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Pirate IDs etc - Printable Version

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Pirate IDs etc - bluntpencil2001 - 05-27-2007

I'm a bit confused about what the various Pirate IDs allow me to do.

It says I'm allowed freighters...

At what point does a freighter become a transport?

And, might I ask the reasoning for pirates not using transports? It would make sense for a good smuggling haul, or perhaps for stolen cargo, no?

Pirate IDs etc - Dab - 05-27-2007

Transport is any trading ship with level 7 turrets and level 7 shields..

Pirate IDs etc - Malaclypse 666 - 05-27-2007

' Wrote:Transport is any trading ship with level 7 turrets and level 7 shields..

Ah, indeed.

But your choices for piratin' freight are spiffy as well.

My favorite as a brigand (don't wear that eyepatch any more..) was the Turannic Raider. Lvl 10 forwards, 6 nasty turrets, and a fat 400 capacity hold to take home the loot to Skyedaughter with. Oh, and it will mount that gnarly lvl 7 transport shield as well!

(Shhh.. keep it a secret, eh?)

"Sancho Panza"

Pirate IDs etc - Qunitinius~Verginix - 05-28-2007

Basicall a Transport is anything that has higher then 1000 cargo, the lowest being well, the Transport. The reason why a pirate would not use a transport is because a transport is big and slow and if a Naval Warship spots you, it can catch you and pwn you.

The Turanic Raider is probably the next best thing. A Junker ship with alot of guns and Cargo. Its worth the cost.

Verginx Out

Pirate IDs etc - Gamazson - 05-28-2007

Yah agreed Verginex. The new <BH> have been test driving transports to see if they fit the bill as "light warships" that could work within RP. They have been failing miserably.

Pirate IDs etc - bluntpencil2001 - 05-28-2007

' Wrote:Basicall a Transport is anything that has higher then 1000 cargo, the lowest being well, the Transport. The reason why a pirate would not use a transport is because a transport is big and slow and if a Naval Warship spots you, it can catch you and pwn you.

The Turanic Raider is probably the next best thing. A Junker ship with alot of guns and Cargo. Its worth the cost.

Verginx Out

So, does the Armored Transport count as a Transport?

Or is that an idiot question?

Pirate IDs etc - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-28-2007

Do you really want us to answer that ? ... Heh


Pirate IDs etc - Dab - 05-28-2007

[sarcasm]No, its not a transport, it just has transport in its name..[/sarcasm]

Yes, it WAS an idiot question..

The only transport ships that work as light warships are the Luxury Liner, Prison Liner. The Container Transport is heavily armed enough to hold off most solo-pirate fighters, but not much more than that. The only light warships you can make from a transport, are the two liners. Mollys don't really have access to the liners..

Pirate IDs etc - fwolf - 05-28-2007

Attention: spoiler ahead.

Here is a way to set a pirate trader:

First, buy one or two bribes with the lawfuls on which territory you want to smuggle contraband.

Second, go to a neutral base. I recommend Ames Research Station in Kepler, where you can buy a bribe with the lane hackers, or Freeport 1, where you can buy a bribe with the corsairs or hessians.

Third, go to the unlawful bases. Perhaps you need two bribes. For a blood dragon trader, you get a bribe with the BD on Kyoto, then a bribe with the GC on Ainu Depot. Then return to Kyoto and buy your ID.

After that, abort missions until you get rid of the tag. In this way, lawfuls will not indentify you by the distance, unless you are scanned. For other pirates, you can warn them before they attack you, and let they scan you to prove you are not lying.

Pirate escorts can also be used, in the same way above.

Pirate IDs etc - bluntpencil2001 - 05-28-2007

Heheh, knew it...:)

It'd be quite handy if once you find a ship's stats, via scanning or landing on a base that sells 'em, you would keep their stats in the neural net. Well, handy for beginners at least.

That would beat having a spoileriffic guide book at any rate.

Thanks for the info folks.