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Characters based on characters - reavengitair - 11-17-2009

So basically, there are so many RP characters based of characters from movies, books, etc. Do you approve of these characters?

So of course, by this I'm including exact copies of characters from movies etc (lets make a freelancer harry potter!) or just traits from those characters

Characters based on characters - Tenacity - 11-17-2009

depends on what you mean exactly. I hate it when people use a movie/game/book character and RP it 'as' that character. For example, someone around here was roleplaying the crew of the serenity/firefly here, without changing anything - that, i cant stand.

I use the 'image' of movie/game characters to portray my own, but they always have different names, personalities, and origins. In essence... I dont like people who are so lacking in originality that they feel they must copy another character trait for trait.

Characters based on characters - sean24 - 11-17-2009

No for both. It annoys me when I see some hard out RP'ing Legolas in Freelancer. Its just not in RP.

Characters based on characters - reavengitair - 11-17-2009

Not really to such an extreme really.

Prime example: (no offense meant here) take that Joker guy. I don't think we will be seeing any gay elves on the server any time soon.

Characters based on characters - n00bl3t - 11-17-2009

' Wrote:So basically, there are so many RP characters based of characters from movies, books, etc. Do you approve of these characters?

So of course, by this I'm including exact copies of characters from movies etc (lets make a freelancer harry potter!) or just traits from those characters

I had a Harry.Pottter once. He was a civilian.

Characters based on characters - sean24 - 11-17-2009

' Wrote:Not really to such an extreme really.

Prime example: (no offense meant here) take that Joker guy. I don't think we will be seeing any gay elves on the server any time soon.

Lol I was going to put that Joker dude as an example. :P But then I thought it was too offensive to him so I used an example that people probably haven't seen (legolas), still got the idea right?

Characters based on characters - Ironwatsas - 11-17-2009

Well, if it's something retarded like RPing Harry Potter or Yoda or whoever in Freelancer, then no. Borrowing inspiration/images/traits/etc from other characters is a given.

That said, I have a COUPLE of characters that are based on outside things. Specifically, I've RPed the Engineer from Team Fortress 2 (though, given that the character therin had no real backstory, but a personality) in a repair ship, and Barney Calhoun from Half Life 2 (abiet with a british accent and diffrent backstory) as a minor character in the Consortium (but the only overt import).

If it's an obscure character that fits well in FL, or has no real background, or is an adorable Anime Girl (the latter are highly valued for use by the Consortium), then nobody's likely to know/care anyway. If it's something like Batman or Dick Cheney. Then no.

Characters based on characters - BLACKSTALKER JC - 11-17-2009

me i only steal names as i cant really come up with any that sound good on my own, I dont rip off personalities though.

Characters based on characters - Captain - 11-17-2009

I used in the past the name of a well known character from star trek enterprise,

but never used his personality, now I have no Import chars anymore,
heck I've got a whole family now of RP-Chars,

Characters based on characters - Akura - 11-17-2009

Lack of imagination really...

I'd form characters from examples of other, like the recklessness of Tyler Durdan, the laid back attitude of Dante for Valentine...

Though Luxuria is based off a crazy ex-girlfriend, can you guess who?