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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Virus - 11-06-2009

Thorn_Allenstin has been sanctioned due to a report posted on Nov 3 for:
Rules Broken Wrote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
Fined all guns and credits banned for seven days.

What'd you say about his sister? Cheeky.

Oh yeah, so it hurts. I took the stuff from your Order Carrier.

See you in a week.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Vojtechjan - 11-06-2009

If "I like your sister but she is a screaming one" is an hateful or abusive?
The verb "screaming" is not an abuse. People that scream a lot are not too kind but the word "screaming" is certainly not abuse. And that was in Role Play i belive. And I play pampered rich family golden kid - so I shall behave like one. People do scream... ist natural to them. I think that someone added some delusional content to that sentence - hungry thinks of bread.

More - why the player that posted the report haven't tried to tell me about that. I would not use that if he would got anything aganist it or consider it as abusive.

Sorry for my bad engrish.
Regards. Thorn

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Panzer - 11-06-2009

When will people finally learn, that RP or not, insults are just that.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Vojtechjan - 11-06-2009

When the people will learn that game and life are an diferent things?
Insult is when I call you mother****** my friend not when talkin about an CHARACTER that he plays FICIONAL sister. Insult would be when I would talk about his real (do he have one? Well i do not care) sister as an "escort girl" <---- that would be insult. Not when I say in RP that i do not like his character ficional sister because she always scream ...

And more he haven't said that i have insulted him or he do not like the way i am speaking directly to me.
He just have come to board with cry that someone insulted him. Oh come on...

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Vojtechjan - 11-06-2009

do realy any admin would hear me out? Or I am just talking to my self

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Vojtechjan - 11-06-2009

okay I am now trying to gain some atention fo admins posting bad words. Do not read rest of that post

pee cock pussy and finally poo

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Vojtechjan - 11-06-2009

Hey. Now i have readed a mesedz from one guy that think that " I'm PMing you that you should be aware that implying sexual relations with one's sister in a public system chat counts as abusive language under rule 3.1"

oh mY GOD does everywhere thinks about sex? You guys are perverted or what? I have directly translated a sentence that is in my language "Nie lubie Twojej siostry, strasznie sie wydziera". Its not my fault that those Imperialist Amercians and Englishmen have made they language as "international". I am bad at engrish and do not know mmuch from that language. That is the reason that i have been baned? Because I wanted fun? Great... and the rp 24/7 server is in country when Panslavism have been introduced by Adam Franz Koll?r and Pavel Jozef ?af?rik. All grejt...

Thanks to some guys perverted way of thinking i will be not able to talk for seven dajz with my lovly Katia....


Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Blodo - 11-06-2009

Ok, this is becoming sad... so, thread over. Oh and for the future (though I know they never listen) it's not a good idea to start swearing in a swear sanction thread. Not at all. Behave now.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned/Banned - Dusty Lens - 11-07-2009

Hi. Just noticed this thread. Consider yourself banned until further notice. Thanks.