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Luxury liner + Order ID - Printable Version

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Luxury liner + Order ID - Pingu! - 10-30-2009

So, i just wonder, would this be allowed, WITHOUT Special RP request, to have luxury liner, Order ID & Order IFF, just for RP reasons, and roleplaying.
No powertrading..

Luxury liner + Order ID - cmfalconer - 10-30-2009

What sort of RP would you possibly come up with that requires this setup? Hell, even in the original SP campaign, the "Ambassadorial" ship was the Osiris.

Luxury liner + Order ID - Pingu! - 10-30-2009

For order laboratory. I now use some poor transport, and Lux liner, as good, and big ship, would serve great as ship with much labs, good equipment, etc. And from outside, it looks good for that role.