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New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - Printable Version

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New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - reavengitair - 11-08-2009

(before you read this, read this thread:

So I've been working on this system all today *phew*, some may have noticed an absence of my powertrader. If you're wondering, this is why.

Well, here's the navmap of the Ishikawa system. This system is relatively large (11 bases!) and quite a unique background story (read infocards). HOWEVER: 99% of this is PURELY hypothetical, and may not ever be realistic. I have a weird imagination. I am expecting HEAVY CRITICISM! Please don't be too harsh.

[Image: navmap.png]


1. Tokai Research Station (blood dragon)
2. Hokurizu (GC)
3. Komatsu Powerplant (Kishiro)
4. Noto Prison (KSP)
5. Nonoichi Station (GMG)
6. Anamizu Depot (Junker)
7. Suzu Border Station (KSP)
8. Okinawa Jumpgate Construction Site (Samura)
9. Kawakita Depot (Hogosha)
10. Battleship Tsubata (KNF)
11. Planet Kanazawa (Kishiro)

IN-GAME SCREENS: (Heavily working on this, I kinda don't like the background starsphere, trying to find something better)

INFOCARDS: PLEASE read. I spent a lot of time on this!

Tokai Research Station and Hokuritzu Storage Depot

Originally Hodatsushimizu Storage and Research Facility, Hodatsushimizu was constructed shortly after the failed terraforming of Planet Notojima and the construction of Nonoichi Station. Despite the system being reasonably pre-occupied mainly by Kishiro and the Gas Miners Guild, Samura Heavy Industries began construction of Hodatsushimizu at first to 'Keep an eye' on the system.

At first, Hodatsushimizu was barely a depot capeable of hosting ships. In the remote location within the Kahoku cloud, the only accessible route was through a small lane access zone cleared by Samura and the Kusari Naval Forces. After initial studies reported the Kahoku cloud's similarities to the Okamura cloud in the Chugoku system, Hodatsushimizu's initial design was altered and construction began on a new research station to research the cloud, in hopes of furthur survival and lawful penetration of the Chugoku System.

After the Kusari State Police constructed Hakui Border Station, tradelane construction in Ishikawa finally linked the many bases in the Ishikawa system together. Despite Samura's pleas to the Kusari Empire to link Hodatsushimizu to the Hokkaido Jumpgate, it was considered far to expensive (despite Samura's offer to pay for the extra cost) and the request was denied, linking Hodatsushimizu to the Kishiro-owned Komatsu Powerplant.

In 817 A.S, with the Kusari Naval Forces pushing the boundaries into the Leeds System, the Gas Miners Guild secretly organised a strike with the Blood Dragons. As a joint-operation between the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums descended upon Hodatsushimizu, Samura attempted to call the aid of the Kusari State Police and the Kusari Naval Forces, although not many patrols were avaliable when the distress signal was launched.

With the transmission weakened by an attempt to obstruct the signal by both the Gas Miners Guild on Nonoichi station and Kishiro on the Komatsu Powerplant. The few escorts that made it through the tradelanes to Komatsu were distracted by a faked decoy as a pre-planned Kishiro transport was under seige by multiple Blood Dragons. This small distraction lead to the overtaking of Hodatsushimitzu Storage and Research facility by both the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums.

Today, Hodatsushimitzu Storage and Research Facility has been split into Tokai research station and Hokuriku Storage Depot, with Tokai controlled by the Blood Dragons and Hokuriku controlled by the Golden Chrysanthemums. The combined base is once again a show of the close friendship and the relations between the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums, despite having very different ideas for the future of Kusari. Since the failed assult on Tokai and Hokuriku by the Battleship Tsubata, the Kusari Empire have yet to make another move on the joint operation due to heavy defences and the obstruction of the field by asteroids, although currently, the Kusari Empire sees this joint operation as a minimal threat, as despite the heavy Blood Dragon and Chrysanthemum presense in the Ishikawa system, piracy and terrorism in the system are at record lows in comparison to the rest of Kusari.

Battleship Tsubata

Shortly after its construction, the Battleship Tsubata was sent directly from Yokohoma shipyards in New Tokyo to the Ishikawa system in an attempt to reclaim Hodatsushimizu (Now Tokai and Hokuritzu) from the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums. The battleship was stationed at first near to Planet Mitsukejima where it launched an assault on Tokai and Hokuritzu.

