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I See Cloaks - Eppy - 06-12-2007

I just stopped by TLR for the first time in a month, and I find a Crossfire advertisement talking about, among other things, their new...

[color=#FF0000]CLOAKING DEVICE (dun dun dunnnn)

My question is-


When did they get a balanced cloak to work? I, personally, find the cloaking device wasteful so no talk of putting it in, even if it weren't Swat-0pr8r's. Who, What, Where, When, Why? I'd check it out myself, but my machine is currently in possesion of my parents , so I'm out.

I See Cloaks - BestFlyerHere - 06-12-2007

It works, it's just a really cheap way to play. I personally thought it would be fine, if they put restrictions on it. Like you can be detected when you open fire, or say something, or come within 1000m of a target. Or it could replace your shield, or something. Anything to give you a weakness. I'd be great for reconnaissance.

I See Cloaks - Panzer - 06-12-2007

Yes, but there's 1 little problem

No matter how well and balanced this cloak might be, the system in which the scout is will always be displayed on the chat list. (unless this has been thought of too in this mod)

Personally, I'd like to have the ability to poke around undetected. Scouting, mapping...

I See Cloaks - Archelon - 06-13-2007

Cloaks, if they existed, should not be available for freighters/traders. Best use for cloaks would be for HF and VHF ships. Also, any use of cloaks should drain energy (from guns/shields) and once energy is drained, you'd reappear until your energy was back to full and you could re-cloak. This would give a potential target some time to react to an uncloaking ship.

I See Cloaks - Panzer - 06-13-2007


However power-draining needs a weapon and "firing" it constantly. That would mean keeping the mouse buton presses all the time.

And imo, perhaps the cloak could be unbuyable as a separate piece of equipment, but fixed with a ship (like the spyglas scanner). Would be a perfect job for the newly-added arrow interceptor.

I See Cloaks - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-13-2007

Come on guys ... Cloaking ? Flying around not being able to see each other. Mmm, lots of fun in that.
Especially when everyone has one. And for those who can't afford it ? Even more fun ... Not.
I see it as a sort of cheat really, and Disco don't need it.


I See Cloaks - Zyreal - 06-13-2007

I'd really like us to give it a shot, maybe play with some balance issues, see what could be done, and if at the end of it, if it's unbalanced, get rid of it.

I See Cloaks - Craines - 06-13-2007

As Epyon said, he doesn't want cloaking devices. If people start suggesting that we should, well, you can go make another post. I do not mean to be mean, but I refuse to let the OP get flamed because people don't care to read his original post.

Therefore, please, understand that Epyon did not endorse the application of cloaking devices, and that people who do should create a separate thread for the purposes of indeed attempting to make Igiss change his mind about something as important as cloaking devices.


I See Cloaks - Victor - 06-13-2007

Hmmm... if cloaking were to be created, I think it should be VERY expensive and have a ENORMOUS power usage, enabling the effect off not using your weapons while its active (just incase someone thought of fighting undetected).

It would be great for exploring though...

I See Cloaks - Eppy - 06-13-2007

I think the Admins have made it clear:


And I, for one, wholeheartedly agree with them. It takes all the fun out of it. I mean, even in Starlancer, at least you could SEE the Basilisk and shoot it manually. MAYBE, MAYBE, as a fixed piece on the Arrow, but NO MORE.

Additionally, can the Spyglass scanner be mounted on other ships? It's an incredible waste of money, and my machine's gone, but I thought somebody might have tried it before...