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BHG, and some naked girls - Irra - 11-29-2009

I hope that draw your attention.

I think we ( BHG) have largest member count of all factions and where the hell is everyone?

What the hell are you doing?

Do we have list?

How many of you play on your BHG chars?

30 minutes per year?

10minutes per year?

Do you know we have events?

BHG/Order events and BHG cant invite indies to it?

Indies stopped trying to get on events because of you and now we cant even fight Order with so few active ppl, you know that?

Do you know that?

Could you come at least once to that damn event?

There is always same ppl on it fighting always more Order members ... they are not guilty this time... come on ... show up once ... you are ruining fun for everyone ... half of order guys have to watch. We fight stupid small "fleet" battles with 1 BS , 2 BC thresher and 1 or 2 fighters ... come on show up @$%&$/ once.

Hell you all deserve to be kicked out.

EVENTS ARE SATURDAY 14GMT and SUNDAY 20GMT show up once god damn it.

Edit: I am thinking about leaving faction ... congratz for all active members for keeping it alive.

BHG, and some naked girls - Tommeh - 11-29-2009

I gotta completely agree with you Sead, this is a bit ridiculous, BHG| everytime barely manages to gather enough people, where are you guys?
I remember few months ago, Order was losing constantly, BHG were much better organized, more in numbers, better in pvp, we were losing badly, and now that we gained some experience with those events, BHG has big problems to gather people for event.
Dashiell is only active mako in Delta which I saw in last few weeks, come on people, Order| and BHG|fight only on events now, and even there BHG barely gets enough folks.
I am not talking about events only, there is no action in Delta. We are one jh away from each other, and we barely met on events only.

From the roster, your membership is huge, and yet, activity is reduced to almost zero.

BHG, and some naked girls - sean24 - 11-29-2009

The BHG| is very easy to join, thats why there are so many members, along with the fact that the bounty hunters are a popular sirius wide faction. The only problem is, many of those members are not active and have probably left discovery months ago, the real list of members is actually alot shorter.

I say, Athenian or one of the other guildmasters should urgently do a BHG| role call.

EDIT: and maybee make the faction harder to join. With RP quizzes and suchlike.

EDITx2: Also, being a sirius wide faction, it is very very hard to manage all the people to go to one place. Even if a BHG| group is made online, they are usually many systems appart. It is not often BHG| ships will be in close vacinity of each other so co-ordinated attacks and events are hard to manage. This is why factions based in houses are easier to manage.

EDITx3: This is why I recently left the BHG|. There is not much differance being an indie hunter so yeah, and I didn't need the extra responsibility of a tag if I wouldn't, like you said sead, go to server events.

EDITx4: Jinx also outlined some very good points about why its so hard to actually be a bounty hunter.

BHG, and some naked girls - Tovig - 11-29-2009

As <strike>an Order spai</strike> BHG| member, I agree with this. The activity of the faction is very low... Maybe, maybe we should allow indies BHG to participate at the events ?

BHG, and some naked girls - mjolnir - 11-29-2009

Well it used be that BHG had too many players and Order had not, so BHG indies weren't allowed.

If they now are I'll gladly join with some of mine.

BHG, and some naked girls - Mimic - 11-29-2009

I have constantly asked if i can help out only to be told its invite only. Hell i mightnt last long but id show up.

BHG, and some naked girls - dead_shot - 11-29-2009

I hate to say this but since Athenian took over Admin position faction begun to dissolve. We need strong hand to lead us, but Graves is not present so much any more and I feel sorry for it. We should not mix with indies because we are sacred, religious order, something like Templars. We just need to make a new roll call, many of our oldest, best RP-ing members left Disco, so we need to make new list of those who are present and involved. My chars have moved to Liberty and Taus ans that is the only reason I was not present at last few event. That and some RL issues. But one of the main reasons is that I was sick and tired with watching us getting our asses whooped because only few of us would show up. Bottom line: We need urgent roll call and start of recruitment according to the results of it.

BHG, and some naked girls - Jinx - 11-29-2009

quite frankly -

BHG is no fun at all anymore. - look at the recent "ban blanket bounties" thread - you see how people are still bashing on it.

i have tried to revive the kusari bounty board for the BHG a little. - but if you really want to be a bounty hunter ... discovery puts too many stones in your way.

i have attempted to collect some 12 or 15 bounties in the last months - out of those 12-15 ... i was yelled at ... well.... 12-15 times by the target claiming that he has no bounty placed on him.

now you might say "know the bounties and you re safe" - but things are not THAT easy.

- if he is telling a lie... i m good
- if he tells the truth, i can get sanctioned ( sanction = ooc, non RP and bad for the reputation in any way )

do i know all the active bounties? - hell no... not a single person knows them. - do i write down hundreds of names and create an exell tab to quickly see if the target that is probably about to open fire on me is on the list? - no, its a game... i don t do work to play the game.

in short. - actual bounty hunting is hardly fun. - the number of bounty hunters went down. - most active players are rather core players that have a simpler life, cause they can actually shoot pirates.

i still got my char - but i haven t spent more than like 30 min / week on it anymore. - for me, the BHG faction is sort of ruined. ( with bhg faction - i mean the actual seeking out a target and hunting it down )

oh, and the way too easy name-change ruined the bounty hunting, too - big time ( even if its a realistic way ) - but when i compare it to the life of my pirate(s) - i gotto say that a pirate can have a hell lot of casual fun... RPing and pvping... a bhg - can not.

about the forum bounties.. - i cannot even assist another player / trader that is attacked, even if he tells me in system chat that he pays me. - i could get sanctioned ( or at least warned ) if he simply forgets to put a bounty up.

so - if he forgets it - and the pirate is mad at me, he can report it as pvp-whoring. - and if i don t "play" disco-freelancer taking screenshots non stop cause i m paranoid, i would t have any counter evidence.

BHG, and some naked girls - jxie93 - 11-30-2009

Dammit you people stop making suggestive thread titles!

BHG is failing as a faction, don't ask me why because I've only interacted with a few members. They are losing members everyday, of those who remain, many of them don't even want to RP.

You need a leader, one who can point you to your goals, not only fighting Order.

In my opinion there needs to be fewer restrictions on the BHG, and likewise on the factions that are spammed so much. (you know which ones i'm talking about)

BHG, and some naked girls - dead_shot - 11-30-2009

Also everything that Jinx said /signed bit time!