After several alerts from Komatsu Powerplant, Tokai and Hokuritzu were ready for the oncoming assault. With the Battleship Tsubata having navigational difficulties in the asteroids of the Kahoku cloud, the Battleship soon became stuck not far from its intended destination. Fortunatley for the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums, this lead to the Battleship's weakening due to problems within its firepower and weaponary, which the unlawfuls took their chance to assault the Battleship. After launching several volleys of fire at the unlawful base, the Battleship finally managed to free itself, with a little help of Blood dragon ramming and firepower from the base. After the foolish and unsuccessfull revenge attack, the Battleship Tsubata now lies orbiting Planet Mitsukejima, recieving supplies from Komatsu Powerplant, at a heavily increased cost. Scientists on the Battleship have recently been investigating the planetary atmosphere of Planet Mitsukejima for possible future sattelites into collecting the billions of megavolts produced by the storms in the planet's atmosphere.

Nonoichi station

Despite the official records of the Kusari Naval Forces, Ishikawa was not first discovered and scouted by the Gas Miners Guild, but rather by the Blood Dragons of the neighbouring Tohoku system. After initial studies of the system were noted, the Gas Miners Guild were promptly tipped off about the vacancy and resources of the system and proceeded to move in.

After the Gas Miners Guild announced the presence of the system, the Ishikawa system was quickly scouted by the Kusari Naval Forces Exploration wing and contacted Liberty officials about the construction of various Jumpgates and tradelanes. As the Gas Miners Guild attempted to survey the somewhat desolate Planet Notojima, Kishiro promptly began the construction of Komatsu Powerplant.

As the Gas Miners Guild began to construct at terraforming outpost near Planet Notojima, things did not quite go as planned. In directly line of sight of the Medium Blue, this one being one of the brightest stars in the Sirius Sector, the base was insufficiently protected from the sun's rays and a burst of solar wind managed to knock out all of the base's electrical power. The base was abandoned and left to rot.

Following the failed terraforming of Notojima, the Gas Miners Guild hastened to open a new base, this time fufilling their role as a gas miner, opening a base in the Hosu oxygen cloud. Although density of known gasses that the Gas Miners Guild are interested in is quite low compared to those in the Sigma systems, many within the Gas Miners Guild view this operation as more of an offensive outpost rather than one to mine. Stationed in a position of power, directing all traffic to and from Samura's only base in the system, the station is relativley close to many jumpholes to both sigma and Kusari systems, leaving this station as the Gas Miner's guild's most offensive base yet.

Komatsu Power Plant

Komatsu Powerplant is currently the most efficent energy-producers not only in Kusari but also in Sirius. Harvesting energy from the nearby Of all of Kusari's great Kiretsu, Kishiro was the first to reciognise the possible power that could be harvested by the stars in the newly found Ishikawa system. The current wall-like array of solar pannels shields the main power storage centre, with the total energy produced per year is estimated to be able to fuel all of Kishiro's and Samura's factories and ship-producing machinery. Kishiro plans to extend their solar pannel array, someday possibly creating an almost dyson-sphere like structure around the Medium Blue.

Noto Prison

Compared to the other houses (for example, liberty), Kusari has a marginally low amount of prisons when compared to the number of hostages obtained, especially throughout the war with Bretonia. With Fuchu reaching its maximum capacity, the Kusari Empire was urged to build another prison due to the lack of saftey, hygiene and facilities on Fuchu prison.

Built orbiting the Noto Planetoid, Noto Prison is located in a desolate part of the Ishikawa system, orbiting a planetoid similar to Fuchu. Currently, no prison breaks have been performed amongst this prison, and no attempts to free any prisoners has been made.

Suzu Border Station

Constructed shortly after the jumpgate to the Hokkaido system, Suzu Border Station was constructed in the assumation that the unlawful presence in the Ishikawa system would be targeted especially with Kishiro's ambitious powerplant. Today, although levels of unlawful activity are low, Suzu Border Station continues to scan every foreign convoy that enters the system.

Planet Kanazawa

A body of water above the Hosu cloud, Planet Kanazawa was claimed by Kishiro Technologies before Samura began investigating the system. Although Kishiro has no real interest in a planet, Planet Kanazawa has reported to have a stormy and windy atmosphere, coupled by a high level of wavepower. Kishiro has began converting the planet into another powerhouse to fuel the growing optronic factories on the platforms of Planet Kanazawa.

