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Our Order transports have a problem. - Printable Version

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Our Order transports have a problem. - Tovig - 10-30-2009


I asked recently what kind of transports ships the Order can use.

Link :

We finally decided to buy two Heavy Tankers, since, at this time, the Order ID had no cargo limit.

But since the infamouse update, we are now restricted at 4300 cargo...


Now we are screwed on about 200 millions of investement since our ships are now breaking the rules (they are 4800 cargo each..)

Well, I got some propositions :

- Remove the cargo limit for Order. It's not like you see everytime Order powertrader in Sirius (actually, the two ships of the Order| are the only Order trader on the server.

- If not, we ask a refund of 200 millions to sell the actual ships and get anothers ones (Maybe P-Transports)

- Accept a special RP for our Heavy Tankers, so we can still use them even if the cargo limit isn't right.

I hope one admin will see this message. Anothers comments are welcomed. Thanks.

Our Order transports have a problem. - Waratah - 10-30-2009

Couldnt you just make it so you only ever carry 4300 cargo in your Tanker, and if ever caught with more you get zapped.

Our Order transports have a problem. - Birdtalon - 10-30-2009


Our Order transports have a problem. - Tommeh - 10-30-2009

No dude, ship cargo and Order ID allowed cargo are not match, in this case ship has more then ID allows now.
No matter how much you transport you break rule.

Our Order transports have a problem. - Birdtalon - 10-30-2009

Yes, refer to the above.

Our Order transports have a problem. - jimmy Patterson - 10-30-2009

i say there entitled a refund there was no warning
/deposets two cents

Our Order transports have a problem. - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-30-2009

Ummm - want to swap one of those heavy tankers for a Shire? (If that's allowed, that is?)

Our Order transports have a problem. - Birdtalon - 10-30-2009

Shire is a bretonia transport, don't think its allowed.

Our Order transports have a problem. - Tovig - 10-30-2009

' Wrote:Ummm - want to swap one of those heavy tankers for a Shire? (If that's allowed, that is?)

Err, no. We only take non-related ships for us, means non houses shippers.

Or we get our money back and we get some in rules new ships, or the cargo limit is removed... But till that,w e can't do anything. So... We need some answers soon.

Our Order transports have a problem. - Exsiled_one - 10-30-2009

Get GEBs

But no seriously, contact admins via PM. not via general discussion