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The Bloody Rose - Printable Version

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The Bloody Rose - TBRose - 11-04-2009

[Image: Logo2.png]

In the beginning there was darkness, and from that emerged light.

Light spawned life, and life spawned the good, life spawned the bad, and life spawned us. For we follow La Rose, and La Rose guides us in our path. Whispers in the dark and knifes in the night, our cloaks hide our movements as our words stay amongst our kin. For we follow La Rose, and La Rose guides us in our path.

Our eyes see all, yet none see our eyes. We keep to ourselves, yet watching all those who arrive. We help those who help us, and yet we do not trust them. For we follow La Rose, and La Rose guides us in our path.

Sometimes the government asks us for help, and we give it, for we are kind people at heart. And in return, the money flows freely into our coffers. We dominate the black market, and we enjoy doing so, any and all who attempt to muscle in are... taken care of.

Some people attribute us to drugs, and yet drugs are a part of life, how bad are we for continuing a part of life?

For we follow La Rose, and she guides us on our path.


The wind was cold against Julians neck as he strode down the street, his black coat pulled tight against him. He scowled at the bitterness and bit of the air, and quickened his pace.

In his left hand, a small and tightly locked briefcase rested lightly. It had two locks on it, and the first key was around his neck. The second key was held by the person he was en route to meet.

He looked around briefly, and then darted into the small alleyway, counting the doors on the wall. Once he reached the fourth door, he knocked three times upon it, and drew a larg blaster from an inside pocket.

The door swung open, revealing a large bouncer clad man.

"You Devereux?" the bouncer questioned, and upon Julian's nod, moved aside to allow him in.

The room he moved into was darkly lit, a single light on the wooden table in front of him. Sat around the table were three men, smoking fine cigars and drinking whisky from bottles.

"Mr Devereux, how glad you could come..." said the first, motioning towards the chair.

Julian nodded coldly, and pulled the key from under his shirt. He did not sit.

"You have the key?" he asked quietly, and the first man inclined his head, lifting a chain from his pocket. On the end was the key, which the man threw towards Julian casually. Julian caught it and slid it into the first lock. His own key went into the second.

And while the three men pretended to be uninterested, all three leant forwards slightly as Julian span the case round. Inside were several tightly bound documents, all bearing "Top Secret" in large red letters.

"The Royal Navy's secret apple pie recipe?" muttered the Second man, and the other two chuckled, but quietly, and not for long. Julian snarled and pointed the blaster at the mans head.

"Cut the crap" he muttered. "These documents hold the proof you need that the Council will soon destroy the crown. The Vacuum of power left is something we can fill with ease, due to our connections in the Police and the Government. Now, either you can join La Rose Ensanglantee, or you can sit in a pile of your own filth for the rest of your lives. What shall it be?"

The first man threw his cigar onto the table and Julian sighed. Of all the clans to try and convince, this was possibly the hardest.

"Are you insulting the Thereux Clan?" he whispered. Julian sighed, and shook his head wearily.

"No, I wasn't, I was merely insinuating what could happen in the future..."

The third man spoke excitedly into the first man's ear, and he grunted slightly at it.

"Very well Mr...Devereux, we shall discuss this. Here."

The first man threw a large bag across the table. The sound of large amounts of credits rumbled around inside.

"That is for this information, which we are trusting is accurate... We are certain you can keep quiet about this little arrangement..."

Julian nodded, the Unione Corse was famous for it's secrecy.

"Then good night to you Mr Devereux. We shall be in touch."

Julian nodded again, and left through the same door he entered. The documents he had given them were fakes, but nothing they would be able to detect. It was time for Gallia to expand beyond it's borders, and he was determined to help it come to pass.