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Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - Printable Version

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Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - Lump Lorry - 12-03-2009

1) I don't know if it's in the plans, or if it has alredy been done and I had not be able to find it... but...

- It could be usefull to have in the wiki some info on the limitation to kind weapons and other equipement awailabe to the carriers of different IDs. It might be linked to each ID and official faction.

2) Regarding the "Planetform ID". The wiky says that

"Can lawfully transport alien organisms and Gaian wildlife"

while the infocard states that carring alien organism is legal only if lawfully allowed. Still it does not explicitly say that Planetform ID users can do it or, at least, it say it in a bit confusing way.

So either the infocard is not very clear or it's not true that Planetform ID allows to carry alien and gaian.

Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - Canadianguy - 12-03-2009

' Wrote:1) I don't know if it's in the plans, or if it has alredy been done and I had not be able to find it... but...

- It could be usefull to have in the wiki some info on the limitation to kind weapons and other equipement awailabe to the carriers of different IDs. It might be linked to each ID and official faction.

2) Regarding the "Planetform ID". The wiky says that

"Can lawfully transport alien organisms and Gaian wildlife"

while the infocard states that carring alien organism is legal only if lawfully allowed. Still it does not explicitly say that Planetform ID users can do it or, at least, it say it in a bit confusing way.

So either the infocard is not very clear or it's not true that Planetform ID allows to carry alien and gaian.
1) Might be a good idea to put that somewhere, I will send a link to here on the wiki skype chat.

2)<strike> This issue should be brought to the devs, CShake's script just use the actual infocard of the ID so what is written in-game on the ID is what will show up in the wiki.</strike>

Edit: Well, it look like it was out of date, thank for pointing out.

Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - cshake - 12-03-2009

#1 - interesting. We're currently putting categories on each of the ships for their owners (which is a step in that direction).
The weapon lists include the owning faction, so for now you can quickly check for your allies on that list and use their stuff. This sort of thing also changes with faction diplomacy and RP, so keeping a list like that on the wiki could be problematic for those of us who aren't in all the factions, and would require much more participation from forum users to keep it updated.

#2 - The ID that you mention on the wiki was outdated, and has been updated now. You can tell by the category on the bottom of the page, it will say what version of the mod the page is for.

I haven't gone through yet again and updated all the IDs for the latest version of the mod (4.85 update 2), because believe it or not I don't have infinite time on my hands.
However, I did write a wiki code generator that will always be up to date (within a few days of new mod releases), letting anyone who sees a problem fix it themselves! If you look on the left side of every page, there is a link to "Wiki Code Generator". Click that, then follow the various links, and update the pages with the pre-made code. Please add links and keep any existing reviews or extra stuff though.

Please, I wrote that thing so I wouldn't have to do all the updating of those categories myself, and so people wouldn't have the excuse that it would take too long to find the data. Can other people actually use it? I'm getting tired of having to do all the updating myself.:)

Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - Lump Lorry - 12-03-2009

' Wrote:Please, I wrote that thing so I wouldn't have to do all the updating of those categories myself, and so people wouldn't have the excuse that it would take too long to find the data. Can other people actually use it? I'm getting tired of having to do all the updating myself.:)

Thank for the answers. I can immagine how much work is to keep things updated... a huge one, so thanks for your work. Before posting I tried to modify the ID myself but I always got a reply like "you are not e-mail confirmed" even when I was just trying to read the discussion linked to a certain page. Hence I decided to post, hope my post have been usefull in any way.

Thanks again for your hard work,
Hope to see ya in space.

Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - cshake - 12-04-2009

' Wrote:Before posting I tried to modify the ID myself but I always got a reply like "you are not e-mail confirmed" even when I was just trying to read the discussion linked to a certain page. Hence I decided to post, hope my post have been usefull in any way.

I do thank you for trying! Igiss set up the wiki to only allow registered users to edit pages, so that message is basically telling you to register an account and click a link in the confirmation email. This makes it easier to keep track of who changes things (and an additional layer of protection against spam bots).

And your post is useful, don't worry. The wiki is meant to help both experienced players look things up when they're not playing, and to help new players start out. Somehow listing what weapons can be used in-RP for specific ID holders would very much help new players, it's just a challenge of how to do it and keep it updated. What I'm doing right now may be a step in this direction, I'm creating individual weapon pages that include selling locations, the infocard, and puts them in categories depending on the owning faction. At this point I've gone through and done all the bomber weapons, missiles, and Battleship turrets, if you want to look at those and see if you've got suggestions.

Contrary to the mood that might have been conveyed by my reply and the thread I started I'm not mad, I just sorta realized how big of a job it is keep some thousand pages updated. I put a bunch of time in and updated everything that changed within 2 weeks of 4.85 update 1 came out, then just as I was about to finish the next update came out, changing everything I'd just fixed (commodities, IDs, some weapons). If anything I can only complain that the devs are fixing things too quickly! (which isn't bad by any means)

Tech chart on the wiki / Planetfrom ID - Lump Lorry - 12-08-2009

' Wrote:I do thank you for trying! Igiss set up the wiki to only allow registered users to edit pages, so that message is basically telling you to register an account and click a link in the confirmation email. This makes it easier to keep track of who changes things (and an additional layer of protection against spam bots).

And your post is useful, don't worry. The wiki is meant to help both experienced players look things up when they're not playing, and to help new players start out. Somehow listing what weapons can be used in-RP for specific ID holders would very much help new players, it's just a challenge of how to do it and keep it updated. What I'm doing right now may be a step in this direction, I'm creating individual weapon pages that include selling locations, the infocard, and puts them in categories depending on the owning faction. At this point I've gone through and done all the bomber weapons, missiles, and Battleship turrets, if you want to look at those and see if you've got suggestions.
Contrary to the mood that might have been conveyed by my reply and the thread I started I'm not mad, I just sorta realized how big of a job it is keep some thousand pages updated. I put a bunch of time in and updated everything that changed within 2 weeks of 4.85 update 1 came out, then just as I was about to finish the next update came out, changing everything I'd just fixed (commodities, IDs, some weapons). If anything I can only complain that the devs are fixing things too quickly! (which isn't bad by any means)

Thanks for the reply. I got the information I needed. I was also thinking that it could be usefull a glossary page but... I think it's better to star a new topic.