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ADMIN NOTICE: "Hide CC" while reporting a violation. - Printable Version

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ADMIN NOTICE: "Hide CC" while reporting a violation. - Korrd - 06-06-2007

When you send a PM to an Admin, please don't hide the CC recipients.
That way we are aware if other Admins got the PM too and can coordinate better our actions as a whole.

For example, you report player A, for a supposed violation of rules, to Igiss, Korrd and Nightfall. CC hidden.

Korrd thinks that player A did something not too severe, and warns him not to do it again instead of fining him.
Igiss sees it too, and fines him.
Night sees it too, and 3-day bans him.

The problem there, is that due to an Admin thinking that only he got the message, leads him to act thinking the others did not get the message. Had the CC been visible, the first one to act would have warned the others of his desition.

So, when directing to multiple admins, leave the CC visible.

ADMIN NOTICE: "Hide CC" while reporting a violation. - AdmSirRed - 06-19-2007

Not sure if i can post here or not but i got a question. does this mean its acting as him being sanctioned for the same thing 3 times? not sure how that works with them all geting it. or does it mean taht each admin makes up what they deice the punishment is and that there is no set thing?

ADMIN NOTICE: "Hide CC" while reporting a violation. - JensenDied - 06-19-2007

he is saying that when the CC is hidden, the admin thinks they are the only one that got the message and them sanctions as if they do not know of the others.

with CC visible, they know the others got the message and will coordinate the sanction to AVOID stacking them.

ADMIN NOTICE: "Hide CC" while reporting a violation. - AdmSirRed - 06-19-2007

ok wasent sure if it was from being stacked or them all haveing dif opinions on how to punish people..