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mission money - Sigil - 06-10-2007

Hi there. I've been playing this great mod quite a bit the last few days in single player and I was wondering if someone could give me a little input on mission money.

I'm currently at max level after spending what seemed like an eternity trading in a freighter to make enough coin to buy a viper, which I've now done. (beautiful ship) So I've been hunting around for a while now to find a good place to earn some money fighting, so I can try out the multitude of new ships. I checked out the missions on Crete and was pleased to see that the missions were over 200 k each. So I grabbed a random kill ships one and headed out.

I get to the waypoint and killed the first batch and head to the second waypoint where I find 3 gunboats waiting for me. "neat" I think to myself. That is, until I discovered that gunboats are now pretty much unbeatable in a fighter in this mod. I don't think I could take down one, much less three of them.

So my main question is, where would a good place to go to take missions that pay out a good amount, but don't have any gunboats in them? I've been flying around quite a bit checking out the mission amounts and I seem to be stuck with around 50-60 k per mission (and with a difficulty of about 20 or so), which would take quite a while to build up enough coin to try out some of the new nifty ships.

Thanks a lot for any info.

mission money - caylith - 06-10-2007

Eek, Sigil. I understand where you're coming from. There is really no rhyme or reason to when gunboats or destroyers pop upi for a mission. I've taken 500,000 K missions with no destroyers showing up. Then again, a 150,000k mission will have 5 destroyers. These missions were in Alpha and Gamma if you want to head out that way and see what you do out there.

If you don't want to take kill ships missions and you feel you could only handle one GB or destroyer...take the assasinate missions, the tractor/destroy loot missions. But, there is no way to tell when or where the big ships will show up.

Good luck out there and have fun, hope this was somewhat helpful. If you don't want to try it on your own is SP, come on down to the Disco server and we'll take the missions together. I'll even give you my half of the mission money. :D


mission money - Sigil - 06-10-2007

Thanks for the reply Caylith.

That's disappointing to hear about even 150,000 missions having gunboats. It's just too overwhelming for me to try and take 3 gunboats at the same time. It's entirely possible that I'm just not good enought to do so, but the amount of damage I did to even one of the three in the short span I survived leads me to believe that it would be one step away from impossible.

I'll give it a go a few more times, but if it continues to happen then I guess I'll have to put the mod away. Reloading repeatedly because of impossible odds is not my idea of a mod that is balanced for both single player and MP.

Thanks again for the quick reply!

mission money - caylith - 06-10-2007

It's not that you're not good enough or that the mod is unbalanced. It all depends on your gun set up, your dodging, your armor, your shield, if you target their guns/missiles, etc. One thing is....don't give up on it. It's so worth it when you finally blow up the gunboat and you get that money.

This is the best mod out there, it's worth the time and effort you put into it. :) Again, my offer still stands about coming and making a char to take missions to make money. I'll show you it can be done, hell, I'll even give you the guns and money to do it with.

mission money - Tortured_Soul - 06-10-2007

I agree with you, sometimes, the money you get just seems out of sync with the work you put in. $100,000 for a Squadron kill mission of about 15-18 NPC with no back-up (Freeport 2 vs. Unioners) seems really odd.

But then again you could argue that that's life, I work like a devil and get paid a pittance so at least in that respect it's realistic.

mission money - Spacewolf - 06-10-2007

worst for me was in minor 25k mission 6 destroyers then it told me to go some where else to fight another 6. This was while i was in a nef all i can say is thank god for novas.

mission money - Razr - 06-10-2007

actually a fighter can defeat NPC capships easily enough just buy some torpedos and start sub targeting turrets after you cripple one go to the next.

mission money - Dab - 06-10-2007

GBs in missions ARE able to be killed, but you have to have alot of damage from weaponry. If you buy a Nova, it gets fairly easy. If you have 4 level 9s or 10s that aren't Del Cids, than you can damage them. Just takes longer than fighter-killing missions, because you have to dodge alot. Good thing is, there is no shields, so even the littlest damage adds up.

mission money - Sigil - 06-10-2007

' Wrote:GBs in missions ARE able to be killed, but you have to have alot of damage from weaponry. If you buy a Nova, it gets fairly easy. If you have 4 level 9s or 10s that aren't Del Cids, than you can damage them. Just takes longer than fighter-killing missions, because you have to dodge alot. Good thing is, there is no shields, so even the littlest damage adds up.

Hmm. Is Nova a type of torpedo? I ended up allied with the Outcasts and I'm trying to do some missions out of Malta. The only torpedoes they have there are starkillers.

I just got finished trying another mission. 3 gunboats and 3 fighters at the same time. Even when I concentrated solely on dodging I only lasted about 20 seconds.

mission money - Exile - 06-10-2007

' Wrote:GBs in missions ARE able to be killed,

like hell they are, Hu templar:laugh:

annyway, good missions, no gunboats :Omicron beta, ruiz. above 500k jobs with no caps if i recall right.

And watch out for the lvl 35'ers!! their the feared cap jobs most of the time...
