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Krakens balance - ... kur nubėgo? - 11-23-2009

I have used the search engine, but as it seems no-one pointed out this question yet. Well were was some attempts to do it in not weapon balance threads but they cooled down quite fast. Anyhow perhaps its time to mention this agian, since update 3 is not too far.

First of all, I used them myself. Had lots of fight's agianst them too. As well, they were my main weapons in non modded freelancer servers.

Anyhow I start thinking that those guns are.. well almost the best avalible in the game, but, let's not jump to conclusions yet. I got some argumants on my sleave.

First I tried to talk about them with Jure on the r.i.p opg chat. Well seems he agreed that the guns are quite too powerfull. And concider to give them 600m/s (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, Jure) since they have bunch of advantages. First lets take a look to the stats, and try to compare with other faction guns. Lets keep in mind that Graviton shield is the most common. I know that some of you are using diffrent ones, but untill the main shield killers are pulses, gravitons will be the most universal choice and will be the most used.

Salamanka mk II (Corsairs):

2120 dmg per second.
462 energy drain per second
600 m range
600 m/s speed.

Refire 4. Neutron, so does half hull damage to the most common shields. No bonuses or reduction.

Skyblast B (GMG)

1882,6 dmg per second.
524,8 evergy drain per second
600m range
750m/s speed

Refire 8.33. Photon. Does 1/5 reducted shield dmg to the most common shields. Keep in mind that same faction fights corsairs, which uses strong pulses, so switching to mocular wouldnt help a lot in universal situation.

Now to compare to other guns

For example:

Nutterturn Zwei (hessians):

1911 dmg per second.
488 energy drain per second
600 range
750 m/s speed.

Refire 5,88. Agian laser. Doest 1/5 reduced dmg to most common shields.

Lets take up some of other guns. Like Hogosha who sometimes meets outcasts in kusari

Drake type D (hogosha):

2080 dmg per second
500 energy drain
600 m range
600 m/s speed

refire 4. Does 1/5 bonus damage to the most common shields.

Now lets pick up the krakens:

2224 dmg per second.
504 energy per second drained.
700m range
700m/s speed (almost 750 m/s but just with +100 range)

Refire 4 with 1/5 bonus dmg on most common shields.

I saw Mjolnir mentioned huge energy drain. Bah GMG weapons eats even more energy. Actually its quite moderate, but just with huge dps output at 700 m/s speed, high refire and bonus shield dmg. In overall the yare even better than most codies in damage. While having huge speed... and refire they are better than almost all of the codies.

In earlier threads I posted this:

"Nerf them. Simple, They are simply to powerfull comapred to other faction guns.

Im not wininghere or nothing, just take a look at them yourselves:

2224 dps (quite a lot, almost like 3 refire codies, aint it?)
20 percent more shield dmg agianst most popular shield type (1334 shield dmg dps, quite a lot, bigger then some of the 3 refire codies)
Refire 4... as for such damage its a lot..

And looky look 700 m/s and 700 range... for only moderate energy drain. IF you think im wrong here, take a look at Xeno guns, looks fair to you?..

And even more, they are class 9, that means outcasts can put 7 of those on their sabres. You can say like 'it drains energy so fast" .. as well as it delivers sagificant amount of damage in very short time, and it is an advantage, besides no-one is holding pilot to turn off 3 krakens from 7 for a dogfight. Combined it with inferno, sabres even becomes suprame cap killers... 3 sabres can kill 2 liberty LABC, and its not hypothetical.

well your toughts?"

The thing is that those guns are openly sold to their allies. Secondly you can mount 7 of those on a sabre. Having a huge advantage of lots of damage in short period of time, and at quite good accuracy (4 refire 700 m/s)

So, your toughts, perhaps you know something I overlooked or didn't mentioned here. (oh and please no "Do not touch our guns" responses, i understand they are good and you want to keep them, but in some terms they are just too good)

P.S weedalot, untill you didnt started your childish nuisense to bash me, write pm, not in this thread, thanks for understanding.

Krakens balance - Grimly - 11-23-2009

Antanas, even if you're right, the krakens should stay as they are.

The reason is at least half of the server is using mainly that krakens and will cry at you like we all did to the dev team when the bombers turned into full crap with that useless guns (look at your tizona, it's even better than your bomber guns)

PS : We all know the corsairs have the best pilots, so the outcasts need better stuff to survive.

