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Weekend event: New pilot training. - Printable Version

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Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-02-2009

Weekly event, Saturday
Pennsylvania system, Bethleham station.

Essentially, the goal of this is to teach rookie pilots the basics of mining, trading, and basic skills that any pilot will need to know.

This is NOT a handout event, rather we help them help themselves.

For the mining/trading portion of the event, any experienced traders will be expected to haul cargo mined by the rookies, the proceeds will then be split evenly amongst them.


A few moderate sized cargo vessels
Escort vessels

Past that, anyone who wishes to join may do so.

This post shall be updated when the host is online. I will be on the characthers Kashiwaba_Tomoe or Enola.Gay depending on my mood and will invite into group anyone who wishes to praticipate, and the event will be advertised in system as well.

NEXT EVENT: Sat Dec 12th, 2000hrs SMT, 3PM EST.

Weekend event: New pilot training. - n00bl3t - 12-02-2009

5:00, Sunday morning. Lovely.

How long does the event go for?

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-02-2009

Well, I intend to play for a few hours at least (knowing myself, I'll proably be on the better part of the day). Of course, other players should be encouraged to do the same.

Basicly, visit Penn/NY (other nearby systems if you see a number of low leveld players) and broadcast in system a message such as 'New pilot training is currently avalible, meet at X location to join the group for training.'

Basicly we'll teach them the basics, navigation, basic commands such as sending group invites, basic mining/trading, using the comms menu to see whose on and were, and other basic skills. Part of the event will probably move to Connecticut for combat instruction as well.

Current plan is to repeat various actions in a loop, teaching new comers as they get on, and reinforcing the lessons for new players, if enough instructors (IE: people thatve been around a little while and know how to play disco) are present, it'll likley split into several groups to teach folks what they want to learn or are observed to need further instruction in.

If a few pirates were to join, it'd be expected that their goal would not be to actualy succed but rather to assist in presenting realistic piracy scenarios, and allow the new players the opprotunity to learn how to deal with that as well.

While we will of course mostly keep this in RP, it would be appreciated if hostile factions played nice with eachother if members of such factions joined the event.

Current planned curriculum, in semi planned order: (If I forgot something, suggest it)
--Basic items
-Basic commands. invites, comms commands (/r /t /g /s etc etc). To be taught thruout the course.
-Basic navigation and piloting: trainiees wait at designated location, instructor goes somewere else in system, trainees travel there as fast as possible. Sometimes it'll involve the lanes, sometimes it'll be faster to NOT take the lanes, up to them to learn to determine which is better. Find mining locations. Use patrol route info to locate JHs.
-Basic mining/trading.: Trading vessels that are present will sit still and tractor in helium and later silver as the rookies mine it, then we will travel in convoy to sell it, and it will be divvied up among the new players afterwards. Im thinking we'll start with insystem mining in Penn, then do a silver ore run to New Tokyo to get the newer players a decent cash base to start with. After the in system mining, plan will be to help them set up one a light mining vessel in penn, then move to silver mining, and do a run with that, once again to give the newer players a little more cash that they earned. Goal is to HELP them work for it, not to just give them a handout. We proably wont travel with a full load to keep it from taking too long.
After that, return to Liberty, get them to map NY by docking at each base, then teach them to locate profitable traderoutes in system on their own, at which point the group will engage in in-system trade a slight ammount.
-Convoy Travel. Use of formation. Group use of tradelanes. These will be taught and reinforced over the course of the instruction as we travel. Trainees will take turns scouting, escorting, and hauling as a member of a 'convoy'. There will likley (depending on player turnout) be simulated pirate attacks as well, with the point being to teach them how to react properly, how to transfer cash, and generaly teach them dicipline during group movement.
-Combat Training. Once we enter connecticut, we will teach them the basics, using EX, dogfighting, etc etc. Beforehand assistance in selecting a weapons loadout will be provided, explination of what does what, etc etc.

Past that, generaly have fun with new players. I expect a mix of starfleas and smaller freighters/fighters to join up to receive training

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Cris - 12-02-2009

Be sure to teach them the /restart thingy thats very important; If im logged I will go help or see or whatever

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-05-2009

Event is now about six hours away.

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Alex. - 12-05-2009

' Wrote:Pennsylvania system, Bethesda station.
Base doesn't exist AFAIK. Where is it?

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-05-2009

Oops meant bethleham

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-05-2009

20minuts til event start, I am outsite bethleham now on Enola.Gay

quick edit: Im Going to be popping between Penn/NY giving notice of the event, in characther of course, to make sure people know. 5 or so mils before I'll return

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-05-2009

1st event concluded. Not many showed up, but a few did.

Next event Sat Dec 12th

Weekend event: New pilot training. - Silver.2 - 12-05-2009

Thank you for this, it was quite something.

Expect me to be a regular instructor in future events.

Best wishes