Kawakita Depot

After samura's second base, Anamizu, failed as being a secondary powerplant orbiting Planet Notojima due to heavy radiation, Kawakita Depot began construction not long after Anamizu was abandoned. Kawakita, currently controlled by the Hogosha, was originally due to open in early 818, however, the construction of the base has recently been sped up due to Anamizu's unlawful overtaking by the Junkers. As Samura intended the Hogosha to clear the scrap field left behind, the Hogosha and the Junkers are looking once more at another war, as the two age-old enemies fight to the death.

Okinawa Jumpgate Construction Site

With Samura failing to obtain 2 bases within the system, Samura began a safer task from the likes of Kishiro and the Gas Miners Guild, who together are almost in complete control of Ishikawa. After the construction of the Chugoku Gate nears completion, Samura Heavy Industries have begun attempting to construct their own jumpgate - one independant of liberty coorporations. Hidden behind the Nomi Dust Cloud, the Okinawa Jumpgate Construction Site has yet to be found by liberty coorporations - under a signed contract with Samura, the Hogosha and the Farmer's Alliance have been 100% successfull in disrupting every foreign convoy based coming in from the Hokkaido system. As yet, no attempt by either Kishiro or the Gas Miners GUild has been made in disrupting the construction site - possibly due to the gate's completion being a crucial traderoute for all three coorporations. Samura has recently been pouring more and more money into hastening the construction of the Jumpgate.

Anamizu Depot

Originally a terraforming depot controlled by the Gas Miners Guild, the outpost was wiped out after a freak solar wind hit the base, disconnecting all electronics from the base. The base was shortly after abandoned, and the heavy radiation surrounding the base slowly lead to a debris cloud forming around the planet. The Kusari Empire soon after declared the planet unfit for terraforming due to harsh conditions.

After the disintegration of the base, Samura began constructing Animizu Powerplant, in direct line of the sun, shielded by mutiple solar pannels to absorb the energy. As Samura poured more and more effort into combating Kishiro's hold as number 1 electricity provider in Sirius, the radiation of the cloud began to deteriorate the base. After a freak junker attack on the base, Samura was forced to abandon the base to construct the Okinawa Jumpgate.

Much to the Hogosha's dismay, the Hogosha were left with the cleaning duty of cleaning the debris field left behind by the previous two bases. The field was set to be cleaned after the construction of Kawakita Depot, within the Nomi Dust Cloud. However, even more to the Hogosha's horror, the Junkers began overtaking the junk field, officially taking control of the old Anamizu Depot creating the first Junker-controlled base in Kusari space.

Since then, the Hogosha have sped up the construction of Kawakita Depot, in order to provide reinforcements in an attempt to rid the Junkers once again from Kusari. The Junkers have gained the support of some Kusari Unlawfuls as the Hogosha and Farmer's alliance continue to battle the junker installation. Calls from Yanagi depot have also helped the Junkers gain the upper hand, although recently, Samura and even the Kusari State Police have began helping the Hogosha tackle the new threat.

Even after the Kusari Empire officially banished the Junkers from Kusari and the Ishikawa system, the Junkers have made it clear that they have no intention of moving. Although the Junkers have not moved, the Kusari Empire nor the Kusari Naval Forces have undertaken any kind of assault upon Anamizu Depot due to the high levels of radiation and the high-density debris field surrounding Anamizu Depot.

I know EVERYONE will kill me for the junker base, but seriously, it's about time the junkers did something in Kusari. They are hated, and as far as I know and according to the timeline, all they ever did was pop in, got slaughtered by the hogosha, and popped out. If all goes according to plan, they will be blasted relatively quickly anyway, this is pretty much just to draw attention to the junker/hogosha/fa thing that is relativley unknown, and to put up a kinda mini-civil-warlike thing in the system for popularity. There are so many far-fetched things some would consider highly unlikely. The junkers are one, Samura even attempting to build their own jumpgate and even the Blood Dragon/gc Research/storage facility station. Far-fetched although it may be, I'm still open to other suggestions and of course criticism.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - Darkavatar - 11-08-2009

