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Jupiter Guild - Printable Version

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Jupiter Guild - Mastery - 06-14-2007

This is to expand the post in the 'Discovery Factions' topic, as it was only an overview(which is what the topic is for) and didn't really tell you that much about the clan.

Getting the obvious out of the way, we`re called the Jupiter Guild, tag [\JG/], often just called JG or jg ingame or on forums(which is fine ofcourse). Speaking of forums ours are JG Forums

A little history, the past is a little hazy for us. The tag was created a few years ago, the leader called himself Jupiter, however due to his temper he had a difference of opinion with a member of the server police, he disbanded the JG and left freelancer altogether.

Then about 11 months ago, I started playing on that server, a month after that I meet Daishi, who had just created a Mercenary clan called Wild Cards, we became friends and I joined (a couple of other people joined but only one was to stay active). A few days later I was flying about in tag when a person named [\JG/]skysurfer logged on, I didn't pay much attention; people log in and out all the time. It was with mild surprise with which I recieved his PM, it turned out he was an old friend of Daishi's and recognised the tag, he asked after Daishi. It was a week or two until all three of us managed to get on at the same time. Sky had assumed ownership of the JG tag and had managed to get a few members from another dying clan who wanted some activity. The topic of a merge between the JG and WC came up and numerous tags came up, I suggested [/JGWC\], to go with the [/JGMF\](military force)(the [\JG/] was for leaders). It happened, Daishi and myself were placed 2nd and 3rd in rank respectively and we retagged. Basilisk was the military leader.

We were working on merging another two clans with us, ultimately neither did but an unexpected merge happened with another clan, the FTF(free trade federation) who became [/JGTF\], its leader was Dalilama. We claimed New Tokyo and did dozens of escorts for traders. Helping new players and traders we came under many attacks from pirates but it was all good, we were uncaring as only mercs can be and our not-quite lawful status suited us perfectly.

Time passed, as we had failed to wither and die within the first week we gradually gained more members and I abolished the different tags and everyone united under [\JG/] with the previous leaders/generals forming a sort of quasi-council. I created the 5 ranks and ranks members accordingly. Skysurfer didn't have as much time for freelancer anymore and stepped down from leadership position, he is still regarded as the founder of the 2nd JG and passed the tag-ownership to Dalilama. Dalilama's first act was to make the JG ruled by a Council and thus the Level 5 rank officially became the ruling body. Around the same time a possible merge with a trading clan we had good relations with, the IC came up. We ended up not merging however a few of their members joined us and its Leader, Roadrunner became our Trade Wing commander(and still is) and joined as a Level 5. A disagreement with the political stance of the clan prompted him to step down from the Council and Shimmer was promoted to level 5. The current council is Myself, Daishi, Dalilama, Basilisk and Shimmer.

[\JG/]Pixie can be credited with the scouting out of Discovery and did most of the ground work in setting up a JG branch there. More members eventually joined and recently we have had some new members join from the server. We had to pick an ID for the clan so we picked Mercs, its the usual answer if you ask a JG what they are-"merc" and the ID`s allowances seemed good. We needed a faction aswell so we decided on Zoners as a neutral one. The reluctance to fully pick a certain side(military/pirate etc) stems from the dislike of restricting our options of ships and weapons, currently we keep our members informed that certain things just wouldn't be good RP for us. If we get unusual ships or anything we`ll try and make a suitable RP story for it. Another problem with IDs/Factions is the eternal question "what is the JG?", sure we had our roots in merc work, and a merc wing but we also do a lot of other stuff. The best answer I can give is that the JG is the sum of its members. We are liberal and all our members can post ideas and comment on the actions of the clan on our forums.

Right... well that turned out to be slightly more than a 'little history' but oh well.

So what are we doing atm on discovery?
Currently, setting up ships and members, exploring, trading and creating relations with other players. If your a terrorist or pirate you might get shot, the amount of times we`ve been attacked by pirates in the past has lead to a rather volitile response from most of our members. Some members my also exercise their right to scan for contraband.

We are liberal in our recruitment aswell, pretty much filling in the form(a recent addition) on our forums application board and you`ll almost certainly be accepted. Your given a transport, after a few runs you can buy yourself a Train whereupon you will be bought a fighter. Once your promoted from Level One to Two you will be bought a large train. After that you can have any other ship you can afford(within RP) and check out our stores for weapons.

Regardless of whether your joining not everyones welcome to come post on Our Forums, ask questions(on here also) or just say hello. We have a spam board O_o (and cookies).

This sentence will now bring an abrupt end to the post.


Jupiter Guild - pipsqueak - 06-14-2007

Hello let me introduce myself :$,

I am [\JG/]Pixie, the guy Mastery is referring to in the previous post. I am a lvl 4 Diplomat/Trader for the faction. Discovery is the end result of a search for a Suitable server that has a feel of being an extension to the vanilla.

