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ADMINS Needed! - Printable Version

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ADMINS Needed! - Plank001 - 11-02-2009

Okay heres my situation:

* I have bought a Aquilion Zoner carrier with VII Armour.
* The ship has a corsair ID/IFF because it was a special Roleplay ship.
* I need Zoner Guard ID/iFF so i can sell it on the siruis network.
* I need the Armour Transfered to another char also.

What i have attempted:

1) I have flown my corsair Aquilon to Freeport1 and shoot the depots to get zoners more unfreidnly so i can attempt this thriple bribe theory with no IFF and a recruit ID
2) After shooting the debots and commiting scuicide they wouldn't offer me bribe because they hated me too much.
3) I decided to go to sigma-13 and shoot GMG (Zoners allys)
4) This is taking to long considering i am at school and i only get 1-1/2 hours of play time a day.


1) Could ADMINS change my Zoner Guard to full green so i can have a RP ship and not the OORP peice of scrap it is at the moment.
2) Transfer the armour upgrade from Aquilon to a char name Snorlax

I wouldn't come here and ask of this if i hadn't tried all ideas already. I have P'med cannon but he is offline for the moment. this Carrier in question is called Neutrality

Any help would be most appreciated I havetn asked this before and will never ask it again.

The ship sale of the Aquilon - Here

-Many thanks


ADMINS Needed! - SevereTrinity - 11-02-2009

You realise /droprep lowers the highest rep you currently have, making it easier to get the desired tag. Just go to one of the bases offering normal zoner bribes, take it there, then got o Gran Canaria and attempt to get the quadriple bribe. I don't actually know a non zoner base that offerz Zoner bribes off by heart, so you'll need to ask someone else or check FLStat, but I can find one for you later if you want.

ADMINS Needed! - Plank001 - 11-02-2009

I have /droprep all the top factions and now i do have zoner next on my list. Its 4 bars from full so they wont allow me any more bribes.

ADMINS Needed! - n00bl3t - 11-02-2009

' Wrote:I have /droprep all the top factions and now i do have zoner next on my list. Its 4 bars from full so they wont allow me any more bribes.

Just pay me to do it.

ADMINS Needed! - reavengitair - 11-02-2009

Ok, heres the deal.

If you sell it to me for the price that I have bid, I will take it off you now, get the zoner guard ID myself (yes, I do this business just as n00bl3t does) and then you won't have to bother worrying about it anymore.

ADMINS Needed! - jxie93 - 11-02-2009

You idiot, you shot all the depots didn't you? If you had followed my strategy in the other thread you would have got your ZG ID by now.

Now you can pay n00bl3t to do it.

Alternatively PM and admin instead.