Krakens balance - Jinx - 11-23-2009

to really review the balance, you need to look at much more than just stats....

the following points are also put into consideration when it comes to balance:

- what is the roleplay lore about corsairs? - what is the roleplay lore about the outcasts ( technology, rarity etc. )
- what ZoI do the factions naturally cover - and what enemies do they face there.
- what ships do the factions have. - are their ships possibly a counterweight to their weapons?
- what is the playerbase of the factions? - how active are they...

and there are more aspects about balance. - pure stats of a single weapon is just the tip of the iceberg.

Krakens balance - Durandal - 11-23-2009

Uhh, Jinx... what other enemies do the Outcasts have? Kusari and Liberty? The IMG? All of those weapon lines are weaker, particularly Liberty's, and outside of Kusari they don't have the most wonderfully dodgy or well armored ships in the game either.

Nerfing speed and range are the most realistic options due to them being particle guns, and this would also give people a reason to use Wyrms, even if I personally think the Kraken could benefit from a damage nerf.

Another option would be increasing energy usage, as the other ultra high damage particle weapon in the game (Black Widow) uses ridiculous amounts of it.

Edit: Damn me for making misleading typos. All fixed now.

Krakens balance - ... kur nubėgo? - 11-23-2009

Hm, at this rate I think they need to be clasified level 10. And restricted only to outcast id users. Heh, but agian there is more outcasts in ny than anyone else.

GMG are outcast enemies too. Yes I must say gmg has awsome hf. Just well I think the best from all hf's, but I doubt the guns works for it well.

Corsairs. well salamankas, yes they arent that bad. But they are much slower, and as for neutron weapon eats quite to much energy (neutron should be energy efficient). Pulses?.. wo shat. Debbies are quite the same as tizonas 750m/s ... less dmg, but well you can aim with them much easier. And the hell, if your outcast you dont need 2 debbies. krakens kills off the shield quite easily.

Vampires of IMG, well I like those guns. Low dmg energy efficient for speed. Krakens same speed, more dmg for a bit more energy drain. + shield dmg bonus.

Disinfectors.. less dmg. Speed 600 ... range 550. Energy efficient. Bah. But I think you can easily say that krakens are better.

Hogosha x Outcasts. These guys meets eachother time to time. Both guns are same type: practicle/plasma. Both shares same weaknesses and strenght vs shields. As I see now, krakens are balanced to outcast favor leaving quite a wide gap.

Krakens balance - Panzer - 11-23-2009


Krakens balance - Sprolf - 11-23-2009

Outcasts are supposedly very long lived and and quite the technological geniuses thanks to Cardamine. Or are we forgetting that little bit of lore there?

It only stands that they'd have good equipment, for being the smartest people to ever live.

And yes, that is stated explicitly in a few infocards.
The Sarissa immediately comes to mind.

I don't even see why this is under debate. They're brilliant engineers. They should have advantages over their opponents.

Krakens balance - ... kur nubėgo? - 11-23-2009

If you are caring more about rp than fairness of the game, what about if I start pirating taking everything from a trader, thats more realistic?.. or let us give Rogues wattercannons, and xenos put back to the starfliers and startrackers?

This is not an argument, becouse I can say that corsairs are best known ship builders. "BOOST our ships" becouse they should be the best in rp terms. But I dont do that. Rheinland than in rp terms should get cloacking devices, along with order. But this is not happening.

For the sake of fairness.

Krakens balance - Akura - 11-23-2009

Wyrms work fine as they are I've seen.

I never thought they are too powerful... Corsairs have an Uber-Pulse and some badass ships.

Contrasting with the rest of Sirius?

I guess you are right..

Krakens balance - Boss - 11-23-2009

Why on earth does everyone want to nerf my factions?

Used on the Sabre, which got its strafe nerfed and has a smaller powerplant than does a Titan

556/278 @ 4.00 for 126, 700m/s

Used on Titans, which are more heavily armored with a larger power core than a Sabre

530/265 @ 4.00 for 113, 600m/s

Used on a Karasu, which is a Heavy Fighter, faster than either the Titan or the Sabre, smaller powercore

226/113 @ 8.33 for 63, 750m/s

Used on Guardians, Avengers, and Liberators, all three of which are faster than a Sabre (lolwut?)

232/116 @ 8.33 for 65, 750m/s

Used on Guardians, Avengers, and Liberators, all three of which are faster than a Sabre (lolwut?)

1010/505 @ 2.00 for 195, 600m/s