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Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Printable Version

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Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - reavengitair - 11-29-2009

I remember an old mod which involved something along the lines of a single planet, but no docking ring or mooring fixture. You would just click on the planet and dock on it. The docking was so much better, just flying into the planet without the silly docking ring. The docking ring causes troubles in discovery, especially with such big ships around. (although /stuck kinda cures it, although the planet still whacks you)

So, Yes? No? (small idea, but it could have quite a large impact)

YOU WILL STILL BE ABLE TO DOCK ON PLANETS. It will have the same docking effect as if there WERE docking ring there, only there won't be one.

Basically: You will dock, you will fly up to the planet, the robot thing will pop up, then you will fly into the planet.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Tomtomrawr - 11-29-2009

I don't see the docking rings and mooring fixtures as very realistic. So what, a hole in the atmosphere has been created for ships to fly through safely?

It's called a shield. As long as you have one you should be able to survive entry. I think the mod would be better with the idea of clicking the planet and then hitting dock, without all of the crap with mooring fixtures.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Irra - 11-29-2009

those things are big part of game:D, i would miss them but well if we want realism then yes, but that would mean capitals ships (bigger then planet cant dock), ships without shield and small hull left would explode on landing ... stuff like that

If we want realism

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Pingu! - 11-29-2009

Well that idea sounds great, just to fly into planet to dock. I'm sure I'd like to see that ingame

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - reavengitair - 11-29-2009

Not fly INTO the planet to dock, select the planet, hit dock, and then you will automatically fly into it. (about where the docking ring used to be)

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Taffic - 11-29-2009

I voted - NO.
Docking is a feature of the game. It may not be the most realistic aspect, but neither are small planets or smoke fumes. And anyway you can click on the planet & F3.

I think a far better docking topic would be removing speed docking as this enables instant-flee which is a bit cheaty. I do it when not in combat.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - jimmy Patterson - 11-29-2009

in perfect theory if your angle of attack is right you wont burn up at all sheilds or not the docking rings make yoyu get that AOA right i think

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Turkish - 11-29-2009

Can you tell why we have them, and the RP science behind them?

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - jimmy Patterson - 11-29-2009

again it is most lilely because of the colisions or to regulate traffic the rings most likely have scanners in them so whenever a ship enters them there cargo iff ectra is scanned to a groundside controller

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - reavengitair - 11-29-2009

Quote:Docking is a feature of the game. It may not be the most realistic aspect, but neither are small planets or smoke fumes. And anyway you can click on the planet & F3.

You can still dock on the planets >.<

It's just something I've always seen as unnecessary, and docking rings are pretty ugly anyway.