to rant about anymore :P

Good luck in whatever you plan to do in the future.

The End of the OPG - kikatsu - 10-30-2009

It's a shame to see you guys go...Cadiz will feel alot more lonely now.

Still, atleast you are going out with some dignity, rather than falling to a slow and painful inactive death
See you around guys

The End of the OPG - ProwlerPC - 10-30-2009

Oh damn....

I have tangled with OPG since S/D was starting and I was doing my first patrols in Bretonia. I have been pirated by them uncounted times as APM. I have fended them off from the Sigmas as GMG|. More recently I have had opportunities to terrorize as Wilde. No matter the emotional responces you incited on the forums, I'll surely miss the OPG tag as it's a faction tag burned in my memory through most of my characters. Sad to see you go, it'll be something missing in my perception of the Disco environment that's for sure. I wish you all good luck on your endeavers and hope that many of you will stay on in Disco with other characters.

The End of the OPG - kingvaillant - 10-30-2009

Pretty much like Andre, there were nice peeps in the OPG... and some rotten apples. Although considering the size of the faction, and the ambiguity in most situations, it is always extremely hard to decipher which player is a rotten apple.

As I wonder, you've existed for 7 years, FL is not as old as this, so where was the OPG before this?

to end, I wish you'll find something that will still suits your needs here. good luck.

The End of the OPG - reavengitair - 10-30-2009

Dear me. I am rather speechless.

Good luck with your non-OPG lives.

Reminds me, this incident, however...

There are now longer not many active corsair factions.

EDIT: and look at the outcast side >.>