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custom zoner freeports - Printable Version

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custom zoner freeports - Jinx - 11-13-2009

here i ll present zoner station modules

planning to create:

- small central hub ( done )
- medium central hub ( done )
- large central hub ( done )
- biodome module ( done )
- mooring fixture module ( done )
- fighterbay module ( done )
- research module
- refinery module
- habitational module
- heavy weapons module / defense module
- storage space module ( tanks )
- outer repair module
- corridor

below is a picture of the large central hub, connected to a fighter bay, two biodomes and a mooring fixture.

the size of this station is considerably larger than the current default stations ( but i hope that custom stations will become a little larger in general ) - the decision to make it larger was not made cause its so awesome to have large stuff... but cause its a freeport and people actually live there - as opposed to only "work" there.

[Image: freeportcustom.png]

there is still an empty connection at the bottom of the station - where storage space will be connected to or other modules like a repair module.


[Image: freeport2.png]

example about how the modules work ( large hub, corridor, cross section, 3 biodomes, mooring fixture, repair module, research / habitat / solar, large storage module )
[Image: freeport3.png]
above: example how freeport 11 could look like ( small station, 2 fighterbays, biodome )

custom zoner freeports - dr lameos - 11-13-2009

It's a good model, HOWEVER, the vast majority of freeports are reclaimed from old corporations, thus they would be in the style of their previous owners. Furthermore, I disagree with the concept of 'zoner biodomes', unless they are vastly smaller and not as efficient as synth foods', as I'd imagine the juggernaught's are.

custom zoner freeports - reavengitair - 11-13-2009

A great model, I assume the "parts" of this base will be usable on other bases?

custom zoner freeports - Turkish - 11-13-2009

I'd like to voice some opposition to this idea.

I don't like the style of design at all, its too busy for my liking, the weighting feels wrong to my eyes. Though I'm sure its well put together, and with a lot of effort into it.

I don't feel we should be expanding the Freeports in this direction, its opposite of how they're designed and styled now. They lose their feeling.

I would rather see expansion in the current style, or honestly, none at all.

Edit: Why is this in Ship Submissions as well?

custom zoner freeports - Jinx - 11-13-2009

it is in "ship submission" cause we do not have a "station submission" ( although we have a system submission ) - but stations are mainly ships - so its in ship submission.

about "why" - aren t you on the dev board, too? - either way, igiss asked for custom stations. ( he made it clear that we shouldn t just focus on ships, but really should start working on the more stationary enviroment, cause everything gets updated and revised - but the systems and orbitals still look the same like vanilla 1.0 ) - since i don t do gallic stuff ( thats AoW and Dooms department ) - and replacing house stations is a bit silly ( cause they are "the originals" ) - freeports are the next closest thing.

expanding the current style is something that can be done for the house stations, although they don t really require it. - the vanilla station modules come in the most various shapes - and its not far fetched that rheinland stations simply look the same like liberty stations - important part about them is that they are different "inside" ( which they are )

a few more explanations:

- the stations are gonne be mostly "vertically" , cause freelancer mostly happens "horizontally" - meaning, i can add costmetical stuff along the y-axis without them getting in the way of regular ship travel.

- the towers on the station are meant to vaguely resemble the house towers ( as seen on - i believe ropongi in NT ) - pure habitat / apartment towers that suggest a higher population

- the biodomes would be smaller than the vanilla ones. - but the stations should fit to the vanilla, too - so stations that - by lore, are attached to synth food biodomes should keep the vanilla ones. - these small ones are more for the remote or the secret stations. they are roughly twice the size of the juggernaut domes, which means they are around 1/4 smaller than the vanilla station domes.


i didn t really know that freeports are claimed from their previous owners ( houses ) - are you sure about that? - is that general zoner / freeport lore, or is it just applied to specific stations ( like ames or the borderworld stations ) - is freeport 10, 11, 15, 6, sparta, livadia, corinth also made out of parts that zoners aquired from the core systems?

if that is so - then it makes no sense to apply a different style indeed ( which would be kind of neat, cause i could simply stop updating the stations )

custom zoner freeports - Dab - 11-13-2009

Need Generic and house station components.. Not 'Zoner' station components. I need things I can reuse on more than just a few Zoner stations.

custom zoner freeports - Gabrielle - 11-13-2009

Even if Freeports are reclaimed house stations there are a few exceptions where a beautiful model like this would fit, such as Baffin and Omicon 74. I'm sure the half baked TAZ and Consortium peeps would love to enhance their systems with this glorious piece of art.

custom zoner freeports - Dusty Lens - 11-13-2009

I feel that it is very pretty and would look nice to fly towards.

But that isn't how I've imagined Zoner freeports.

It doesn't... Have the feel of a station built out in the middle of nowhere. With its lovely spires and sprawling architecture I'm reminded instead of something I would consider more appropriate for OSC or some manner of casino.

custom zoner freeports - Jinx - 11-13-2009

updated post 1 with an example about the modules and how to build a very large station - and an example about how the default station ( like fp11 ) would look like then.

custom zoner freeports - schlurbi - 11-13-2009

I know you are doing an awesome Job Jinx, but why are mostly all of your works for Zoners or Bounty Hunters? Or just things for the Omicrons?

The Order Stationary Battleship
The revised BHG Battleship or Cruiser, dont remember what it was.
The new Zoner Carrier
The revised Order Carrier and Gunboat

Makes me sad that all your stuff goes into the Borderworlds and nothing really into House Space. Especially since we have to get people out of Delta and Gamma and Alpha.