I have been with Jupiter Guild for close to a year now. Though we are a clan, we have slowly evolved more into a group of online friends that enjoy the co-op gameplay. Since we truly represent the global village, from Australia to USA and alot in between, you may find us flying at any time during a twenty four hour period.

Joining JG is not an issue as we always welcome new friends but please be considerate and thoughtful before you post an application with us. See what we are and what we are all about, first. DO NOT use us just to get a better ship and guns. If you do change your mind, please return the money and the goods you received from us. We are still relatively new on Discovery and are trying to keep a tighter grip on the funds we are generating.

If you need any help or assistance during gameplay for the following.
1. Battle assistance against Players.
2. Escorting (Any kind of ship// for other kind of escort (Wife/GF) info read number 4).
3. Mission assistance. (automatic payout so we will not bother you for money, just invite us in your group)
4. Baby sitting your pet monkey/Kids/Dogs/Wife(s)/Girlfirend(s).
....(No guy babysitting service available yet but we are working on getting a few female members for that)
5. Assasination
6. Annoy the heck out of people by talking to them nonstop (1000 credits per minute).
7. PvP practice
The following are free of charge but gratuity is accepted
8. Setting up diplomatic talks
9. Money transfers
10. System and game Information (To stay with the wishes of Igliss, we may not provide non-vanilla info)
etc. etc.

Last but not least I have to say I love the RP community on Disco and I will try my best to make sure your RP experience is pleasent one.

Jupiter Guild - Kira1997 - 06-14-2007


Aye, welcome to the sector:)For it shall be a pleasure meeting within the Void. I have met a few of ya and found you truly inspiriing and look forward to many more meetings, boohahaha........

Cathartic's master


Jupiter Guild - pipsqueak - 06-15-2007

Ah the honorable cathartic,

you are lucky to have such a clansman in your midst. One of the few pilots who refused to use batteries and nanobots in a PvP against me.

Jupiter Guild - Shimmer - 06-16-2007

I'm not going to say too much here, but I'd like to thank the Discovery community for making our transition to this server an easy and enjoyable one.

If you wish to know more about my in game character, please refer to this post..

Pixie has been writing a story about a lot of members in our clan, and some more RP clan history. I recommend it to all, despite its length ^^

Anyway, I guess I'll see you all in game!

Jupiter Guild - pipsqueak - 06-16-2007

Themain JG story is a decent read.
Please do not post a reply to it in that link as it would become difficult to read. They is a separate link to post comments about it.
Comments go here:

Please remember, I am not a professional writer and I am trying my best to keep it interesting.

Thanks :unsure:

Jupiter Guild - Shimmer - 06-17-2007

' Wrote:Please remember, I am not a professional writer and I am trying my best to keep it interesting.

You're doing pretty darn well:)

Jupiter Guild - pipsqueak - 03-24-2009

OK I believe this needs an update.....

1. First of all, We are Unofficial now

What does that mean. JG members will not be treated as a faction. We are all individuals so if you have a problem with JG Rakghoul, you talk to JG Rakghoul only.

Well I am asuming you will have to scan us. Almost all of us will have a tag that allows us to roam around in a LAWFUL/UNLAWFUL space. Most probably a merc and a freelancer. We will not go beyond the RP requirements and Igliss's vision so expect us to follow Disco rules regarding rp.

We will follow strict merc guidelines. I would wish that JG core members atleast stick to the CTE lines (Eagle) and Borderworld lines, but we will not dictate them on this matter. Nothing bigger than a GB. Nothing Bigger than a 3600 cargo transport. Also if you fly a wierd ship, you better have a rp and rep with that faction to go with it.

The only was you can be assured of our trust is if you hire us. JG tagged ships will not betray their employers.
We are here to make this game fun for you and us so please keep that in mind. Dont expect us to attack lkocal houses in their territories (not a rule but it doesnt make sense that JG will mess their rep with local houses just for a lil money). Trust me, we can still do a lot more than you think.

If you need any help or assistance during gameplay for the following contact us.

1. Battle assistance against Players.
2. Escorting (Any kind of ship// for other kind of escort (yes we will escort "baddies" by providing recon etc etc)
3. Any kind of work.....
You can also see the merc ID ingame to see what you can use us for.

Last but not least.... we are still here and desperately need your assistance in moving JG in the right direction.
Please help us by hiring us and providing us activity.

Any mercs and freelancers who do not like the confinements of a faction but do like to fly in a faction, drop us a line on
1. You could get assistance in a tight situation.
2. Basic Training in PVP.
3. JG does have a decent rep as escorts and traders may hire you more.
(FYI if you betray your employer and they complain and its confirmed, we expect you to drop your JG tag)

Any way this is all for now....

PEACE and stay safe out there

Jupiter Guild - Slavik - 03-25-2009

As The blue lad above me has said... We are still alive and here... not as active as we would want to be but alive.

If anyone needs me they can call me via the normal ways and I'll see if I can get some time for them