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Freeport 18 Weekly Late Night Show - Printable Version

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Freeport 18 Weekly Late Night Show - Pinko - 11-05-2009

Freeport 18 host of a show?
In an attempt to please their costumers at best with the best things, the Freeport 18 will now (try to) host a Weekly Late Night Show organized during weekend nights. ''Not only I am sure our costumers will be pleased by this, but I believe we will find out new talents all across Sirius. Humorists and singers and all sorts of artists will be invited to participate, as well as important figures of Sirius. Of course, security will need to be reinforced for such events, so we could use a mercenary or two.'', Stated Commander Sebastien LaHoue of the Freeport 18.

// End of news and beginning of OORP part.

In big, this event would be a sort of Skype show (even though I got no mic, can't speak English, and I'm not even sure how conference calls work on skype. :/) where discoverers would, AS MUCH IN-RP AS POSSIBLE, show off their amazing skills (Humor, singing, poetry etc.). I'll try to add more details to this when I'll have more time later. In the mean time, I'd like to have feedback on this thread about this, according to the info I gave you.

Later, and thanks!


[16:35:41] Chris (Anti Baby Pill) a dit : You want Corsairs, Zoners, Red Hessians, Order, Outcasts as Visitors? Al at once?
[16:35:52] Dancing Unioner a dit : And Cryer
[16:35:54] Dancing Unioner a dit : And Samura
[16:35:57] Dancing Unioner a dit : and Ksihiro
[16:35:59] Dancing Unioner a dit : And GMG

ALL factions would be invited to assist to this orgy (orgy is used here in it's meaning of excess) of fun, including Libertonian and Bretonian traders, Political officials, etc. It's a time to have fun and all, and discover talents. =P

Freeport 18 Weekly Late Night Show - Jihadjoe - 11-05-2009

Spam cleaned. Don't spam it again.

Freeport 18 Weekly Late Night Show - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-02-2009

OORP: Added you on skype, Id like to use one of my Zoner ships for security for FP18. Please post what times FP18 is usualy on the server as well, so we know when you're likley to be online.