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TAZ Message Dump - Printable Version

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TAZ Message Dump - Kyte_ - 12-24-2009

COM ID: [TAZ]Guard.Fyre
TO: Doc Holiday
RE: Coronado

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As Coronado borders Baffin Directly, I see no reason for TAZ to avoid it. While I agree, caution should be used when crossing, I will not avoid it or detour it in anyway. Should someone care to tangle with me, my gun crew is more than up to the task. There is diplomacy and then there is idiocy. I am not the thinker, Kyte is... but it doesn't take a brick wall to fall on me to see that this is precisely the reason I patrol our areas of interest. TO be intimidated in anyway by anyone on the boarders of Baffin is unthinkable. Any such reports will be met with purposeful and decisive action. I don't anticipate any issues, but my crew and I will be moving into the area JUST to be sure.

Kyte sends regards, she is currently in Delta doing Goddess knows what.

I remain,



******************** MESSAGE ENDS **************************

TAZ Message Dump - stardust47 - 12-24-2009

Comm ID: [TAZ]Annette Donut
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
To: [TAZ]

I have been rescued by the Freelancer I was telling you about. I think he deserves some reward, considering the heavy defences. I'll be on Freeport 9 for some time to recuperate.
Annette out.

//At my gran's for christmas.

TAZ Message Dump - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-24-2009

// oorp info post since Doc just accepted my applacation:
// Characther name: Kashiwaba.Tomoe
// Ship: Argus explorer
// Biopic
// Skype: Xavier has it or PM me.
// Will add tag soon as rename limit lets me.

TAZ Message Dump - arvg - 12-25-2009

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок
TARGET ID: TAZ command

Your trading visas are approved.

Thank you,

Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


TAZ Message Dump - Doc Holliday - 12-26-2009

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: All TAZ

A few things I want to mention. When it comes to official diplomatic responses of any kind, those will be handled by me or, if I have so designated, Xavier Triton, as Xavier is learning the ropes of diplomacy at this time. I reference the recent post by the Mollies in regards to Samura and Kishiro mining activities into Dublin via Omega 49 in that one of our people made a comment. TAZ, as part of the Zoner Alliance with the ZTC and OSI have no jurisdiction in Omega 49. We can come and go from it as we like and even have residence there but the most we can do is enforce the NFZ around Lanzerate and the docking rings around Gran Canaria.
I handle all matters with the SCRA, MM, TAZ law and financial matters. Xavier works by assignment of which he currently has one.

For official Zoner laws and NFZ policies, visit here: Post #4
If you still have questions, feel free to ask.

The SCRA has also given visas to the following trade vessels to trade into Omega 52. Please, if you are listed, check your rep sheet. If there is an issue, get back with me on it:
-[TAZ]Rainus Uysison
If anyone else still wants a visa to trade, send your account name and ship type for approval to me and I'll send it along.

These are all trade ships. Remember, we are guests there. Do NOT violate their laws for I will not be able to get you out of trouble. I have worked hard to earn their trust and we still have more to earn. Remember:
-Do not explore their system. Trade or pass through the system but don't wander.
-If you are asked to stop for a scan, listen to them and please, don't try smuggling through their system.
-NO fighter/bomber escorts. If you don't know your way through, my diplomatic yacht, [TAZ]Ambassador's.Ark, is stationed at Boa Vista Station in Omega 50. Commander Schmidt knows the way and will escort you.
-Do not buy Coalition weapons.
-If any Revolutionaries are present, ask for docking clearance. Remember, they are looking for tobacco. I'm not sure what else they need but we'll deliver other materials as we get them.
-If you do violate their laws, you will be subject to their justice and I've heard that Coalition Gulags are pretty brutal. There will be most likely little I can do to help you and it may reflect on the rest of us so please be careful.

Well, all I have for now.
Hail Eris!

TAZ Message Dump - XTriton - 12-26-2009

---------Relaying Comms------------
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---------Standing by.......------------
Comm ID: Xavier Triton
To: All TAZ

The assignment that Doc refers to is a joint venture between ZoE and TAZ to gain rights to mine Iridium in Kansas. The Neo-Terran Front has staked claim to Kansas and have a formidable presence there. The Iridium in Kansas is sought at a high price in Newcastle which turns over a significant profit. Also, I think its good that TAZ as a whole can have the option to mine in an official capacity. I have been working together with the ZoE, extensively since they joined us in Baffin. They are a good bunch, and quite serious in their trade. If any TAZ are interested in moving their interests to mining as well as their pineal glands, It is greatly encouraged. If so interested, PM me and I will see to it you are added to the ZoE conference channel. //skype group

---Xavier Triton, Omicron-74, Lividia Shipyard, Trident Of Eris (undergoing refit)---

//edit: dont want to imply to leave TAZ interests, merely to add to them

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TAZ Message Dump - Doc Holliday - 12-26-2009

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday

I don't want people to totally abandon what TAZ is or their trade ships. If you want to build a mining ship then do so. I won't be but I won't mind it if I'm allowed to fly in to transport some ore from time to time.

TAZ Message Dump - Doc Holliday - 12-28-2009

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: All TAZ

Here's something that might interest you: ZTC Event

TAZ Message Dump - BlueSpawn - 12-28-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Whom it May Concern
Comm ID: Yev Lightwing, Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74

Hey there Dear Discordians,

Have you heard the diplomatic mayham flying over Gran Canaria these days? I'm talking about this piece of travesty:

[ Click to Play Recording "omfg roflmao? n00bs!" ]

My fellow Consortium members have stayed away from this business so far and I suggest that you folks do the same. If there's one thing I hate besides politics, it's Zoner Politics.


TAZ Message Dump - XTriton - 12-28-2009

---------Relaying Comms------------
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---------Standing by.......------------
Comm ID: Xavier Triton
To: All TAZ


I have finalised talks between the ZoE and the NTF. TAZ and the ZoE now have rights to mine Iridium in Kansas for a modest shipment tax. The details of the agreement are attached here.

They seem like nice folks regardless what the lawfuls have spouted about them. Maybe they deserve a little attention?
Anyways, report given, fair travels.

---Xavier Triton, Tau-37, Freeport 10, Trident of Eris---

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