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Reputation request - in need of ADMINS! - Printable Version

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Reputation request - in need of ADMINS! - Plank001 - 11-02-2009

Okay heres my situation:

* I have bought a Aquilion Zoner carrier with VII Armour.
* The ship has a corsair ID/IFF because it was a special Roleplay ship.
* I need Zoner Guard ID/iFF so i can sell it on the siruis network.
* I need the Armour Transfered to another char also.

What i have attempted:

1) I have flown my corsair Aquilon to Freeport1 and stop the depots to get zoners more unfreidnly so i can attempt this thriple bribe theory with no IFF and a recruit ID
2) After shooting the debots and commiting scuicide they wouldn't offer me bribe because they hated me too much.
3) I decided to go to sigma-13 and shoot GMG (Zoners allys)
4) This is taking to long considering i am at school and i only get 1-1/2 hours of play time a day.


1) Could ADMINS change my Zoner Guard to full green so i can have a RP ship and not the OORP peice of scrap it is at the moment.
2) Transfer the armour upgrade from Aquilon to a char name Snorlax

I wouldn't come here and ask of this if i hadn't tried all ideas already. I have P'med cannon but he is offline for the moment. this Carrier in question is called Neutrality

Any help would be most appreciated I havetn asked this before and will never ask it again.

The ship sale of the Aquilon - Here

-Many thanks
