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Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Printable Version

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Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Hell Hunter - 11-14-2009

about FReelancer CHaRATOR editor
[Image: wtfomg.jpg]
it keeps Saying that when i try to edit one of the Char files.. it loads then i select and press edit file and that happens'
Charator editor is being a SWINE it keeps doing this!

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Durandal - 11-15-2009

Uh, that'd be because you're missing the corresponding .OCX file. Google is your friend.

Dump it in C:\WINDOWS\System32 or whatever your Windows install is.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Hell Hunter - 11-15-2009

Dont have a file named

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - TheMillers - 11-15-2009

' Wrote:Dont have a file named
Thats the problem, and exactly what the error message is telliing you.

Google for it, download the ocx, and place it in c:\windows\system32

Then click start, run, enter "cmd" without the quotes, and press enter.
In the command prompt window, enter this line :

regsvr32 \windows\system32\TABCTL32.OCX

and press enter. The OCX file is now registered as available for use by programs requiring it, and your IFCE should work.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Hell Hunter - 11-15-2009

brother said no... ' it for an older version of windows'

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - schlurbi - 11-18-2009

I have a slight problem. How can I add the Discovery to the Ioncross stuff? bauer told me to copy the folder into the Incross Folder, which I did but nothing new showed up.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Alex. - 11-18-2009

Copy the GAMEDATA files over.
From C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager\mods\discovery485\IONCROSS to your IONCROSS folder.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - schlurbi - 11-18-2009

Please tell me why the Systems are still not showing up, but weapons do.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - Boss - 11-18-2009

You need to make sure gamedata_systems.txt is in the IFCE folder. It should be in the IONCROSS folder if it isn't already there.

Ioncross Charator editor = fail? - schlurbi - 11-18-2009

I thought it is because I used the wrong Mod. (The Beta actually) But then I tried it with the normal one and the Systems still dont show up. Aswell, the file is in the folder.