[6:03:12 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): well I dun like the Junker station
[6:03:59 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): I bet others will have a problem with that
[6:04:00 AM] Reavengitair: Meh
[6:04:04 AM] Reavengitair: Yeah
[6:04:25 AM] Reavengitair: That was the main thing I was concerned with - but I mean, the hogosha are meant to be killing the junkers and vice versa, and yet we never see each other >.>
[6:04:51 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): becasue theres no reason that the KNF to blast it since they keep out junkers
[6:05:26 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): yet we never see each other >.>thats due to activity
[6:05:42 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): is there a debris field around it?
[6:07:03 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): if so please remove it, no scrap in Kusari. thats one of the things that keeps it different
[6:07:50 AM] Reavengitair: Ah
[6:07:51 AM] Reavengitair: Hmm
[6:07:51 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): Make it a neutral unlawful base
[6:08:02 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): rather than a junker base
[6:08:09 AM] Reavengitair: As in... what?
[6:08:12 AM] Reavengitair: FA base?
[6:08:16 AM] Reavengitair: It already has a hogosha one
[6:08:32 AM] Reavengitair: I put the scrap in because it's only recently been destroyed
[6:08:41 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): no NEUTRAL as in NEUTRAL
[6:08:46 AM] Reavengitair: Oh
[6:08:46 AM] Reavengitair: O.o
[6:08:49 AM] Reavengitair: I get it
[6:09:02 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): so any unlawful can stage from there
[6:09:11 AM] Carl (Darkavatar): sort of like Barrier Gate

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - Strichev - 11-08-2009

What I dont like is in all Freelancer systems. Those asteroid fields dont seem to be logicaly placed. And planets dont have clear orbital paths. I know that planets in Freelancer dont move but it is rather odd to see gas giant in middle of asteroid field . Palnets gravity would pull asteroids towards it.

If I put aside things listed abowe this system looks ok to me.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - reavengitair - 11-08-2009

There is no gas giant in the middle of a asteroid field.

The planet that is surrounded by junk, is the junks is orbiting the planet. The planet was once originally just by itself, before 2 bases were destroyed from radiation causing the field.

The one in the crow nebula is a tiny ice planet.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - Benjamin - 11-08-2009

Quite a busy system. I'm pretty certain the game doesn't need any more systems (and is getting more anyway) and this kind of looks like a kusari newcastle. It's not necessarily made of bad ideas, but just, it's got the problem that a lot of the non-vanilla systems have - people trying to cram too much stuff/too many 'cool ideas' in to a single system.

the only non vanilla system i would ever approve of would have to be like omega 7:P

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - AJBeast - 11-08-2009

I like it... because it has a Junker base in it. Master of Biasedness, I am...

I see some flaws though.

1. Yanagi is 2 systems away. Since nearly all of Kusari is hostile to us, this would make it extremely difficult to supply the station. Maybe pop a hole to the Sigmas somewhere in the area?

2. Junk around a planet? I don't think so... Keep the radiation cloud and move the station to the back of the planet to keep it concealed.

3. I pretty much doubt that even with the radiation field the KNF would allow a Junker base to remain on their systems. Maybe make it so that only the Hogosha/FA/GC/BD know about it ?

That is about it. The infocard could use some tweaking. If you want I can get on it.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - pipboy - 11-08-2009

' Wrote:3. I pretty much doubt that even with the radiation field the KNF would allow a Junker base to remain on their systems. Maybe make it so that only the Hogosha/FA/GC/BD know about it ?
Still, if the Hogosha and FA know about it, the KSP and KNF know about it.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - DeathsOverture - 11-08-2009

Yo, equanireavawhatever.

I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of this system in general. It is a bit too similar to Okinawa, in terms of the subtle power struggle between Kishiro/GMG and Samura, yet not subtle enough...

Here are some of my specific issues.
1. I don't see why Samura would build a Jumpgate to Okinawa. Why not Nagano? That's where their money is.
2. I don't care for the layout (three suns with a Planet inbetween). Not to mention that Nagano also has three suns, Red Green and Blue too.
3. I agree with AJ, there's gotta be a jumphole to the Sigmas if there are Junkers.... and man oh man would that mess with transit times. Speaking of which, having jumpholes to the far south Shikoku and the far north east Nagano could also do crazy things in terms of trade routes.
4. "Stationed in a position of power, directing all traffic to and from Samura's only base in the system, the station is relativley close to many jumpholes to both sigma and Kusari systems, leaving this station as the Gas Miner's guild's most offensive base yet." - Is that the only reason the GMG is there?

Yes, I am back sorta.

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - Sly - 11-08-2009

System scale is?

New Kusari system IDEA - feedback - AJBeast - 11-08-2009

' Wrote:Still, if the Hogosha and FA know about it, the KSP and KNF know about it.

Ok, from what you said , we only have two options. Either we 1. Make it known to everyone, but miraculously not on the verge of destruction ( blame it on the war straining the military or something. Junkers should be in the bottom of their priorities.) or 2. Make it unknown to everyone, even the Hogosha. I had this idea I wrote on the .:j:. chatroom of making it a "ghost" station, mainly populated by robots, waiting for times to be more favorable to start pushing into Kusari.